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Posts posted by Jordan1921

  1. Fliers are posted all around the streets of the Capital of Urguan, the fresh ink of the printing press is seen by the dim torchlight. 


    "Citizens of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, this is news and updates on the recent events of the Grand Kingdom, of which are numerous, it is the duty of all, young and old, to understand the happens of the recent days, as these have shaped the future of our nation. Stay strong in the coming days, and do not let the lack of leadership stay the course of our strength.


    Early this stone day, 14th of The First Seed, 1517 our kin mounted an assault led by others on the sea monster known as the Devourer. The Dwarves fought valiantly against the beast but alas the Dwarven ship was taken, smashed to bits by the beast, most Dwed escaped to the nearby High Elven boat, unfortunately our Grand King Balek Irongut was not one of them. He was taken by the sea, or by the monster. I urge all faithful Dwarves to pray in their homes for the well being of our Grand King. Balek Irongut fought with the courage of Dungrimm and ruled with the fairness Yemekar bestowed upon all his children, he will be missed. 


    Upon returning to Kal'Akash many rushed to the throne room, an urgent senate meeting was called, in which I, Hogarth Irongut was asked by the senate to be Lord Regent, acting as King until the next Grand King is chosen by election. If the attention of the ruler is needed, speak or send a bird to Hogarth Irongut. Before the election comes however, the senate must nominate who they wish to run. If you wish to step forward and put your name on the kingdom's ballot speak to one of the Kingdom's senators.


    After the meeting we were visited by the ancient Dwarves, who came in golems, they asked for us to bend the knee to them. They asked for our loyalty to call them king, we declined, they met this declaration with force, and in a bloody fight we fought back the Dwarves and their servants. After the assault was beaten back we rushed to the beacon that summoned them there in an attempt to turn it off. In the ensuing chaos the Grand Marshall Jorik Grandaxe was captured by their forces. After returning the legates of the Legion met and decided to vote on the interim Grand Marshall. The Legion's choice was Rhewen Frostbeard, who will assume the duties of the Grand Marshall until further notice. This is the news of our Kingdom, a senate meeting shall be held soon to decide those who will run for the position of Grand King, be safe my brothers, keep ever vigilant."


    Narvak oz Urguan, Narvak oz Balek.

  2. MC name: Jordan1921

    Character's name and age: Hogarth Irongut, 521


    Character’s Race: Dwarf

    What magic/s did you learn?: Runesmithing 


    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: Hogarth first learned the basics of the magic from Sanctus, a golem in Athera that was charged with protecting the secrets of the ancient Dwarves that lived in Athera before the usual player. There was an event ran by (501Warhead) who played Sanctus. A large group of Dwarves and general people from Urguan came to the fortress Sanctus protected, finding him in the underground of the fortress. Sanctus presented the group with a riddle that all the people there clamored to solve, Hogarth along with Dizzy were the two Dwarves to solve the riddle and therefore were gifted the first teachings of Runesmithing. After Hogarth, Dizzy and Lori were taught the very basics they were told to go out and find the rest, learning on their own. That's what the Runesmiths did for the most part. 


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned: Runesmithing is the life work of a particular Aengul who's name is unknown, he used his power and immortal life as an Aengul to devote himself to experimentation. One of his most important if only known projects is the language he created. He was especially interested in linguistics, creating a language that could be used for a massive variety of purposes. This Aengul was however a victim of Iblees, and knowing that if he was defeated by him his knowledge of the powerful language would fall into the wrong hands, he started to create barriers, eventually convincing his attacker that he isn't worth the effort of assault. In his victory however he realized that he was close to death and would soon lose all ability to consciously think. In his last moments he created a bridge between the knowledge of the Aengulic language and the mortal realm, gifting the knowledge of the language to those who he feared would suffer the most as time passed. 


    The process of creating a rune is extensive, the basics include marking the material which is to be used, marking the material they wish to effect, and the final activation of a rune. Before anyone can do this however runesmiths require materials and tools to properly make a rune that can be activated. Thanium Chalk is used to designate the lines of runes. Each and every runesmith has their own set of tools, being the most crucial preparation needed before even beginning to make a rune. The hammer activates the rune, channeling the power of the runesmith into the runes he's created. The chisel deactivates a rune, leaving the rune active until once again activated. To make a rune the runesmith must first draw around the entire area in which the runes are to be used. The runesmith then carves the runes in a circular shape around the area. 

  3. Considerin yer a dwed in 'high standing position, it's nae good to slam a representative of t'e Ireheart clan when he voices his concern and distaste for a decision. Yeh should take it on the chin and instead attempt to address the concern. Just because bastion has only recently returned does nae make his opinion any less valid t'an yers, in fact it may even do the opposite as his mind is nae corrupted by the dwarven system that gets beaten in to the minds of our beard longs and instead is fresh and new. We need change nae the same old system governed by the same burnt out dwedmar who can't take it forward.

    Ah say this with respect, Balek is one of the best kings weh have ever had, however his illness is in poor stead and it looks as if there is a long road of recovery. Ah would reckon around close to a stone month before he is better and fit to rule. After his two or three stone months in charge ah think it would be better if he stepped down so that weh could actualleh do something the next stone weeks instead of lingering for his recovery.

