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Posts posted by PrimnyaQuorum

  1. That Watcher blinks as he reads paper after paper, struggling to find room on his dining table to store them all.


    Thusly, he raises a hand over his heart in a sacred gesture, and repeats the time-honored phrase:


    "We have investigated ourselves, and found no evidence of wrongdoing."

  2. Haus thinks for a moment, as to why the city name seems so familiar to him. He dusts through his collection, and finds a seawater stained paper


    "Of Course - takes one to know one, after all." He remarks. He returns to his brewing and alchemy - Tears and Horrors haven't been closing themselves, after all.






  3. Spoiler




    Fliers are proudly pinned across the City-State of Hohkmat, as couriers ride late into the night to deliver a copy across the Northern Lands - Celia’nor receives an excess of copies. 





    Steel your resolve.




    In the late days of the month, the Lord-Magister of Paradox was alerted to the formation of a new Tear within the Material. After some precursory investigation, the search area has been narrowed to the Lands of Celia’nor. After extension and urgently organized conversations between the Lord-Magister and Councilor Laerdya, a temporary agreement has been decided upon, to resolve this rapidly developing and extremely important matter. As it stands, Celia’nor as a whole remains innocent of this particular Tear, and as such, the Magi of Paradox and its Lord-Magister Watcher, Haus, intend to render their aid to the extent such a catastrophe requires.




    Section I


    The Agreement To Destroy That & Those Which Disrupt The Veil, (Henceforth referred to as “The Agreement”) Shall compose of two parties - One Half shall be led by the Lord-Magister Haus and Archdruid Elenora, and be composed of Four Magi of Paradox of their choosing. One Half shall also be led by the Celia’norian Councilor Laerdya, and be composed of Five Celia’norians of her choosing. 


    In total, The Agreement shall compose of Twelve (12) Members, and function as one cohesive element operating under the Authority of the Lord-Magister of Paradox and the Governing Council & Crown of Celia’nor, and any powers herein invested into The Agreement. The Agreement currently operates under the joint leadership of Lord-Magister Haus, Archdruid Elenora, and Celia’norian Councilor Laerdya.


    Section II


    The parties in question are granted emergency powers to locate and seal the Tear that has been opened. These powers include, but are not limited to:

    • Search any location within Celia’norian Land, with or without the agreement of the land or property owners - a reasonable attempt should be made to contact or otherwise secure agreement to avoid undue damages.  

    • Destroy and otherwise render inert any Voidal Constructs, including Obelisks, for the duration of The Agreement.

    • Question any who are suspected of knowing anything about the Tear, using any reasonable means required to gather information they suspect an individual or individuals possess.

    • Temporarily seize an individual or individuals’ land or property, including the destruction of existing locks, in the extreme event said individual or individuals prove hostile or unreasonably resistant to The Agreement’s request for Searches and Questioning.


    Section III


    The Leadership may grant individuals with helpful knowledge, skills, capabilities or otherwise usefulness to temporary membership in The Agreement, allowing them the same rights and privileges as a normal member. Temporary agreements must specify the duration of such membership and the option for renewal. 


    Section IV


    This Agreement’s duration will run until the Tear in question is closed, after which further discussion can occur to renew this agreement with the Royarch of Celia’nor, Illthrak Ibarellan and the Lord-Magister of Paradox of the Magocracy of Hohkmat, or whomever is delegated to handle the matter by the Lord-Magister




    To the Watchers around the world, drifting aimlessly without purpose - Heed this call. Make yourself and your intention to share your part of this Burden you carry known to the Lord-Magister or Councilor, and you will find your skills put to use for the betterment of the world. Seek a Temporary Membership within The Agreement today by seeking out Haus or Laerdya.


     Seek a Temporary Membership within The Agreement today by seeking out Haus or Laerdya.




