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Posts posted by shiftnative

  1. Hmm, I figured it wouldn't that easy. I keep asking anyone about the device we purchased and the supposed changing of servers.. but it's been a bit tight lipped. Surely getting either or both of those things done wouldn't take more than a day or two? This is going on day.. 3? of a complete shut down.

    If vaquxine does not respond to me today, we'll be switching hosts and we'll make a post prior to doing so with details. He hasnt responded in nearly two days - we're just giving him a chance - we do not have access to the servers console and therefor can't fix it ourselves :/

    If he does not respond, we will make the switch and full control will be in more hands than one

  2. Hey there LoTC,

    As you know, the server has been down quite a bit today and for that we're sorry. I haven't been able to contact Vaquxine today and the FTP information he gave me is insufficient to remedying this problem at this time.

    Here's what a DDOS looks like from the inside,


    We'll be switching from "LimeStone-Networks" to different host and ultimately get more protected sometime next month.

    I hope this fills you in, if you wanna help the server take off your adblocker, enjoy the forums and think about promoting us on other venues !

    best wishes !

  3. Hey there,

    Trying to keep you guys up to date

    here's recent happenings,

    The server has crashed, and or has been DDOS'd - Vaquxine is the only individual who has access to the servers console. I have texted his phone and the DDOS protection has not been purchased due to these limitations.

    The Fundraiser was absolutely successful and I am holding onto it and waiting for Vaquxine to reply

    Judging by "Minecraft Server-Owner" skype chat, many of them are facing similar downtimes due to DDoS attacks.

    thank you for reading !

  4. Ok? I dont see why it matters when he has always done that. Im seeing a missing respect along the community here and there should be a change to that. Here comes availer back to bring us from out of a hole and a simple disrespect is shown and he is gone. I dont blame him.

    Like the OP reads, it was not meant to be malicious, whatsoever - but I believe, above all - a stressful environment makes for stressful outcomes

  5. Im kinda disappointed that the gm team would point out his "typing skills" as not all people are pro typers and mess up quite a bit when typing, IE me, I do it a lot. Either way Im backing up Availer here and maybe the GMs should learn some manners, doesnt matter if it was unintentional or not its still hurtful and in my view unprofessional.

    It wasn't typing skill, but habits

    It was merely a similar way vaq types in skype,

    shown below,

    where you











  6. What do you count as "need it". We have the funds to get the anti ddos, and we are currently down.

    Yes the server is currently down, weather it is a DDOS or not - I can't tell because Vaquxine is the only one who has access to the console.

    As soon as I get in touch with Vaquxine, I will let everyone know just where the fundraiser donations will go ~

    As for those who have sent kind words, thank you - much appreciated <3

  7. Hey there friends,

    As some of you may know, Availer left the GM team. I don't blame anyone for this, it took a lot of pride for him to come back and stand in-front of the community.

    Over the past few days there were a few disagreements, both in skype chat and in our GM meeting. The next day a GM made a comment about Availer's typing methods, and he took it offensively - when, if you know the GM - you would know it was not in their mind to be malicious.

    He took this comment offensively, and immediately left GM chat. I messaged him on skype a few hours later asking if he really was stepping down and he seemed unsure. He made it clear that he was unhappy and I advised him not to return to GM chat and his duties.

    There is no doubt that he was interested in LoTC's health and well-being, but there was just far too much tension for anyone.

    Availer had something we know LoTC needed, a voice - I admit I may not be as charismatic as Availer is, but I can promise all of you that I will apply what he has shown - and be in the limelight, promoting and maintaining a consistent role-play environment - with a sturdier fist.

    ( Perhaps we'll need some more Admins and GM's so I can spend more time making videos and community events )

    If he stays as a player, he could just as well promote the atmosphere he is so excellent at promoting - He hasn't said he was leaving the server after-all.

    As for the DDOS protection funds, the 400$ is currently in my paypal and will be kept there until needed.

    I hope this clears things up for everyone, sorry for the wait !

    ( Please respond appropriately )

  8. Wait, how will the map change go about, will their be premade constructions for example (Our guilds HQ, our nations home city) or will the world be started from scratch and we must rebuild?

    Once the roleplay has caught up with us, you will be able to pay "Hired Workers" to assist you build. What this actually will be is, permanent invisibility, flight and limited creative to use for building your settlements.

    You will also be boxed into your region with "no-exit" flags, so don't worry about invisible flying spies ;p.

    No settlements will be built at this time.

  9. Greetings friends, and welcome.

    I am here to announce that we will be accepting player builders, onto the new map; LoTC 3.0.

    A few areas on the map haven't been touched since world-painter and below, I will list areas we need builders for.

    Natural Dungeons - (Caves, treacherous mountain passes etc.)

    Orcish Deserts - (This is reserved for Orc builders / players.)

    "Honey Bee" work - (Making sure the terrain is smooth and polished or pasted trees made diverse.)

    Terraforming - (We have a handful of islands, and a few biomes that need to be exaggerated and/or created. If you can provide concepts.)

    This is about all I can think of now, If I have a specific job for you I will contact you !

    (( Occultus members, if you could please gather a group PM and add me to it, I want to go over some things with you guys! ))

    If you're interested in this proposal, please fill out these few questions -

    (The "Concept" question is for concept images, or even original drawn blueprints of what you'd like to build. The more, the better. Original works are highly regarded.)

