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Everything posted by alolus123

  1. alolus123


    Gonnareth was born in the War Nation of Krugmar and lived a relatively normal, yet challenging Uruk life, for the most part. At 5 years old he climbed a tree and fell on his head, with a bunch of heavy acorns and small critters following after - all landing right on his bald, red head. When he woke up he was about as smart as a potato but unaware of this, as he grew up he decided that it was not him that was stupid but everyone else and as a result became rather lonely, except for some other orcs that were as dumb as him. Gonnareth was never a warrior type like his peers, and his family considered leaving him behind alot of times - they saw him as a weakling, resulting in Gonnareth distancing himself from the tribal culture. He's never learned the art of warfare past knowing how to use a simple weapon. Instead, he developed a love for fishing - Gonnareth loved to eat the fish he caught, but he never really got the hang of using a fishing rod. He usually fished with sharp objects and his hands. He grew up in isolation, never exactly having been outside of Krugmag or even on hunting trips with his peers. Early into Gonnareth's twenties, a group of travelling red orcs came by his home. They were all outcasts just like him, and inquired about having Gonnareth join up on their adventures, either out of pity or for the sole reason that they needed an extra pair of hands. Intrigued about the outside world, he asked many questions each harder to understand than the last, eventually decided to go with them. Gonnareth's main drive was catching as many exotic, never seen before fish all over the land, and exploring it with the rest of his newfound tribe.
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