    Lord-Magister, Dr. Haus 

    Master of the Ziggurat of Hohkmat, Watcher of the Veil




    Councilor of Celia’nor


    Elenora Divadri

    The Scorpion Druid, Archdruid of the Asul’Fiyem, Pillar of the Moon, Heirophant of the Druidic Order


    Apprentice to the Vizier of Wind, Watcher of the Veil


  4. The Lord-Magister crumbles to the street below in twisted agony, much to the confusion and concern of varying spectators - a familiar, and long-absent torture inflicted on him for the price of knowledge.


    As he rises back to reality, and wipes the pain-born tears from his eyes, his resolve steels. There will be no delays.


    He begins to move.



    Going to assume this is Event Horizon and not Communication - otherwise, wonderfully written!


  5. 35 minutes ago, Publius said:

    "-like never before, as we tend to many mages in Hohkmat, and we prepare now, again, for war. That is the issue though, they do not ask me questions, but question me, they question Our Holy Church.


    Our Commision on Magic leaves me stumped. There is one exception that really baffles me - this one about Scions. It is strictly forbidden, and for good reason, with what seems to be one exception, this Valindra. 


    Why is she exempt? How can something be at once corrupting and intolerable, yet we are willing to make a single arbitrary exception? I do not know how to justify this as a Canonist, and I need this position clarified if I am to explain this to my parishioners. "


    "They never understand, ever after -" The Watcher starts, eyeing the missive from the road. His Yisar nudges him, evidently unwilling to entertain aimless ramblings so early in the morning. A drawl out sigh escapes into the frigid air, as he circles the section he takes concern with. A reply is scribbled onto the either side, and hastily dropped off to a Courier as he passes a nearby settlement:



    Monk Sakuraba,


    I hope this finds you well - many of the concerns you list are well-founded, equally as others are derived from a lack of knowledge easily corrected. I can, of course, only speak of your concerns on the sections regarding Voidal Magics and Valindra, briefly. Such a conversation is nuanced and best done face-to-face, but a precursory explanation can be offered here.


    If your contention is the accuracy of the objection, I would note the exact wording on the Commission - that such a practice enacts a heavy toll upon the individual, and thusly should be entrusted to those only with a strong enough Body, Mind, and Soul. If there is any single person alive who not only wholly fits this criteria, but has for several centuries without fail, it is Valindra. I doubt myself Canonism will see a Elf with both her devotion to the Faith and sheer grit for another ten-thousand years, and longer. 


    In a similar argument lies the Art of Watching - no doubt the church is familiar with many a Mali' with stars embedded into their eyes, no better then the next mage. Watching entails with it a heavy burden, one many opt to ignore - one Valindra and I have tirelessly upheld through hatred and pleas of aid alike, from those of the Faith and otherwise. 


    In truth, of my humble opinion, the Commission would benefit from elaboration - I know not what a 'Tier ' is, nor is it clear in a simple manner what each magical practice entails, down to the very risks to mind and soul. As you can imagine, after the perhaps-righteous prosecution mages have endured for the folly of Ando Alur and Celia'nor, few are willing to come forward and elaborate. Nevertheless, I would be happy to sit down over tea and discuss these questions you undoubtedly have, so you may further serve your parish in Truth and Fairness. I am not quite as knowledgeable as Valindra, but we both have been incredibly busy handling the Horror that has taken after His Holy Image to prey upon the Faithful Flock - I simply happen to have slightly more time. 


    Please write back if such a meeting interests you with a date and location.



    Lord-Magister Haus

    Master of the Ziggurat of Hohkmat, Watcher of the Veil




  6. That damned, weeping Watcher stared at Scrisa as she drew her last, blood-stained breath. A ward of a dear friend, and someone he himself had cherished. He tried, he so believed - to keep her away, to prevent it. He told those with him to lower their weapons, to allow her to grieve, and yet-


    For all he was, for all his might, he could not stop it. And so another part of his Heart died with her - for he knew in the very end:


    She was right. She did not deserve this.


    And so he wept in private, and prayed to what he did not believe in - not for forgiveness, but mercy upon the one who deserved it above all else.



    Wow I haven't felt this emotional with a PK in a long time. Wonderfully written, Scrisa will be missed!



