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Posts posted by creamynoteblock

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             old enough


    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Sorvian Sculpting


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  2. 1 hour ago, rukio said:

    No one is going to use this to carry pvp gear, especially given the fact the VAST majority of conflict no longer relates to pvp.

    im going to use this to carry pvp gear. i will also use it to carry minas


    you're mostly concerned about kani users carrying around ST metal weapons, which can easily be done already by stacking another magic and using that to summon/banish weapons. i dont see a problem with this considering it already happens

  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             old enough


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    The essence of Alchemy involves analyzing the tiny pieces that make up the natural world and extracting them to form "Symbols." These symbols always have opposing pairs, such as Strength and Weakness or Burning and Freezing, and can either be found in their natural state or combined with one of the five elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Aether). When combined with one of the elements, it takes the form of a prefix in writing, such as Aether:Swiftness as opposed to just Swiftness. The combination of specific symbols and signs leads to an almost limitless range of possibilities. However, in its simplest form, Alchemy combines symbols to create reactions that are used as potions and mixtures in various applications.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Alchemy has various different subsections, those being Animii Crafting, Smoggers, and Tawkin. Each of these feats use the Alchemical source of power, the Material Alphabet, to execute their respective duties. Animii Crafters may make Animii Limbs or Automatons, users of Smoggers may make autohammers for a forge or legs for a moving fortress, and Tawkin users may dabble in the darker side of alchemy, creating Homunculi and mutating themselves to gain various abilities. Each of these subsections are classified as Further Alchemy, meaning that they require an accepted FA on the forums after an alchemist reaches Tier 3. 


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    The orc set a pair of herbs on a cutting board, those being Saffvil and Night Glow. He began to chop the herbs into bits, finely slicing them until they were little more than flakes. The orc'd then place these flakes into a mortar, as he began to finely mash them into a baby-food like mush. The Alchemist then dumped the mush into a small pot filled with Aqua Vitae, before placing said pot over a low-burning flame and allowing all the moisture in the mix to boil away. The orc would then pour the dry remains onto a tray, carefully inspecting this fine powder with a magnifying glass in order to differentiate the symbols. The alchemist separated the symbols 'Mundane: Light' , 'Mundane: Chaos' , and 'Mundane: Death' , so that they may be used to make a product. He'd mix the Death and Chaos symbols into a powder, as he let the Light symbol liquify in a base of water. The alchemist then soaked the Death and Chaos powder in the Light symbol base, eventually creating the desired product: Flash Powder. 



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Kho set out a series of herbs on a table, as he stood across his student. "These ahm herbs, which lat will uze to extrakt Zymbols for Alkemy." The orc'd begin to inform his student, taking out a knife and beginning to chop up the herbs. "Lat will azhzt want to kut them up. Make zure to chop them az finely az possible." He'd nod to himself, taking the now finely-cut herbs and placing them into a mortar.


    "Next, lat will mazh them into ah paste." Kho'd lecture, grabbing a pestle and beginning to mash the herbs into a mushy paste. "Mayk zure it ahm az mazhed az possible. Nub bitz zhould be left in there, juzt pazte." He'd clarify, holding the mortar up right in front of his student as he mashed up the herbs, making sure his student would see it. 


    "Ah. . . No bits, right." The student'd nod, scribbling down a note in a small book.


    The orc then took the mash and poured it into a pot, which was filled with an Aqua Vitae base. "Now, lat will pour it in Aqua Vitae agh boil it. Thiz will remove the moizture, agh give lat a fine powder, which lat will uze to obtain the dezired zymbols." He'd continue to lecture, placing the pot over a flame and letting the liquid inside rise to a boil. The orc then took a cactus green blunt, lighting it with said flame and beginning to smoke it as he waited for the liquid to boil out of the pot.


    After a short period of time, the moisture had evaporated from the pot, leaving nothing but a basic white powder. "Now, lat watch klozely." Kho'd instruct his student, taking the powder and setting it onto a tabletop. He handed a magnifying glass to his student, before taking one for himself, as he began to separate various symbols from the powder using a small stick. After separating his desired symbols, he pushed the small piles of powder towards his student, allowing him to inspect each one. "Lat will be able to tell which azhz ahm which after zome tik, but for now, lat will need help discerning the zymbols lat ahm lookin' at."


