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Posts posted by shiftnative

  1. Greetings friends,

    As many of you know we were invited to participate in a Minecraft Olympic event between some of Minecrafts most well-known servers.

    Here's some information, to further help you decide on whether or not you'd like represent LoTC in these games !

    ( Only 20 players will be chosen. 15 Voted for by the players, and five chosen out of the hat )

    Information and details about nominations and voting will be posted tomorrow.





  2. Its also a nice way to end the map without having to repeat ourselves and do another exodus running away from the Undead or something like it.

    Aye us GM's were definitely not interested in running the players out but we do have a whole host of things in-store to help assist with the switch ( when the time comes )

    Like, temporary access to the /fly command for builders ( to reduce those many months spent in building phases, roleplayed as if you hired workers from a "builders guild ) Don't forget - emeralds await us aswell!

    Xanthos also just opened a new northern mine, which I had a few plans for but this thread got me thinkin' even more so! - kudos to you and this post for such clarity.~

  3. I happen to like fairy tales, and quaint things - perhaps that's why? ;p

    I can see what you mean. However, I've always felt it's important that with such an array of culture and age-groups, that the names we choose be easily pronounced.

    Aegis will always be something our players remember and using Greek words, weather they be influenced by English or not has been a small way for us to stay within the bounds of our original home, Aegis.

    But by all means, lay them on us if you feel so inclined!

  4. My cauldron pours me bubbly, but when I put this input, it spews poison :(

    That being said, Asulon is an actual book title which makes me wonder who picked it. Aegis is itself a collar that professed a skill or a 'deity' that watched over the wearer of said collar. It also pertains to the AEGIS; a naval warfare technological system.

    I chose the name, after roaming through Greek words with English derivatives I found Asulon, which loosely translates to "Sanctuary" !

    Adyton, Xanthos & Lysistrata all were pulled from the same list aswell actually ~

  5. In the first few months, Aegis was pretty cleaned up. Most of anything that didn't belong was simply swept up if brought to the attention to the proper authorities. This even extended to towns, for the most part. Even with relatively low amount of towns, nobody wanted more except for the people building them.

    Then, I had to concentrate on college when that first summer ended. When I came back, it was undeniably messy. I don't know what happened in that amount of time, since the number of active players seemed to stay relatively the same, but somehow we all dropped the ball and let the place get cluttered. We just have to keep the standards of those first few months and we should be right as rain, once again.

    There were no regions along the road, delegating free-land in minecraft is insane - We just couldn't keep up with everyone's desire to build their forts & shops along the roads. We hope to merry the two extremes by providing scattered plots of free-land and or harvesting areas at clever locations with the intention of providing roleplay. Settlements will have more freedoms, but we will have to regulate just how many settlements the map can hold. Aswell as providing a route to the "Wilds" that doesn't take four minecraft days on foot

  6. First of all we need to know the events. There's no point nominating champions if we're not sending those who have a specialty in a particular event.

    The event's are not being told to any competitors, from any servers

    I'm in a skype group with everyone involved in making this happen and there will be a website made in the coming weeks - perhaps more information will be given there ~

  7. The thing about the whole draw by hat and tryout stuff, is that everyone has a bias opinion. People are going to hate people, that's just how it works. But look at it this way, LotC is OUR community. We are all entitled to voice an opinion. Voting just seems to be overrated as popularity ensues, but if we are honest about why we choose who we chose, then there's nothing wrong about that.

    Why are some players popular? They are popular because either they have something that stands out to te public and everyone can recollect that, or possessing an overall likeness. Not everyone is good, but also not everyone is bad. We make choices that ultimately tell us in the end whether we made a good choice or bad.

    Well said!

  8. I sense a popularity contest ensuing if we do nominations.

    But if we randomly pick names out of a hat then we might not get people who are actually good at the events. So tryouts would be the best way in my opinion.

    The names in the hat, would get there by the player interested in participating putting their name forth - it wouldnt just be anyone on theserver - just those who think theyre up to the challenge :]

    As for "try-outs" it could be difficult to make this happen with so many different time-zones and such ~

  9. We have no clue which games/competitions will be held during this Olympiad event -

    And while I think holding a contest before-hand it would be a fun way to do so, it would take a lot of preparation/building & less people role-playing due to setting it up.

    (Not completely opposed to this, just my concerns)

    I think a community vote, as-well as a drawing will be in-order

    weather it be 10 names drawn from a hat or 5 - this is to be decided ~

    Heading out of the house until later tonight, the Ms's birthday today !

  10. make a poll for which option?

    The reason the a poll doesn't exist is because I wanted players to voice their reasons, and by the looks of it - We could also do 15 players voted on, and 5 picked randomly.

    You're not gonna find many "noobs" on the forums, the players you guys are worried about getting randomly picked usually don't use the forums and probably wouldn't see this thread ~

  11. But, say we get some 'newbie' and he just goes and disgraces our server by acting immature or something? I mean, I want someone who will speak in full sentences and have proper grammar. Both options have their pro's and con's.

    A valid point indeed!

    Firespirit44 has mentioned half & half I'll add it to the original post.

    edit: Taking a nap - girlfriend's birthday today and I haven't slept brb ~

  12. No, not two. That's kinda unfair if said player is not very well known, which is unfair. I say the hat!

    Option 1.

    Option 2 will clearly be a popularity contest and a " whoever has the most friends wins ".

    Option 1 is by far the fairest. I really do hope it does not come down to Option 2 , for it would not be at all fair for players old and new. It would completely rely on the number of people in your buddylist , really.


  13. Number 2.

    BTW, what events will happen in the Minecraft Olympics? I can't imagine how one player could beat another player at any event, since in vanilla Minecraft, everyone has the exact same stats for everything.

    Obstacle courses - Spleef - Mazes - Puzzles - Building Contests you name it ! ~

    (They haven't left details on the games that they will be holding - mostly to keep people on their toes I'd suspect - no training!)

  14. invite.png

    Ahoy LoTC !

    Recently, a Public Relations Representative from "GamerNorth" in association with "SuperEarth" spoke to me on team-speak about a Minecraft Olympic event between the top tier servers on Minecraft ~

    As you can see, we've been invited and I've been told that we may bring up to twenty competitors.

    Now I come to you, the players and potential Olympians - How do you prefer we choose our champions?

    1) Have anyone interested, put their names down in a thread. Then I write them down and pull them out of a hat via live-stream.

    2) Have players nominate candidates, then vote on those whom they wish.

    3) 10 Are chosen by vote & 10 are chosen out of the hat.

    Other Notes:

    -LoTC will recieve it's own plot of land on the server for us to decorate and embody what the LoTC experience is !

    -Olympiad competitors will also receive VIP benefits for attending this monumental occasion ~

  15. I'll register when I get off my phone, but I think LOTC makes up most of the site's members~ =P

    This gives you guys the chance to be some of the founding members,

    NewsCraft wanted to make sure the right type of minecrafters were there to help launch the web-page, who better then LoTC players? :wink:

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