  7. Haus remembers the child who ran from the clinic to shade, carrying a jar with a spider in it.


    He remembers the Queen he stood before with the Grand Lord, explaining to her what role his office offered to the Crown. He remembers the look on her face - confused, worried, and supportive.


    He remembers lying in the frost and snow as his life slipped away - how the hearth she had nurtured had allowed him to endure, how that warmth remained with him as he lay abandoned.


    He remembered the countless acts of Violence he had threatened, and the few he had done, for her honor and integrity. What lengths he has gone to tend to the Hearth, for her.


    A drink is poured out into the dirt for the People's Queen, and a unexpected, lifelong friend.

  8. A bloodied dagger remains tight in his grip. Star-drowned eyes watch the corpse topple over before him, of a man so devout to his goals he resisted all temptation. 


    That Watcher knows in the very depths of his soul the day will come when questions are asked, when his loyalty will be tested once again. People will claim he had some elaborate scheme, served some higher power.


    As he hears familiar voices from outside, his heart aches and weeps - that very misery he knows he inflicts is the same that guided his hand.


    His tears do not stop, nor does his grief subside as days pass. A part of him has been severed, to die with the very life he took.


    He knows the mission he must uphold now. The Veil demands it. 

  9. In his private quarters, Haus winces as words in a hellish tongue come into his view, dropping the paper atop his table as he rubes at his eyes. He quickly flips over the page, ponders the problem, and writes to the only man he can think of who might be qualified to handle this:



    Bishop Villorik,


    I hope you are well, admist the chaos that is once again, humanity. I write to you under a most grave understanding - within the Dark Magicks section, there lies a word that I cannot read, for it burns my very eyes and inflicts hot flashes upon my skin to simply read. Such discomforting text is a clear sign of Vile, Evil Tongues, ones that no mortal man could ever utter. 


    It goes without saying, then - one of the Author's of this document is perhaps hiding in plain sight. I urge you as the last bastion of action within the Church to look into this mater, before such acts are raids of vile and hellish creatures occurs upon the rest of Canondom as it has Hohkmat.



    Lord-Magister, Haus
    Master of the Ziggurat of Hohkmat, Watcher of the Veil



    Cmon really calling every magic but kani by their forum name is lame.


  10. Admist the chaos that is the Human Geopolitical situation, the paper from Balian makes its way to the desk of a Watcher.


    He frowns - he's quite fond of this island, and how it remained untouched by mortal hands. He eyes a tiny black book that's come to safely rest upon his desk, and begins to scribble notes into it.

  11. Somewhere, star-drowned eyes read over the missive. A brow twitches as Amaya is mentioned, and suspected.


    The paper is burnt to ashes as he reads onward, about false relationships and lies. Haus stands - and taking a page from his dear Mentor's book - makes a little black book of his own. Names are jolted into it.


    He decides to leave the forgiveness to someone else.

  12. "...Poor Amaya."


    Haus bids in his own silence, a copy safely kept in his quarter's and away from the burning hands of the Haeseni. Somewhere across the room, a larger stack rests - his own collection. History memorialized.


    The Once-Weiss never imaged he'd live to see the Descendant of the Lion, Karl III, engaging with Hellish forces. Truly, a wonderful surprise. Yet all he could muster was that of sympathy for the dear Queen - the one who had lead the Haeseni through thick and thin, perhaps to be disgraced by association. 


    He rose, opting to pace around his halls. Perhaps she need not be.

  13. Firstly - I love the idea of this re-write, and I think it brings a good many needed changes to fire (Thank GOD someone clarified actual burn damage mechanically). That said, there's certainly a few points that could be made more clearly, and some things I disagree with. This is a first few passes worth of notes, so - grain of salt. I am assuming the idea of voidal magics being a optional two-slot is a trend you intend to continue across the elemental evocations, and I'm all for it. 



