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Everything posted by Kutya

  1. Samuel clutches the letter intended for him with shaking hands. Though he was present at Erwin's funeral, he had fled too soon. Now, eight years later, sitting at his childhood home with Heraldine across his lap, he finally has the space to mourn. Tears freely flow down his cheeks, and he holds the paper to his chest. "Ich von't let you down."
  2. "Oh, interesting," Rellis hums, leaning around the market stall to thoroughly inspect it. "If I was an official, I'd probably be obligated to take this down! Too bad I'm a regular bystander. Have a starter donation." They toss a few minas across the counter and saunter off.
  3. Kutya


    Rellis hails from a long-divided subculture tribe of Qalasheen, diminished to the point of being a small family, the Al-Ghazawi. Rellis' mother was a traveling merchant, always on the move, and they never had a hometown. They only ever had eachother, so Rellis' mother put extra effort into giving her child a proper education despite their limited options and sparked the desire for learning within Rellis at a young age. Knowing they were the last of their family, Rellis' mother taught them that their traditions were important since no one else practiced them anymore. To this day Rellis remains dedicated to this request, so they are almost always seen wear full traditional garb, including a wooden mask designed to protect one's eyes and mouth from sandstorms. They also are strictly vegetarian and engage in ritualistic incense burning rather than smoking, but otherwise their faith and traditions are rather in line with typical Qalasheen (fasting, menaphos, etc). However, the longer Rellis stayed with their aging mother, the more painful it became to watch the literal slow-paced end of their subculture, and the only person they ever had there for them. At age 19, Rellis made the difficult decision to go out and find themself, what it really meant to live. They left the desert region their travels centered around, leaving only a note for their mother before they left, going further north than they ever had. Their travel brought them to strange lands, and they collected a few skills in this time such as farming, crafting, and basic soldier work. It has now been 4 years since Rellis began traveling. They are young and still discovering themself and their place in the world, while simultaneously avoiding their problems in the most Rellis way that they can. Hopefully they don't get into too much trouble...
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