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Posts posted by Jedistar4life

  1. Enisa was there to aid her beloved sister in law. as things settled and she held the twins in her arms she smiled "You have a big family to help you." though some sadness hit her, will she ever become a mother someday, she pushed the thoughts aside and just enjoyed the time with her new neice and nephew

  2. Missing




    A portrait of the Kervallen family: Emma, Ephrem, Evander, Elijah and Enisa




    Enisa Tatiana Kervallen left the land of Tuvia to have a little time to herself and to find some items for her wedding, however it comes to the family’s attention she has gone missing, no one has seen her or heard from her in months. The family is worried and would like anyone to notify them immediately if they know her whereabouts. Any information would be given to Ephrem Kervallen or Callista Kervallen. 




    (Out of character notes: I am stepping away for a while, for how long? I don’t know but after my grandmother passed I relized I want to see the world, I want to touch grass as they say, so I am going on some adventures once I handle a few things for my grandmother’s funeral. I will miss Ephrem (ECS199), Calli (Lmcfc), Joanoah1k (sorry if wrong), Songbongo, DToast and many others so I apologize if I miss naming you. Take care and have fun)


    (Now the tagging: @ECS11 @Lmcfc  @SirB0ng0 @Joanoah1k @DToast (again sorry if I missed you)

  3. Enisa smiled as she reads over the names and things going on "I can't wait to show off my dress. I hope I can make friends and hopefully meet someone special though I am confused" she paused "Two names on here make no sense to me, suppose none of my concern" 

  4. 21 hours ago, ECS11 said:

    Who's the best grandfather?

    What kind of rp have you never had and would like to give a try?

    Why is Enisa so cute?



    "Grandpappy Edvard" Enisa says in a cute manner (Xd) - seriously though he is pretty cool, though the only other grandfather figure I had was Isacc Daystar or least I think its how his name was spelt


    Well I had an elf or two, they seem fun I like to roleplay one of the races that you need a special application for though unsure which one yet they all seem interesting


    Enisa is just cute because uh....hmmm

  5. So according to my profile I joined December 24, 2021 so its 2 or 3 years? I have come and gone  a few times, made friends and enemies. I try to apologize I am not perfect I admit it, I feel like I should of never joined as it feels like all I bring is uneasiness if you want to call it that. 


    I feel so awful for the things I do, I ask for forgiveness and aid hope people can come to me and help me grow. I'm still new to this whole situation.


    There has been issues, I only know of two people who dislike me currently if more then I have no idea why. Anyway enough with my speech, ask me questions if you want.


    So I like to mention characters I had, if I miss someone I apologize: 


    Starsha - my first she used to be a pirate and caused alot of trouble 


    Hiliea Obediah - she was my favourite, lots of good memories, sorry if I spelled her name


    Saffyre - a snow elf who loved her family


    Anaimon - a young girl who died to soon, I felt awful doing so



    Emiko - a elven lady from Yong Ping, love that culture and miss it


    Current characters - Enisa Kervallan - she is so curious and loves to annoy her brothers

    Rania Dimoti - a girl with sweet dreams and hopes to fill people's tummies with desserts




    I feel like I covered them all so yeah again if I missed someone then I am sorry, now questions?

  6. Ana grins at both Keishara and Eve "Its a party now" she giggled then joins them as they all gather to watch the people below 




    Hileia hugs Keishara "You don't belong here yet, but welcome cousin. We can all gather now and tell stories"

  7. Ana was in the seven skies skipping around merrily when she saw a familiar person "Mama Eve!" she rushed over to hug "Oh meet my birth mama her name is  Amnestria and course your own mama is here. But..why?" she looked so confused "Gosh hope Aunt Keish will be okay, I miss Talinn too! And Papa just everyone!" Ana takes Eve's hand going to join the others

  8. Healthy forests mean healthy people - David Suzuki Foundation


    Deep in the woods east of Elyisum a small child about the age of nine years old is hunting with her favorite person Keishara. "Keep low, don't make a sound" Keishara spoke softly in her ear as they watched deer walk by not noticing the two elfesses there. Ana was so excited to learn how to hunt, she watched the deer closely. When all the sudden they both heard a branch go "Snap!" both turn and see four men walking "Sunflower, hide" Keishara whispers guiding to a hole in a tree small enough for her to fit, though she watched as Keishara held her bow close making sure the men didn't come near them. Ana could hear talking and laughter from the men, Keishara looked all serious gripping her bow. Soon she could hear fighting, climbing out of her hiding spot she saw the men, three works masks and hoods she could tell their race but they were male. The fourth was an old elf looking man, wood elf. An arrow was flying toward Keishara when Ana jumped in its path, it piecered her heart. Falling to the ground "Nooo!" she could hear as her life was slipping away.