    • Generally, How long does each Tier take? You've listed what you learn at each Tier, but not the time needed.
    • I like the damage system mechanically, but it is a bit strong in terms of lethality - I think it should remain 4 emotes of exposure over a vital area to render someone critical, and half that if blue fire is used. In addition, I think its worth describing how base fire interactions with certain common types of armor, in regards to damage and lethality. 
    • At what Tier is a fire mage capable of self-teaching the second slot? Would it be marked under the original MA? How long should it take someone to master the entire second slot?
    • Who can access the second slot? 
    • Personally (And not like I spent a month combing over voidal magic to fix this) It is easier to write spells as [1 Connect + X Charge + 1 Cast] Emotes - it would probably help make more visually clean the idea you have of de-powering certain spells for a quick and less potent casting
    • You mention in the overall redlines one of the main limiting factors in Fire Evocation is the Line-Of-Sight, as is said in the Voidal Connection page - repeatedly throughout though, spells are seemingly limited to arbitrary ranges that are irrespective of the line of sight that don't really make sense. I'll touch on this when I get to them, but for spells that don't require it -I.E Flamethrower - I think this should be either Line of Sight, or set per spell.
    • This is more of a personal ideal, but I never saw a problem with having non-combative fire be a color beyond that of a standard flame. It's flavor, and hasn't hurt anyone. On the subject of flavor, though - I do really like that you clarify how the spells ought be emoted, though maybe leave a bit of wiggle room if there isn't for a mage to create the own style of casting?
    • Again, a personal idea - how would other elements, or elemental evos, interact with voidal fire spells? It could be nuanced to write, but it would help clear up what spells within voidal magic can to what against other spells.




    • From what I can tell - Enwreathe, Cauterize, Conjure Fire, and any other displays of non-combative Fire. I personally think Non-Combative Conjure Fire should be written as it's own thing and treated separately - it gives true freeform creativity to the mage, only limited by the basic redlines it needs and ET Discretion during non-CRP portions of events.
    • I would separate within each tier what the general potency/flame is like, how it works as a Cauterize-eqse spell, and how it works as a Enwreathe-esqe spell. 
    • I wholly disagree with the range slapped onto this way - Enwreathe should work as long as you have line of sight on the target's weapons, and Cauterize should only work if you are within arms reach of said target.  Otherwise, as a general spark-producing tool, that range might work though again - it should be line of sight.
    • A point I'll mention in other spells and elaborate further on in Modifiers - I don't see why Combustion/Enduring/Blue Fire/Fumes cannot be applied to the Enwreathe portion of this spell.

    Fire Projectile:


    • Again - the range. A Translocationist with a Arcane focus, or a extra emote, can travel up to 32 blocks. A 20-Block (RP Range) spell limit seems arbitrary. 
    • The Redline against Eminants doesn't really need to be there. A Eminant only gains a stack of Incanter's Flow upon the casting of a spell and as far as I understand - Fire/Flame Projectile counts as 1 Charging and 1 Casting, regardless of how many projectiles are summon, thrown, or lost.

    • I'm assuming this is Flame Projectile and Flame Blast rolled into one spell, plus Super Flameblast and Ultra Flameblast. No complaints here on that, though I would specific for fumes if the radius of the smoke is double that of the initial spell radius - I.E Does a T5 Fire Projectile Fumed create a 10m Radius of Smoke? It'd be good to be able to know that information from within the Spell spoiler in my opinion


    Fire Wall:


    • like the idea of a useful flame wall. Generally - does the fire itself act as a visual obstruction given the flames border several meters taller then the average descendant, or is that specifically limited to fumes?
    • This is a concern I'll address on the Modifications part, but - why can't this wall be made combustive, or enduring, or blue fire'd? I'll return to this point in more detail when I get there
    • I would clarify the mechanics of encirclement like the original spell does - you mention it as a option for application but don't expand on it. How far away does it have to be at minimum from the target? How far can it be at maximum? 

