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Posts posted by Availer

  1. Joma, 13th Of The First Seed, 1322

    I write this in a hurry, as darkness falls upon Aegis, I know that tonight will not be safe. Dark times are ahead. The Sages were not what the people thought they were, long did the people of Aegis show mistrust in their ways. They did not take part in most of the wars and battles in the north, regardless of my councils the Sages kept in their keeps hoarding power and wealth, in their academies studying the intricacies of magic and searching for the hidden relics of Aeriel.

    Some Ascended were true to their blood and showed the ferocity and mastery that was expected from their great descent. They fought like lions against the Undead and to this day, are spread across the lands defending our homes and cities from the ever creeping doom.

    I confronted the Sages in their magnificent city. I found them invested in their books, studying the ancient lore of the weapons of Aeriel. I put my hand on Sage Riizus shoulder, reminding him of his place in Aegis as the leader of the last defense, his place as protector of Aegis. In a fit of rage the Sage stood up and shouted, spittle erupting from the darkness of his hood. "What do you know about Aegis? What do you know about the Undead? Let the Sages be you old fool, you're task is done, return to your creator!"

    The Sage raised his golden staff, "Perhaps as a bounty, we may receive the Axe of Aeriel in return for your corpse,". Madness glinted under the dark hood. I could not believe what I was seeing, I did not expect that power would corrupt this grand order. I rose, terrible as a mountain, in a booming voice I replied "Dare you confront me? When have the Sages of Aeriel fallen to such madness?". With one sweep of my arm his staff was broken. "Your staff is broken, you are no longer able to lead the sages, go and live the rest of your days in the wilds,".

    An ominous silence began to permeate through the room and I could feel the presence of others. A voice I recognised as that of Sage Sue began to speak "Wizard, we know you wish to become the King of Aegis, we see the greed in your motives. You will never lead...". Sage Riizu let out a laugh, "Without us the Undead will scourge the land and Aegis will become nothing more than a barren wasteland. It's time we left... Aegis does not deserve our power or knowledge,"

    In a flash the Sages left me where I stood. Since that day I have not seen or heard of them. They have left Haven in disarray, the Ascended leaderless. Darkness covers the land and it is no longer safe to travel in the dark, the Undead multiply and I can feel the taint on the wind as it becomes greater and greater.

    The Nations war amongst themselves and the guilds battle over scraps. It is the calm before the storm as I know that if ever, now is the time to attack. The Undead regroup. No longer will they attack with Zombies and Pigmen, I see in the north a greater army assembling, Ghasts from the evil nether and lines upon lines of dark green monsters.

    I write this in a hurry, but my friends, there is not much more to say. You are reading this perhaps in a Library, or in the comfort of your Royal Chambers or from the Bulletin Board of your barracks. Regardless, it is time to act. The fate of Aegis now lies in the hand of its people, the Ascended still live but they are broken and leaderless. Kings, Queens, Princess, Soldiers, Blacksmiths, Cooks, Warriors, Hunters, Thieves, Assasins, Writers, Actors and Farmers of Aegis, you must all unite under one banner and march on the dark gates of Striqaephoth. I have only one gift I can give to you in this battle.

    The Gift of Magic.

  2. Before people misunderstand. The GM and Staff team were in no way rude or disrespectful to the above group of players. The Ascended was an LoTC creation designed by the LoTC staff, it was formally decided that they would be removed in the next installment as they caused a major amount of imbalance issues and ruined a lot of players RP enjoyment. I'm sure it enriched some peoples enjoyment of the game especially the Ascended themselves who enjoyed better privelages and a higher level of control than normal players.

    Again, I repeat, the staff did not hurt the integrity of the race nor of the players above who have decided to leave. Each person has his specific reasons and we will not be discussing them here. The removal of the Ascended however had a big part in it.

  3. The area was an Undead stronghold. People in-game found out and decided to attack and destroy it. Firstly there shouldn't be a plot on the Kings road and secondly you cant kill people without repercussions buddy.

    No creative mode, LoTC is dynamic and we're not going to be giving people stuff back. This is what happens when you want to be evil.

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