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Posts posted by MisterBlitzkrieg

  1. qicdmtc2ghb61.jpg

    The Verdant Glades's: Grand Tavern Brawl

    Issued in the year 117 S.A 


    Brawls in Taverns and bars might not be a typical occurrence on the continent of Almaris although that does not mean it isn't a fun and interesting way to spend the evening with the lads and loved ones, at least for those who are winning the brawl that is. An easy way to let out the stress and steam that built up over the week yet there is one downside to this. You might end up with a broken nose alongside unpaid tabs to the tavern. But what if you won something for breaking your nose and someone else's nose?


    Enter the Verdant Glade's: Grand Tavern Brawl! A free-for-all hand-to-hand-fighting tournament taking place in the Verdant Glade's tavern where you can break noses and jaws while competing for money. A prize pool of 300 minae will be given to the last man standing in the brawl.



    5PM EST on the 25th in the verdant glade. EIther use the cart in krugmar or use my very accurate way description. Go to elysium and follow the road past the red fox statue. There after you are gonna find a true somewhat blocking the road. Go past that and soon enough you will hit a cross road. Take the right hand turn which should have a wooden pallisade alongside a stone gatehouse- You have reached the glade!


  2. 20 hours ago, Jihnyny said:

    I dont understand the point of putting activity on halflings. Theyre a main race and always stay in one settlement. Theyre the source of slice of life and also are the most harmless of all races. Its just stupid to do this

    Haflings are actually peace loving super soliders. They have struck down countless of men and left civilizations in ruins. Why does no one know of this? Because all the records were destroyed with the civilizations. 

  3. Björn Mösu, Lord of Greenstone, would read the missive to this newly formed guild, finding that it had peaqued his interest. He could not do anything else but to sign up to join it with the smell of profits in the air yet also a chance to aid the less fortunate!



    IGN: MisterBlitzkrieg 

    Discord: MisterBlitzkrieg


    Name: Björn Mösu

    Profession(s) of Choice: Smith, Craftsman

    Additional Optional Information: Lord of Greenstone (Verdant Glade)

  4. Hit me up if you want some regular rp with the character since I am on quite often. Both my chars are in the west (krugmar) as we speak and would be more than happy to adopt your character into the family. My main (Björn Mösu) is the Lord of Greenstone (verdant glade) and a vassal of Krugmar with alot of combat experience if that interests you. If you want to chat about it or want more information then here is my disc MisterBlitzkrieg#7597

  5. 9 minutes ago, Laeonathan said:

    Let's just forget that humans had an uncountable amount of wars and war-threats inbetween the two the elves had and the last actual elven war...

    Humans live very short lives compared to the rest of the races. Just like we irl, we are driven to do something grand and spectacular to ensure their name lives on by leaving their hand/footprint on the world. In noble's and royalty's case, it usually means owning large quantities of land which is tied to prestige and being greater or whatever which is why they have so many wars. They want to be known as conquerors, rulers of grand empires, and liberators. This obviously leads to more wars.

    As for your regular human mf? Probably raise a family and follow their life purpose idk.

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