    Fire Pillar:


    • This spell feels weak for a Mage who isn't a Eminant at 3 stacks of Incanter's flow. Rarely will a target remain still in a 2x2 area for the 2 charging emotes, nevermind a 4x4 area for 3 charging emotes. 
    • The Combustion effects are incredibly strong. The current Launch sends a target 1.5 Meters into the air and may, at most, cause sprains in the ankle. Atop of breaking bones, this T4 + Combustion spell (that is now T5 Cost, 5 Emotes, and a 2x2 area, exaggerating the concerns from before) sends them flying 6 meters into the air. This is, if it lands, a Fight-Ending spell regardless of how into the fight someone is, while equally being useless to cast.



    • A nerf that I'm sad for but probably was needed. I don't quite understand the T3 Variant - at two blocks and three emotes there isn't a chance your getting that off before someone has DC'd you, or forces a dodge/self-disconnection. I heavily dislike the idea of spells that are only applicable to mages with enhanced connections such as Scions or Eminents. 
    • For the T5 Twin Flamethrower Variant - Can this spell be fired at two different targets within the mage's line of sight (infront of them?) Or only in the same general direction?
    • For Enduring - Do the Enduring Flames linger for three emotes following the conclusion of spell, or from when they were first applied? That is - if I sustain a Flamethrower for 4 emotes, does all of the Enduring Flame vanish on the 7th emote after I've concluded my spellcasting, or does it vanish after 3 emotes have passed from application - which is to say chunks of enduring flame would vanish over time and the area set of fire slowly lowers?



    • Again to the Modifiers - I don't see a reason why the T3/T4 Variants of the spell can't have Modifiers as a option
    • I don't quite understand the height part - assuming the only range requirement is Line-Of-Sight, does that specify how high the clouds are from the ground?

    Flame Field:


    • This looks pretty good as is, though would a mage not be caught in their own flame field if using the T4 Variant and a Focus? 
    • Again like a broken record, but I don't see a reason why more Modifiers can't be used here - why not fumes to create a smokescreen?
    • Here, I agree with the use of a range limit IF a focus is used, or otherwise originating from the mage. I would mention somewhere the mage is, presumably, standing in a safe spot with no flame under them - if so, how large is this area, and could others stand in it?

    Flame Implement:


    • In honesty,  this is a Scion-only spell that they can't even use, considering it's T4. A mage attempting to attack would disconnect and thusly be unable to use the spell.
    • I would instead considering making this a T4 Ignite - allowing someone to almost entirely shroud a person's weapon in dense flames that trades the edge for the ability to add Modifiers. Alternatively, you could allow this to create a Anchor that someone else can grab onto, and via Enduring create them a flaming weapon, per the redlines of the existing Flame Implement - Get creative with it!
    • I don't quite understand the fiery after-trail - is it for flavor, or would it damage someone who tried to pass through? Could I make a fire whip and spin it around really fast and then make burning air?

    Fulminating Blast:


    • This honestly feels underwhelming - I don't know the difference between a Ray or Beam, nor why each would have different radius's. Casting the spell ought to be consistent in it's dimensions and effects.
    • Again, range - I don't see a clear reason, especially given its a Event-Only use spell, to cap it by a set range instead of Line of Sight. Given that it is a event spell, perhaps up it's capabilities a little more, and define it as consuming the mage's entire manapool, and thusly rendering them unable to cast? This may be better left as a last-resort spell for a event, rather then a spell someone might consider casting with other options.




    • I don't understand why some spells can have some modifiers, and others cannot. As a general rule of thumb, I like the idea that T5 spells cant be up-tiered past White Fire, and thus can't accept Modifiers. Still - Why shouldn't I be able to apply Combustive to Enwreathe as is currently accepted, or enduring and allow weapon strikes to spread fire to opponents? Why Can't my T4 Firestorm rain down smoke or create a burning oil field underneath it? In my opinion, the Modifiers should strive to give versatility to the way Fire Evokers can cause chaos and damage, and only not apply where it makes sense. I.E Flamethrower is a stream of flames, and thusly a semi-solid, combustive stream doesn't make any sense. TL:DR - Modifiers should always apply unless they rationally don't make sense in the application. It shouldn't matter if its useful - giving players the tools to do more things, useful or powerful or not, is what makes something freeform, which seems to be the main point of this re-write.
    • Atop that, and this is more a clarification - can Modifiers be stacked, following the redlines that each adds a tier's worth of cost and +1 emote to the spell length, or is there a maximum limit of Modifiers per spell? If so, what is it? It would be cool to stack something like Enduring Blue Flame, through following the logic it could only be applied to T3 Spells if such could be done.