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Whipping Rico GIF - Whipping Rico - Discover & Share GIFs


    It's best to correct the mistakes of a student rather than drop them immediately. I'd tell them what they did wrong, how to do it correctly, and tell them not to do it again. They will be on a two-strike system.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  4. h-hey I know this might be a little bit weird but I really really don’t want you to pk your character. I enjoy rping with you so much and there’s a big twist coming up for our characters that I bet you won’t see coming. gulp I’m too nervous to say what it is but please just don’t pk…

  5. 9 hours ago, ronin_champloo said:

    not to toot my own horn here but kani only takes 1 month to know the spell, and then at that point, the next few tiers are just lowering the amt of emotes it takes to do connection (players can also progress tiers w/o lessons from their teachers)


    dude spoon your lore is always so awesome! please write more lore spoon! more magics maybe, and maybe you can grandfather me into them too hahaha dude your lore is awesome!

  6. 8 hours ago, tilly said:


    The Commonwealth of the Petra restores the territories currently noted as the South March or previously known as the Cathalon Peninsula to the United Kingdom of Aaun in endeavour to foster greater relations and progress forward with their shared vision that ensures the prosperity of the Heartlands. The aforementioned land was in the jurisdiction of the Alstion Crown prior to the Treaty of Spilt Blood, wherein it was ceded in exchange for peace.


  7. 5 minutes ago, Llir said:

    I've been reading all of your replies, thank you all for your feedback and drawing attention to these issues. I see two main concerns being outlined:

    1. How prebuild land selection was decided for next map (and rather, who didn't make the cut).
    2. How activity currently works.

    I'll start with the first -- the list we have right now is not final, though it contains 15 nations/settlements, and 10 lairs. We based this list off of solely activity numbers for settlements/nations, and individual audits for evidence of RP for lairs. I see basing this off of the raw numbers alone was a mistake, and consideration should have been given to every group who didn't automatically make the cut. I am committed to finding a solution for the halflings, please reach out to me on Discord ASAP @NotEvilAtAll/@Hearth.


    Onto the current system... the purpose of activity should mainly be to flag dead settlements for staff, so the land can be freed up for other groups to use. Activity is a necessary evil to prevent land exhaustion and ghost towns, though I realize that this system has had major issues:

    • Too strict requirements, especially for smaller groups who may very well generate great RP, though aren't constantly on.
    • Difficult for staff to maintain, leading to inconsistencies this map as the system was neglected from time to time.
    • Discourages traveling outside of your home region.
    • Creates a gamey culture around activity that goes against key aspects of our Mission Statement.

    These are not issues we want to bring over to next map. I know the current system sucks, and needs to be changed. These are all points we have been discussing for months in the map development meetings, and have plans to remedy for 9.0. Many of the ideas I've seen have already been considered, and I am glad to share some details on the system design for next map:

    • Activity will be monitored on both a persona's realm association, as well as your current location. These two factors will be tracked independently and both considered when making decisions on evictions.
    • The baseline activity threshold will be lower on average.

    • Activity will not be required to maintain additional tiles, this will only be a mina cost.
    • All manual steps required in the tracking of the data will be removed, replaced with an automatic system that removes both the dependency on staff doing weekly spreadsheet work and potential biases (note: any final decisions on evictions will still require staff approval, there will be no auto-evictions).
    • The strike system will be removed in favour of tracking a rolling average.

    These are just some central details for the system; much of it is still in work and the concerns raised in this thread will be considered as we prepare a final draft. The central point we've reiterated again and again in our map development meetings is that we want to remove the gamey and punishing aspects of the system. What we implement for next map will be fair, flexible, and easy for us to amend should it not be achieving its goals. This is key to having a fun and successful 9.0, as;


    Aligning with our Mission Statement must come before the numbers game.


    And that cannot wait until next map, that must happen now. Effective for the current weekly activity cycle, I'll be taking the following measures to prevent any further repercussions due to the system for the remainder of this map:

    • Activity strikes due to failing to meet 1% for settlements and 3% for nations activity requirements are suspended.
    • Nations downgrading to settlements or losing tiles (aka 'Nation Diminishing' in the current system) will no longer occur.
    • Activity data will still be collected and sent to PROs, though this will only be used for:
      • Determining final ordering for prebuild land selection for next map.
      • Flagging truly dead settlements for eviction. The numbers will just be an indicator and we'll perform a manual audit for eviction decisions. If there is consistent roleplay, you won't lose your settlement.

    I hope this information can help alleviate some concerns, and allow everyone to roleplay without thinking about activity for the remainder of our time on Almaris.


    Please feel free to reach on Discord (Llir#5410) if you would like to discuss any of this with me personally. I will keep an eye on this thread, though find having direct conversations to be more productive when discussing details of systems like this.

    not readin allat

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