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    Lumdick Flaskbrow
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  1. TinyGuyEric


    My character is called Lumvik Flaskbrow, Lumvik is a dwarf from Urguan, he lived in a village that was full of people from all across the land, his parents ,Armzan and Zumdree Flaskbrow, owned a blacksmithing shop and his brother Urndice and him helped them all the time, Lumvik and Urndice used to play around the great tree in the centre of their village where people would trade foods and goods. Lumvik gained his love of magic and explosions through the wizard that visited the towns folk and he used to show them all kinds of magic. It was a good life until the Human empire attacked, Lumvik managed to survive by hiding in his home, he left the house afterwards to see everyone dead, the tree at the centre of town burnt to a crisp and very little left behind. Lumvik then left the town to find anyone that could help him, he had to survive on his own in the forest fighting off many types of beasts and struggling to find food, then the Wizard who visited our town found him and nursed him back to health, the Wizard was then later killed and that was the first time he killed a human, it was the first time he killed anything. He then wondered the world for 14 years until he found Dwarfs just like him in the mountains and this is where he settled.
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