    Blue Fire


    • Given how you earlier clarified damage by burns, I think it might help to add that to how Blue Fire applies its damage for rapidly. I'd also clarify somewhere how normal fire effects fire, if Blue Fire can bypass it after two emotes
    • I don't think fire resistance would entirely nullify the effects of Blue Fire - maybe give whatever its applied to 1 Emotes worth of resistance to the effects before it might otherwise succumb, but otherwise that's entirely negating +1 emote and +1 Tier's worth of Mana. Alternatively, this could be best left to the individual lore pieces that have Fire Resistance or Immunity.

    White Fire:


    • Does White Fire, on it's application, instantly PK the user? Can it be sustained across several spells in a sort of countdown?
    • Does a White Fire PK Bypass methods of surpassing death, Such as Kloning, Machine Spirits, or other CAs/FAs? Whatever it is, it should be marked down.



    • Does a Combustive-Modified Spell retain its heat aspect - that is, if I hit someone with a T2 Combustive Fire Projectile, will they suffer the burns and concussive force added by combustion, or does the combustion replace the burn effects with concussive effects?
    • In addition, at the higher tiers of combustion where Combustion begins to apply in a radius - does that burning effect carry to that radius if it applies?



    • I think I understand, but just to clarify - In using fumes a emote is not added, but the charging emotes replace flame and embers with soot and ash?
    • Is there a reason the smoke created by fumes cannot be sustained longer then 4 emotes? Again, this feels like it could default to how the spells describes its sustainment by tier cost, instead of arbitrarily lasting 4 emotes.



    • I really like this concept of a deployed spell - I think, again, the idea of a arbitrary 3 emote limit doesn't make sense. Rather, it could be that it follows the sustainment guide from a spell, OR that Enduring contains its own sustainment guide - That is, based on the Tier of Spell its applied to, it can remaining up for a set amount of emotes before requiring a additional cost of mana equal to the tier casted at to sustain for another set amount of emotes. This would give more freedom to the mage to sustain for however long they wish.
    • I would include here that the puddle of flaming liquid left by Enduring is twice the radius of the original spell, for clarities sake, as well as under each spell where it could be applied if you want to be extra clear.
  14. A lot of people have mentioned how Corc's fit into a ecosystem where Siliti existed - with them gone, would it not be worth properly re-writing corcs to be the vampires of the server, instead of a lesser to something that isn't around? 


    The main point I see contested is that Corc's are a infection, and thus as a open FA shouldn't be wildly strong considering just about anyone, anywhere can pick up the FA. To that end - could their not simply be a MA version of Corc that introduces further capabilities, shifting away from the idea of a "infection" to a more true vampire? 


    I don't play a corc nor darkspawn, so evidently these suggestions are given with a grain of salt - but Corcs have always felt underwhelming for a Darkspawn, considering they are easily caught and effectively gain nothing except a feeding timer and past a certain point, a inability to lose the Feat. Is any thought ever given to a re-write from the current Corcs or are they happy with the current state of the Feat?

  15. I like the concept, though the main reverberation effect could use some work in my opinion. It's worth noting, though - a voidal mage struck by any weapon is going to get disconnected, nevermind whatever wacky effects it has. 


    I would clarify either the range of such a stunning effect, as well as what it entails (can anyone caught in take a major or minor action? what about movement or speaking?) ought be more clear. Additionally, does the effect only target the wielder and target, or does any piece of this metal giving off its stunning effect apply such in a radius? 


