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    Sol Merchant#3551
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  • Character Name
    Gorrinn Darkiron
  • Character Race
    Dark Dwarf

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  1. TheHeretic


    Hailing from the unclaimed areas just outside the far outskirts of eastern Urguan, Gorrinn Darkiron was born and raised by his elderly parents. His parents were nothing more than lower class presents, his father being a blacksmith, and his mother being the town’s local apothecary; yet despite this they spared no expense in caring for a young Gorrinn. His folks were an odd lot, never having been the religious types themselves, they nay did ever forced the young Gorrinn into prayer or worship, instead showering him in manuals and books containing philosophy and physiology. These habits of constantly reading and keeping to himself did not earn the young Gorrinn many friends, but he was able to at least befriend another young dwarf with similar interests to his own by the name of Gimli. Gimli was, like Gorrinn, a bit of a scholar. The two shared many long nights debating the rights and wrongs of moral philosophy, and upon the nature of the world. Sadly the young Gimli would be struck down by a rare curse or disease that caused early onset dementia. This event somewhat traumatized the young Gorrinn, causing him to fear the same may one day happen to him. Yet despite this tragedy, he would still take joy and happiness with the time spent with his family. This pleasant time would last until the untimely death of Gorrinn’s mother, who died under suspicious circumstances when Gorrinn was merely twelve. Fearing for the safety of his son, Darkiron senior took his son and fled further into the unclaimed western wildlands. Yet the loss of his mother would affect both Junior and the Elder Darkiron severely; The elder Darkiron would pass away from grief a mere three years later, and Gorrinn himself would fall into a deep depression soon after. His only saving grace was given from the tomes and books he would manage to acquire, one way or another, from traveling merchants or caravans. At around the age of 19, Gorrinn would once again return to his village, only to find it decimated, its population having left or been killed by some manner of threat. Yet it was upon entering his old family’s home would he meet a stranger: A Dark elf blacksmith. While initially both parties were hostile towards each other, they soon came to an understanding that prescribed benefits for both; namely, the elf would teach Gorrinn the basics of the arts of blacksmithing, and in exchange, while Gorrinn would venture into other dwarvish towns to acquire supplies. This arrangement would prove to be both fruitful and shaping to Gorrinn, as he learned much of the world and its oddities from that Elf. Yet this peaceful time in his life would once again come to an end as one day, around the age of 26, upon returning to the village, he found the house in a state of ruin, and the elf nowhere to be seen. Confused, he had searched the area, only to find signs of conflict that led him to a hidden cellar below the house he had called home for more than seven years. Inside, he found the body of his Elfish teacher and friend, dead, with a dwarven waraxe still sticking out of his chest. After cremating the body of his friend, Gorrinn would leave his childhood home for the last time, never to return. He had sought, if briefly, to reconnect with his fellow dwarves by moving to the nearest town he had often traded with for rare metals; but instead found himself disheartened at the way and meaning of the town, and from what he learned, the rest of the Dwarvish Kingdom was run. His own distaste, and the scorn of the other dwarves due to his lack of respect for the divine, would eventually lead him to become somewhat of a wanderer, forever seeking new knowledge about the world, and as to how and why it worked and functioned the way it did. He would spend many years traveling abroad, the whole time seeking said knowledge, and eventually stumbling upon the information of the existence of magic, occultism, and many other oddities that seemed at-ends with reality itself. To this day, Gorrinn still leads a nomadic lifestyle in the search of ever more information. (As to to the race and location, Gorrinn is a Dark Dwarf, but at the time of selection, no such option appeared upon the selection bar, so I put the next best thing, namely Mountain Dwarf, as that is where his small village originally was.)
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