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Status Updates posted by Bogatyr

  1. New player here. Is it possible to engage in the server without interacting with it out-of-character, like through Discord?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      if someone asks for ur discord tell them they’re a weirdo and to go back to rp 

    3. TheCaptain


      I agree with the Organ trader

    4. Balthasar


      do it. i was the happiest when i was only in 2 lotc discords

  2. Possibly interested in wood elven RP. If anybody has any opportunities for a character or is willing to just help me make a character, please comment/send me a forum message.

    1. alexmagus


      omg i love making characters i will help you

    2. Burnsider


      Hasan, there is a great wealth of fun wood elven RP right now. I hope you find inspiration for a character and I can see you in the Vale soon. 

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