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About russijaka

  • Birthday 09/17/2003

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  • Character Name
    Molli "Magpie" Woorttroost
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  1. Shortpoem #1
    Lord of the Sword and Killerknight 

    "Oh lord of the sword
    What is your reward?
    To a knight of light,
    that fought with all might?"

    "You may take my daughter,
    The best for manslaughter!
    Sharpest egdes of all kingdom,
    Best for you, son with a killer syndrom!"


  2. russijaka


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) A deeply in thought sunken goblin was standing now at the entrance. The strong physique, and their overly tidy and good kept attire was great contrast to the murky and muddy environment. The lively aura emanating from the look concealed the inner weakend spirit. Only through the cloudy glace in their only opened left eye reflected the broken inner state. They were like awoken from a bad dream, when the old hag stated to speak to them. Some of the green color returnded into the eye of the goblin. Only then they moved with heavy, but cautious steps to take a seat on the cushion. It took some time for the goblin to start to speak. Slow, but clear tone. "I appreciate your hospitality. I try my best to tell my story. But I can only tell it for short, before my mind will sink back in the "library of my mind". I'm Molli, Woothtroost is my title. I was a strong one amongst my kind, able to nearly match with the orcs. I was a fighter in my hearth, spirit and mind. Always ready for a bloody fight and using new weapons, crafted by my hands, to gain advantage against my adversaries. And yet I was curious to learn even as a mighty fighter about the secrets of past masters. I read from an ancient monolith and read all books stored in a hidden library of unknown sages. I read and remembered it clear like water. But what I lacked, was the caution. Through carelessness I broke the ancient monolith and burned the library down in the same time in accident. And then the structure collapsed onto me. I survived, but all knowledge was broken down into symbols,letters,words,numbers,runes and pictures, that swrill now without order and sense in me. It broke my mind and my spirit. Now my goal is clear, I want to restore the knowledge that was lost thought my mistake. I need to be thought about things like magic and laws of nature, because I need to understand them for restoring knowledge. It is just unintelligible speech for me now that inhabits my mind. I can't read the knowledge anymore given to me by the library and the stone, ..." They can't end their sentence, because the pull into the "library of their mind" was too strong. Their eye loses color again. Their become silent.
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