    MC Name:

    Duty you'd like to apply for:


    Other works:

    Do you have teamspeak?:(Microphone not required.)

  10. *A notice hangs on the Sanctuary.*

    "Tolta, 10th of The Grand Harvest, Year 57."

    "The Wandering Wizard has returned!"

    "He struggled to return, for over 57 years in an unknown plane between Aegis and the Verge, damned to the void and it's trials. His soul however, still bound to his soulstone."

    "The Soulstone was taken to Asulon by the monks and was kept safe within the Sanctuary in-hopes that the Wizard may return."

    "This very journey grew on the wizard, making him wiser and more powerful than he had been before and once the soulstone vanished form the Temple - We knew the time had come."

    "Black wings were spotted over Dwarven peaks in the early of the morning while the Dwarves of Kal'Dwain were taking up their posts. The dwarves sounded their horns of war and groups of bearded dwarves, clad in armor came pouring out of the city to defend their land."

    "Iron and diamond met flesh as streaks of flame shot outright from the the creatures snouts. The Dwarves defended their land well, but began to steadily grow weary from battle."

    "It was just then, that a gleam of light revealed the White Wizard between the dwarves and the beasts, pure and unrelenting was his aura it is said."

    "The Wizard turned to face the creatures and his sleeves bellowed spheres of flame from them, with each strike their scales and wings were enveloped in magical flame - killing some of the creatures. His presence demoralized the rest, and it is said a few managed to escape."

    "We are unsure to where it is these drakes came from, but the Wizard warns us of impending war and the races of Aegis must stand - as they once did."


    -Monk Talmb

  11. Event Planners, MC Names:

    Shiftnative, GM's , E-Team members

    Event Type:

    Skirmish / Siege

    Event Date:

    9/15/2012 - 3-7pm CST? ( To be discussed. )

    Factions/Nations effected by the event:

    Dwarves of Karik and Kaldwain? or so believed in roleplay -

    Event Location:



    A pack of drakes come pouring over the southwestern seas headed north. As the drakes near dwarven docks, they rear back and spout flame from their snouts toward the vessels. The dwarves do their best to defend their land against the swarm and they receive help from the most unlikely of characters.

    Concept Images/Screenshots:


    Other Information:

    No other information necessary, any questions may be posted below - thank you for reading.

    Do you need the Event Team's assistance?:

    Aye, I may

  12. Vaq has been inactive, and I have hardly heard a word from him recently

    It isn't related to the 3.0 - that much I'm certain of, the servers are separate and heavy voxel isn't happening

    We used to have MCmyAdmin and a custom restart button but these were both unstable so vaq is the only one able to restart the server from its console - this is a problem and has been for quite awhile

    When he returns I will speak to him about this downtime and see if Vaq can create us a restart script, so that the server isn't down for long periods of time

  13. Unfortunately the creator of world painter is unavailable to help create the world, however he did offer to add things to his plugins and programs that we need, here is what he said:


    4 hours, 37 minutes ago

    I'm honoured to be asked! Unfortunately I'm going to have to decline. Firstly because I wouldn't be of much use. I'm actually not that much of a world designer. I'm far better at programming WorldPainter than I am at actually using it. ;)

    In addition I sadly don't have the time. I'm working full time these days, and working on WorldPainter and the two plugins consumes pretty much any free time I have left.

    Having said that, if you have ideas for changes or additions to WorldPainter which might help you, please let me know! I can't promise anything of course, but if it's feasible and general enough to be interesting to others I might take it up.

    I'm sure you can find someone who is far better than me at creating worlds with WorldPainter (try the creators of the various WorldPainter speed builds on YouTube, and you might try asking on the forum thread). Good luck!

    I'd be interested in following the progress of the new map, by the way. I'd love to wander around it if/when possible, or perhaps to see maps or videos of it. Keep me posted!

    Cheers, Captain_Chaos

    If he could add me on skype @ nativeshift or email me at [email protected]

    (Whichever is convenient for him) I would gladly have a chat / keep him updated without talkin' his ear off ~

  14. @ bluesky - Well said ! I agree with a majority of what you have to say.

    I've world-painted 3.0 map, and it took me two weeks+ to do so :< Now we'll go in and slowly build up the landscape with voxel sniper when mod-requests aren't ablaze and go through each, grueling step there-after.

  15. Jaw hit my desk, all our work....

    Ballpark on eta? Because most my guild just stopped trying to build now because a reset looms.

    December? January, it's hard to say considering the amount of work that is going into this map - We will be granting limited creative/vanish to assist in easing the pain of arduous build projects and it will be roleplayed as if you've hired a "builders guild" to assist you.

    This is partially why we've kept our mouth shut about 3.0, we don't want role-play to be affected because of it. Yet we don't want the community to think we're not doin' anything in regards to it, it's a double edged sword and I hope we can sway you to continue your project.

  16. This seems cool. I wasn't here when there was Aegis. So I didn't get to move to Asulon. Anyway I have heard that the move was terrible. I personally think this will be fun. All the things I have heard make it sound good and bad. The 3.0 map sounds fun. It just seems like this is going to be put together a lot better then the Aegis to Asalon move. But as I said I have no idea.

    The Aegis map was falling apart, and we only had 35 days to create the entire map. Everyone involved with LoTC was a less intuitive then - We've got more time, more heads and a community that knows what they want, we don't need much else!

    Just keep in mind that these current Asulon events that are stirring, will effect your experience in the next realm ~

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