    And so laying on the ground she was dead







    Out of character: So this was really hard for me to do, I was leaving the server to deal with irl things and now I am back sorta. So this was a mistake and I dislike myself for it. I gotten a bad reputation it seems so I dunno what to say other then if you want to rp with me fine, if not that is fine too but just because someone makes mistake after mistake don't mean they are bad people. I have my bad days yes and bad moments but I deserve a chance

  9. Kythaela the nanny, she was an high eleven woman as well and did indeed first take the child to safety but when the cost was clear and received news Nessa was hurt, she rushed to the clinic to be at her side. Both she and the little boy of nine years old watched her day and night. As she utters soft words to them Ana promised to deliver the boy to his father. Though as time went on and Nessa passed, she took time to arrange a funeral and give the boy time to grieve. Within the next month they set off "I know this is a strange situation for you but if you ever need me I am here" she gave him a sad smile as he didn't say much, she squeezed his hand gently and sighs softly as they walked. Glancing down she saw the necklace he wore, it belong to Nessa she gave it to him. It changed color according to mood. Kythaela saw it was blue figuring it meant sadness, her own thought drift away as this would be a hard road for him.


    (I was told to say there was an real item for this necklace but somehow got lost, so just because he don't have an item in hand don't mean he can't still wear it. Any questions can go to me or glaceon)

  10. Emiko a lovely elf woman from Yong Ping, she adored wearing kimonos and most of all her beloved Mika. She was a hard working mid wife aiding women with births of children, it brought her joy. But she had a dark secret one she never shared with anyone, one she take to.her grave. But oh poor Emiko was traveling one day when a mystery figure stopped her. Thinking he need help she spoke to him "Li-ho" came her warm greeting when she felt some pierce her side going to her lung. Her eyes grow wide,no voice came from the figure as it withdrew its blade watching the body fall gasping for air. "W-why" she said weakly from the ground having a hard time breathing. The figure still did not speak. Dragging her to a campfire and toss her in. Emiko could not scream. She died, her body burnt to a crisp unrecognizable.



    (please be respectful no one will know about her death, just assume she went missing)

  11. Hileia in the seven skies saw Iolas she got up and tackled him kissing him all over his face "My love, you are here...why" frowns "Not that I am mad just surprised"



    Emiko was traveling when she heard the news she stops to pray at a shrine muttering softly  "Will miss you Iolas" 

  12. Hileia Obedia was exploring the vast lands when suddenly she lost hee footing and fell down, down, down I to a deep ravine. Unable to move she tried to breath but struggled, she could not move either. Tears rolled on her cheeks looking up to the sky "Guess this is it, I am sorry Iolas I can't come back to you this time" her eyes closed the pain moving up and down her body she couldn't even scream. "Guess I will see my mother finally and anyone else too" and so her life ended there alone.




    Out of character: I decided to leave, I hated doing this as it was fun but my time is just getting out of hand and the situation I am in is uncontrollable. I had fun even if I made massive mistakes, For my match making thing I am making a post to let people know someone else is talking over to help all you wonderful people. Sadly no one will find her body or know her death just assume her missing. Thanks to these people for everything: @Rattussmackus @Z3d @Fawnytheturtle @Kaladin Stormblessed

    1. Crumena of Kamees
      Age: 900
      Gender: Male
      Race: High Elf
      Interests: Yong Ping Culture, Oshima Culture, Xan, Pigeons An elf of pure might yet in constant need, always seeming to brood about something. I first heard of him through one of his peers by the name of Hillith regarding a certain rope he admired constantly in his room, though also held onto for method of swift escape. His friends seem odd so this might be a factor as to why his look for love has been fruitless. But it is firmly believed in my core that he has hope. For his fellow acquaintances Tilruir'tir and Tarathiel spoke quite fondly of him as well.
      Description: A dashingly handsome high elf standing at a mere 5'2 with plump features that match his belly. He speaks with a Southern tang and has very charming long white locks, with azure eyes that look like the bright blue sky.
      (Contact ign Remeron if interested, sorry about different colored text. Please again no out of character comments and if you want to find some contact me first, this is role play only)


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