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Lawrence Berell

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Status Updates posted by Lawrence Berell

  1. Ah. Got some more if you're interested.

    "Om nom nom Halflings" for one, and "I love Lucas Black so- wait, isn't he that dude who dudes stuff out? Burn him!"

  2. How can you see the Active Reports if you aren't a mod?

  3. "For the time is now, and the time is right. Go forth, and spread his will..."

    'nother quote for yeh

  4. Hmmm... how about "The sands of time slow to a halt as we all close in on doom"?

  5. Yoh, new quote!

    "Feasts shall begin, upon the souls of the living..."

  6. Looking forwards to a beautiful sla- relationship... heheh?

  7. You should, it's very liberating.

    I went down kings road and kill two people, then my RP brother. All of them I feasted on, one of them alive O.o

  8. I'll get ma peeps on you for this!

  9. *pokes even harder, and revokes VA so he doesn't have to run off*

  10. Coming back as a ghost? You can't explain that...

    But you can ban for it *lifts pink hammar ready to ban Auzzie*

  11. You, will never have as many posts as me!!

    (unless you start denying now :3)

  12. Technically, it's against my job to tell you what you did wrong in my denied post. That's why I let people PM me.

    And, I can only remember denying one. Show's how many I've denied :/

  13. I am, confused.

    If you are talking about lurking round my profile, be aware of the warning signs.


    That, is all.

  14. Youe challenge has been: Denied.

    Reasons for this may include:

    [X]It is impossible for you to do such a feat.

    [X]I am awesome.

    Please rechallenge in 3 days

  15. No, it's a scary compitition, in reference to when he challenged me as Vardak to a scary compitition, which I won.

    I will not say how due to laws on minors

  16. It takes a bit longer than a day.

  17. I don't implement apps, sorry!

    Be patient, someone will eventually.

  18. New character? or still the Missy kitty?

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