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Posts posted by PrimnyaQuorum

  1. 2 hours ago, Demented_Delila said:

    A letter is penned and sent back, with haste. . . 


      Reveal hidden contents

    To the good Ser Weiss,


    The spider venom of which you speak is localized to a specific type of spider called the Whitespinner. Whitespinners act a singular being, rather then their own individuals, and will swarm victims to bite them. One must be astutely aware of the affects of removing the venom from the body, as the victim will be overwhelmed with the pain as the anesthetic effect is more or less, washed away.  I recommend continued dosage of Tranquil Draughts until the patient is safely away from the site of danger.


    Submergence in a warm bath prepared with a balm of Alabaster Leaf is preferable in cases of swarm victims as we've seen here out in the Marches. The best indicator of a swarm victim is the acrid scent of bile, as Whitespinner Venom seems to be utilized to dissolve prey, hence the paralytic and anesthetic quality of the venom. It's unsure where the Whitespinners are from originally but we in the March have been identify a few traits of their nests in order to avoid them. . . 


    1. Webs of stickier quality then normal spidersilk.

    Whitespinner Silk is capable of catching a blade untorn.


    2. Hollow Corpses

    From what I can tell, Whitespinners are a picky predator,

    they seldom eat the whole corpse. I recommend burning any

    corpses you find, as I fear they may use them for nesting.


    3. Mutated Creatures

    This aims to be particularly true of the Whitespinner Nest that stretches

    between the Barrows and Amathea. Creatures are strangely afflicted by

    their continued existance among Whitespinners, such as a

    Deepsnake developing spider-like qualities (additional eyes, legs, etc).



    Last of all- you must remember that Whitespinners loathe the light, nearly as much as they loathe descendant kind. The light of a lantern and the burn of a Will O' Bottle is safe keeping well enough.






    Corrections are sent out the next Saint's Morning, with all references to Mori'Quessir Spider Venom being changed to Whitespinner Venom. In addition, a letter in penned back in equal haste...


    Firress Seregon,


    Thank you for your letter - I've come across these Whitespinners before and what I'm assuming to be the mutated Deepsnake you mention. The particular Whitespinners I came across had stingers in addition to jaws per the drawing, but they behaved as described - incredibly fearful of fire and light. 


     I worry that repeated usage of Tranquil Draught could result in longer term problems, but that is a luxury most cannot consider - especially if the venom dissolves the patient in addition to the other symptoms caused.  


    I've been lucky enough to never come across a victim of a swarm attack as you describe, though I will keep the treatment in mind should one ever present. Perhaps it would be a good idea to start documenting a list of Mori'Quessir induced ails and treatments - I imagine they're only going to become more common across Almaris. Best of Luck in your Medical Endeavors.


    Haus Weiss



  2. Well beyond the West, on a missive board somewhere near where the sprawling plains touched the permafrost, a Highlander and his Companion came across one of the missives, pinned to a lonely board. He carefully took the missive from the board, slowly reading through the long piece of parchment. He had to double back on some sections as the shimmering words easily caught his eye - captivating his attention long enough to confuse him on where he had left off last on reading the large text. The Purple Wax Seal also caught the Highlander's eye, as he held it close to his face, getting the best look he could at the Seal - evidently not one he knew as he soon continued on with his reading.


    As he finished reaching the parchment he glanced down towards his companion, asking a silent question. The companion blankly stared back up at him, prompting a shrug from the Highlander as he carefully folded the parchment and placed it into his bag. He turned, continuing his walk down the trail as the Highlander and his Fox strolled off into the north, leaving the missive board short one extra long parchment missive.




    this was a supercool and super well-written post to read! 


  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Haus Weiss


    Character's Age:

             Old Enough


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Air Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Haus Weiss


    Character's Age:

             Old Enough


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Fire Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Haus Weiss


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Self Teach


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  6. A servant handed the tired Blonde Weiss the missive as he sat at his desk, working away late into the night with a tea, served with a side of Zvaervauld Lilac Field Honey (TM). Tired brown eyes scanned over the missive before Haus casted it aside on his desk, the missive joining the other assorted scattered documents. He stood, opening his closet and looking over a particular outfit. He nodded slightly, satisfied with what he had seen before he returned to his desk. All his attire was set for the season, though Haus wondered what the missive had meant by a murder game. 

  7. Player(s) Involved




    Rules Broken - Powergaming | Peq Abuse 


    During a roleplay, almightysaucer, acting as a member of the Story Team, repeatedly Powergamed and abused his permissions during the roleplay.


    The roleplay started with almightysaucer's character approaching my character in the square. almightysaucer proceeded to do a series of emotes and dialogue, of which ended a powergame emote of picking up and placing my character on his character's shoulder before I had written a single emote. almightysaucer had not  requested permission to preform such a emote prior. This can be found in chat logs on December 14tth, in between 7:15 and 7:22 PM EST. During this, I politely requested that due to my new nature to the server that almightysaucer slow down his emote pace, to which he acknowledged


    almightysaucer then proceeded to do a [!] emote, announcing to the square his character was in the square harnessing my character, in contrast to his prior, powergaming emote of his character playing my character on his shoulder. After this, I was able to do my first emote, from which the place shifted from the square to Lorraine 2 and 3. While there, almightysaucers initiated Roll Combat after my character refused to unlock the door from his character. almightysaucer proceeded to roll a Nat 1, with his character ending up hitting his own knee with his own club. Immediately following this, almightysaucers character proceeded to, with a now injured knee, run through a wooden and metal door, in itself a powergamed emote (and regardless, mechanically impossible action). In addition, almightysaucer used his peq permissions to teleport himself, in which he began to run around inside the house, opening various chests and barrels. When pressed about this series of actions OOC-ly, almightysaucer dismissed the issue at first, stating the doorway was now open. After more pressing, and more going into various chests and barrels, almightysaucer then re-emoted his character running into the metal door as if his character had never run through the doors in the first place - At no point was the word "void" mentioned during this exchange OOC by any involved player or almightysaucer. I continued to request clarification on the issue, to which almightysaucer proceeded to then powergame his character knocking Haus back, without doing Roll Combat as he had done prior. When I and another player continued to press for clarification, and now a pause to request mod help, almightysaucer told the other players in the environment to ignore our requests, and proceeded with the roleplay. Throughout the situation, almightysaucer gave almost no attention to our requests for clarification. 






    Relevant Material


    In Chronological Order


    265, 88, -2328



    Evidence of uncooperative conduct.


    During the Incident, almightysaucer outright refused to attempt to resolve the concerns I had during the roleplay - he did not allow me adequate time to emote back to his emotes, nor reply to his characters statements. In addition, he outright said during the roleplay OOC-ly to ignore myself and Bethinwonderland, while we were raising concerns regarding how the roleplay was going in terms of rule violations.

    After the roleplay, I messaged almightysaucer in-game to attempt to resolve the issue, to which we agreed to move to discord. While on discord, almightysaucer spent most of the DM attempting to deflect the issue, instead of providing clarification. In the instance where he did provide clarification, it is insufficient - in example, rules regarding power gaming makes no mention of exceptions to rules on powergaming based on the age of the characters involved. In all, While I attempted to seek a way to resolve the issue along with others during and after the roleplay, almightysaucer dismissed all these attempts, including telling other players to ignore these attempts, while also attempting to dismiss the issue at any possible opportunity for a multitude of possible reasons.

    Evidence of all attempts I have made and the communications I had-





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