    Personally, I think the reverberation should be on some cooldown per encounter - having it occur a unlimited number of times per encounter seems a bit strong, nevermind the potential for stunlocks. Something as simple as X number of emotes per occurrence of the stun, or a maximum number of times it can occur per encounter would be helpful

    Overall it's really neat idea, and mages malding over the idea of specifically being targeted should remember they can be disconnected by a random brick being thrown at them, which requires far less effort then trying to melee CRP a mage.

  16. Lord-Magister, Watcher, and Blonde Mage supreme Haus awakens from the psionic disturbance of varying, argumentized letters. He rubs his forehead, muttering into the emptiness of his bedroom


    "Blasted birds - I can hear them flying in my sleep. Awful things. Who would have that much mail to send?"

  17. 45 minutes ago, sam33497 said:

    t4/t5 air shields are domes so you cant move regardless


    "The evocationist can now conjure an air dome which will deflect anything flying at baseball speed or lower so long as the shield is maintained. The wall can now deflect projectiles flying at speeds higher than an arrow though not at crossbow bolt speed. "


    T4 is when a Air Evoker can actually summon a dome instead of a wall, though I don't think it's a bad change to make it so the T4/T5 Variants retain wall strength but are forced into domes. 

  18. 53 minutes ago, Borin said:

    I don't rlly see anything wrong w mass testing. Usually it only happens 1. When there's been an incident or something and the Canonist Church starts up a little inquisitioning or 2. When certain groups are a-hunting. If you're a spook just... be more careful. Try harder. If you know that there's been a thing that would encourage groups like the Church to start mass testing people, don't go places you know you might get tested! It's not hard to know when the chance of mass testing is increased!


    I remember a report recently where someone got tested after SS'ing in to a hub pillar from CT, so I don't really think "Don't want to get tested? Don't go to X place!" is a solid idea. People will just bandit the roads and subject others to "random" testing and take the refusal to incur a serious wound at random as a offense. It should be difficult, and resourcing consuming - not impossible - for the average guy to darkspawn test.


    56 minutes ago, Borin said:

    I do think the method of testing should be made more difficult to get and perhaps RP-item-ised if you want to stop it being as corny or 'easy', as opposed to making it so that you have to grievously wound every single person to do it. That's silly.

    Why not both? There are other ways to expose people with Dark MAs and CAs beyond a simple gate test, in the same vein they're encouraged to enter places in means that avoid the gate test (which IS a form of mass testing, let's not pretend it isn't - Unwillingly's said it much better). The test should cost resources, and not be something that can just be one and done ignored in character. The only real arguement I see again the test incurring a severe wound is that people who do minimal "Please submit or we will kill you *produces infinitely clean aurum blade and salt" will now have to put in effort. Perhaps even do some roleplay. 

  19. Haus, Lord-Magister of Paradox and a uncheerfully involved soul in the prolonged war idly scanned over the missive. Those cosmic eyes lingered on the signature at the bottom of the paper. 


    He remembered, in what felt like a lifetime ago, standing in a small room with the same man when Adria had stood in the shoe's of the league as a small group of the Sarkozic's men and family discussed their options. He remembered fighting alongside the Countess, assaulted by a Mogg bandit on the road.


    He was long tired of wars of countless faces and the same drawl, echoed over and over like a vacuum. He hoped, of course, things might be different-


    But hope would only carry him so far. Action had to occur. And so he began to gather some items, and study his maps.

  20. 19 hours ago, ReveredOwl said:

    But this is similiar to vampires trying to remove their tell because people figured it out through rp, it appears like there are no tells at all in the lore written. Much like the vampires tried, in this lore frost witches can disguise their own blood to appear normal which doesn't entirely make sense. Their blood is turned to slush due to their very nature, it doesn't really make sense for them to be able to change their blood type on a whim simply so they don't get caught.

    There's probably a conversation that can be had over every gatehouse having a unlimited supply of salt and aurum weapons that never cause a infection, or the "random" darkspawn testings that occur. I like the idea that a disguise isn't just broken or see through by means of bare testing RP, nevermind the work that has to go into making a actual disguise

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