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Status Updates posted by SummerS

  1. The Bounty-hunter lied down his sword. He looked at the gravestone, closed his eyes, and looked down as the sun began to hide behind the horizon. 

    "I'll get boon, find him a grave right next to yours. No doubt about it, Tullius. Though my city may not like Caelia that much, Caelia Invicta." 

    The bounty-hunter grabbed his sword, mounted his horse, and rode off with one mission, and one mission only. Find boon. Caelia Invicta!



    A new man approaches Balian. He is masked in navy blue-gray armor with a guitar and a sword. "Can someone open up the gates?" the figure says. Viviana Vilac goes to do so. "Name, allegiance, and do you have any weapons?" she says. "Grover Reid, nowhere, and yes." he states. "Slide weapons under the wall." Viviana demands. Grover does so and is told to take off his mask. he refuses, no one can see his face. No one has seen his face. "I'm guessing by the attire that you're a bounty boy, eh?" Viviana asks. "It's called a bounty hunter, and I've got two questions." Grover answers. "One, where can I find a house here, and two, where can I find a drink?"

  3. I got a letter today. Wasn't really large. It had three words written down on it. "Welcome to Caelia, Summer!" Writer must have been quite lazy to write so little.

  4. I used to look up at the stars and think of peace. Now all I think of are red burning spheres that could kill if they wanted to.

  5. Fire can make you lose everything. Even yourself. (I hate fire)

    1. Diogen


      agreed, we should ban all forms of fire from lotc!!

  6. Orcs...ugh. I hate orcs...


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      They killed my parents!!!

    3. UnusualBrit


      Hey Smmer

    4. Qctho


      Gosh, I love orcs

  7. this is not me just to clear up some confusion.

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