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    Dark Elf

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  1. SpicyCarolina


    Born into a very old dark elf family that followed old tradition originally from The Principality of Aegrothond. They stayed in caves near the mountains in the fringe and rarely traveled out. They had basic farms outside the caves that they survived on. A few other families grew here but most traveled out through the years never returning. He learned archery at a young age due to his dad being knowing archery. They had a range set up that they trained most days. His mother was a farmer, so he knows about small plants and farming techniques. Ignis's best friend grew up in the caves with him and they always did everything together. At 28 years of age Ignis's best friend left the caves under the shadow of the night barely leaving one note telling only small details. This led to Ignis soon doing the same attempting to find his friend traveling as far as he can go to find info on his friend.
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