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Posts posted by MisterBlitzkrieg

  1. The brain rot of the LOTC community finds new ways to impress me every time. "YES!!! Let's find ways to make the server more boring so that I, the objectively main character of this pixel game, can romance rp with my 16-year-old elven waifu in peace!!!!!". Holy shit y'all are pathetic goddamn. If you really want warnings before a raid shows up, put actual players in watchtowers or outposts to act as scouts. Use actual players to patrol your lands and roads so that you have a better chance of spotting raids or bandit parties before they descend upon people. Ring your bells. 


    As kazoo said, THE ONLY people that want these kinds of systems are settlements and nations that are either too weak, have an ego bigger than Icarus, and cocky places that need ways to validate their "big and strong great power" rp while in reality, they aren't really a great power since they cant even deal with a bandit group of five people without a warning before hand LOL. 


    Then there's the fact that this warning will just kill conflict roleplay. People will log off after the notice has been given or close to when the raiders are allowed to roll up and raid. If not then it will just lead to banditry/raiding being a viable form of roleplay anymore since nations and settlements will make sure to rally before, maybe even bringing in other nations not related to the raid just so they can tip the scale of power and all get clicks. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Burnsider said:

    Other CAs [+1 to a single Statistic of their choice] represent the gamut of all playable races in Lord of the Craft. As they lack the innate blessings of the soul of a descendant race, they only receive one innate bonus. However, to recognize the sheer diversity between them, they may choose which Statistic to increase.

    Love the system that you made buff but this doesnt really work when you consider there are CA's that are stronger than orcs even such as Ologs (who are also orcs more or less). If we used your system here then a Olog would be weaker than a orc when it should be the other way around since the olog only gets a +1 in one attribute.


    Maybe detailing the buffs of some of the main CAs would be benificial?

  3. Doesn't really matter if you d40 or just ss out in my opinion. If your character dies and looting takes place, then the looter will only take what is valuable which leaves you with whatever stuff they didn't want. Most of the time they will just loot PVP gear, and materials to create pvp gear. Wait oops I meant MRP gear. Maybe an artifact or two if you haven't gotten them soulbound. Personally though I think you need to be a greedy goblin when it comes to looting which is why I'd rather let them ss out but if they are stalling and I worry that they are doing so to get guards or whatever to show up, then they are d40'ing or I am popping them for them. 

  4. "Mans be makin a PEAK peng ting wif dis shiet ye ye." Acolyte sev Arsen commented "Mandem bettah make sure no one is proppah vexxed wif dah bigger boss Germanicus n' dah BIG MAN!" sev Arsen signed the lorraine before pointing up into the sky and handing the missive to his rivian brothers.

  5. 17 hours ago, ThumperJack said:

    The server is on a downward slope toward becoming the premier of something else entirely and not something of a good connotation. Roleplay certainly being a very distant part of it. I would not honestly call us a "premier roleplay server" at this current moment. Why?


    For several months now, the roleplay community of the server (Yes, I define it as a separate community) has asked for changes and stated their distrust and discomfort with many parts of the server with feedback that was dismissive, insulting, or not received at all. Simply look at the most recent moderation poll and feedback post regarding bad faith roleplay. The comments made by PVPers and by our own moderation in these instances and dozens of others clearly show the sort of hands we're expected to put our safety and comfort in when issues arise. How are we supposed to feel safe on the server when our own moderation admin dismisses our concerns on a poll that he made? Or when moderators insult or even ban players for simply asking questions?


    Another example being the highly disputed raid tools that were pushed against during their testing period. They were pushed out without actual guidelines for their usage or any means for groups to defend against them. They were and are a free ticket to a PVP kick and disruption of roleplay. This was expressed by many during their testing and even afterward, only to be surprised with their implementation after our builds were completed. No warning, no means to defend ourselves. They need to be removed.


    I've played on the server for years now and it has never quite gotten to be this terrible of an experience. People should not feel uncomfortable or unsafe to log onto the server. There is a lot that needs to change.

    Yes I agree to you saying that  there should be guidelines to how the newly implemented siege ladders and siege engines should be created and I hope that the admins are already working hard on that. I cant really say how broken they are since I myself havent seen or witnessed them being used thus far but if they are as broken as you say then yeah, guidelines are 100% needed. 

    I understand people not wanting to get bandited because they can lose abunch of items and whatnot, even getting in the way of their rp and story but if it goes to the point where people are so uncomfortable and don't feel safe to log on just because they do not want to be bandited then honestly this aint the server for you. Go play highschool roleplay servers where there is no pvp, wait sorry I meant MRP.


    It's fair game in my opinion. You can bandit and get bandited. Everyone is equal in opportunities. Although that doesn't mean the people banditing have to be an ass to the person getting bandited you know? 


    17 hours ago, Telanir said:


    How do we balance this with red-tape? Giving notice…is that RP-friendly, or dynamic…or even interesting? And, suppose we do remove ladders, then the problem of perma-locked settlements returns—gates down, 24/7.

    Raid notices/warnings SHOULD NOT be implemented UNLESS siege weaponry is involved or the raid is over a certain amount. If we add notices for every raid, no matter how small then it will just ruin raids since it's supposed to be quick and sudden, out of nowhere for those that are being raided.  If you add raid notices for the minimum amount of players for a raid then it will lead to either a massive rally of guards/magic users et cetera to counter the raid and make it impossible, close the gates or everyone just logs off. 

  6. The only problem I have with CRP is the honor version. It's boring and can be abused because it will sooner or later just devolve into a test to see who can waste the other's time the most and eventually have them just start allowing hits and eventually get their character killed because they got more important shit to do with their time. Rolls are more dynamic and actually provide a somewhat good basis for damage and the success of your attacks and stuff but the only problem is that you need to pray to RGN-Jesus for good rolls. If CRP had some form of health or hit system through rolls then it would be much more beneficial. Some races have more hitpoints and some less hitpoints. Some MA's/FA's can give or reduce health etc etc. 

    Some people might remember the duel between Eddywilson and Mio during the petran civil war and that was the first time I saw such a crp fight take place. It was actually fun to watch because of the high stakes and generally the unpredictability of the rolls. Both had an agreed amount of hits they could take before they got killed and they had to roll for damage and stuff. I dont remember the specifics but something similar might be something worth considering. 

  7. Blud heard tat many bruvs don' understand wut Boss man fedor spittin, ye? So blud tinkin, "Blud s'ould translate ye, so manem can understand wut dah boss spittin ye? Put it in fresh lingo ye."



    2nd of the Chilly stones, 1936




    Today, me mandem been shown proppah wasteman behaviah by me cuz in dah jungle. Me manem pulled up in Portoregne for a impor'ant mee'in n' dah d***'eads but when mandem spit wiff dah cuz, mans started spittin bare bait. T'reathenin mandem n' callin me fam proppah Vilac fakers. Dah balian muppets lucky blud's manden didn't 'and out dah good ol' skrrrrr brap brap to mans becuz we straight chillin ye. Bluds fams in dah past wasn' straight chillin like blud ye.


    Since blud's cuz, casimir, is bare mental blud is gonna spit straight facts in mans face, ye? All dah kids from dah OG Martius are proppah vilacs ye n' mans sayin we fakers is mental. Mans bare bookey for spittin dat. Since bluds fam shares dah blood of dah OG Martius we dah real deal ye man. 


    Dah OG Leonid, bossin around a gang of bruvs,  tought dah fam to give blud's  haters a second chance. Becuzz of Leonid, Blud is givin dah balian cuzs a second chance. Blud ain' gonna chill when cuz trynna split dah fam n' callin one side fakers n' neeks. We are one fam ye? No' two. One. We straight chillin so mandem won' chef mans up ye? We want chill vibes betwen mandem n' balian ye? But bluds mandem gonna do wutever blud needs to do if needed. 


    Put in fresh lingo by,

    Acolyte sev Arsen

  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Ologs are the largest and strongest of all descendant kind, boasting lengths much taller than even orcs and even the weakest olog being stronger than the strongest orc. They are extremely well suited for war due to their size, strength, mental function, or lack thereof. It is not very well documented how ologs came to be but it is believed they came to be through the mating of orc and troll yet there is not enough evidence to prove that this theory is correct so there are multiple various ideas of how the olog came to be. 


    Ologs are dumb, very naive, and impulsive. They focus more on how they feel rather than the big picture. If they want to eat then they find something to eat. If they want to kill then they find something to kill. They are also unable to bluff and learn the finer details of how some things work such as machinery. Food + eat = yummy.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Just like all the other descendants of Krug, they are cursed with bloodlust and will go on a violent rampage to satiate that urge. They also can be in any unnatural color while being very tall and very large. Gruzzah is a big red olog with large unrefined teeth for "chompin on dah twiggiez"


    General Weight Ranges:
    Ologs are imposing creatures, known for their significant bulk and strength. Their weight can vary widely, but they typically fall within a range of 500 to 800 pounds or more. Their sheer mass contributes to their formidable presence and the power they wield.

    Standing tall and commanding attention, ologs reach impressive heights that often surpass the tallest humanoid races. On average, an olog can stand anywhere from 8 to 10 feet tall, their elongated limbs and broad shoulders contributing to their towering stature.

    Despite their brutish appearance, ologs possess a surprising lack of intelligence. They are dull and rather dumb but not to the point where they are incappable.

    Ologs are gifted with incredible physical prowess, capable of feats of strength that can shake the very ground beneath them. They possess robust endurance and can endure a tremendous amount of punishment in battle. Many ologs exhibit an innate connection to the earth and elements, allowing them to tap into rudimentary forms of elemental magic or natural forces.

    Their raw power also extends to their combat abilities, as they can wield massive weapons with ease, shattering armor and structures alike. Ologs might have an affinity for wielding clubs, maces, or even massive tree trunks as weapons, striking fear into the hearts of adversaries.

    Despite their formidable strengths, ologs have their share of weaknesses. Due to their massive size, they can be somewhat slower and less agile compared to smaller races, making them vulnerable to more nimble opponents who can exploit their lack of speed. Additionally, their sheer size can make them easier targets for ranged attacks, such as arrows or spells.

    While possessing a degree of intelligence, ologs may struggle with intricate problem-solving or complex tactics, relying more on their brute force and instincts. Their primal nature might also lead to conflicts with other races or factions, as misunderstandings and clashes of culture can arise.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:

             This isnt magic


    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  9. Grumwar Ireheart, a beardling yet to complete his trials, procedes to count the elven ears he has in possession "One.. 'igh elgus ear..." he then struggles to find the other ears needed since he didn't have them yet "Shoite.. Ae need twu moore tree-'ugger ears n' t'en aem dune. One dark elgu n' wood elgu."

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