    ((Written on iPad))

    "Ah ain't slammin' 'is opinion, whut ah wus slammin' wus 'is slandah 'gainst t'ose insoide teh Triarch, especialleh meh. Stuff loike t'at ain't needed an' en moi opinion it onleh serves tuh degrade teh conversation rathah t'an carreh et along. Loike ah said 'e can insult teh system all 'e wunts, but tuh moindlessly insult 'is eldahs is whut threw meh off. Ah duh believe weh should 'ave ah discussion 'bout t'is discussion wit' teh senate, 'opefulleh et can beh civil an' t'ought out. Ah undahstand people's concern an' whoile ah t'ink folks are blowin' t'is out ah proportion weh can discuss t'at en ah senate meetin'. Ah'd alsuh loike tuh seh t'at naeun realleh knows 'ow long 'is sickness will last fer sure, but ah'd put et more 'round un er twuh more stone weeks 'cause ah et's mild symptoms. Ah t'ink Balek es whu's kept us tuhgethah an' t'roivin' en t'ese toimes, ah'd rathah weh 'ave ah civil transition tuh ah regenceh t'en teh keng can come back when 'is sickness 'as passed." 


    *Bastion Ireheart speaks up to the dwarves gathered around the centre of Kal'Karaad in response to this declaration*


    "Ah believe a decision loike t'is shouldnae and cannae beh made wit'out ATLEAST firs' discussin' it wit' teh senate, weh should 'ave teh roight teh decide our regent as was teh way teh Senate was set up. T'is so called 'Triarch' nae represents w'ot teh people want as our temporary absence ov' our Gran' King.


    Ognar, a dwarf w'o 'as nae done aneh work for teh Gran' Kingdom in w'o knows 'ow long w'o comes back n' git's a position as regemt?, Sounds edgy teh meh, Jorik, our Gran' Marshal, teh military should nevah lead teh nation, n' our Lord Chancellor, 'ogarth, a courtier w'o prefers feckin' lads tehn actualleh doin' aneh work.


    Ah call a Senate meetin' teh decoide w'o our regent is, as weh should onleh 'ave 'un."


    "Ah've done plenteh work fer teh kengdom as Lord Chancellah, ah've gotten allies tuh our battles an' solidified friendships, which bah teh weh, es all teh job ah Lord Chancellah es, diplomaceh! Ah've alsuh been Lord Regent 'bout evereh toime yeh fecks mess up somet'in', an' Gran' Keng fer ah mont' back en teh Fringe. Insult teh system all yeh wunt, but dun't guh aftah teh people actualleh 'aulin' teh work loike yeh've actualleh been 'round longah t'an ah stone mont' aftah yer absence. Dunnae make yerself look loike ah prick." Hogarth says.

  5. As roleplay region owner of Hiebenhall I accept this warclaim only if the following changes are made:

    Time for pillage is lowered to one hour if the enemies of Hiebenhall win the warclaim as we believe two hours is more than enough to take from the region and damage what they want. 

    The time of the warclaim is Saturday February 28th 5:00 EST, this is negotiable but my main point is that the battle is next week rather than this one so we have ample time to prepare, also we're having a roleplay meeting this weekend so we'd like to roleplay unhindered but the main thing is ample time for us to prepare. 

    ​All items in this location may not be transferred to another, starting now.

    I would also only accept the warclaim if this rule is removed and a rule for no tnt be added as Hiebenhall is mostly for roleplay and we'd not like to see it blown into oblivion. 


    [ MC Name: ] 9coolman9
    What is your name? Lathros0
    Where do you live? Hiebenhall
    What are your primary skills? Farming, Lumberjacking, Enchanting
    Short biography (5+ sentences):
    Lathros is a short, stout dwarf fond of Industry and big bootied women. He thrives in a clan enviroment, with his kin. His recent clan father has left the Kingdom, and is in need of a new Clan.
    How are you related to the Irongut Clan? (See family tree, dont create your own father or mother unless you PM Jordan1921):
    hogarth is my daddy
    Do you swear loyalty to the Irongut Clan Father?: yes
    Do you agree to follow all the rules of the Irongut Clan? yes
    Skype name? (optional, you can also send it through PM if required) already have it


    Accepted, welcome to the clan.

  7. [ MC Name:JustBlaze237 ]

    What is your name?: Thrafeg

    Where do you live?: Kal'Kaarad

    What are your primary skills?: Ah'm a good miner and a good writer.

    Short biography (5+ sentences):  Thrafeg is the son of Aengoth Irongut. Thrafeg is very interesting in mining and minerals. Unfortunately, Thrafeg grew up without his mother but her absence was not felt very much because Thrafeg spend more time with his father. He writes about the battles in which he took part.

    How are you related to the Irongut Clan? (See family tree, dont create your own father or mother unless you PM Jordan1921): Aengoth Irongut(Father)

    Do you swear loyalty to the Irongut Clan Father?: Yes, I swear!


    Do you agree to follow all the rules of the Irongut Clan? Yes.

    Skype name? (optional, you can also send it through PM if required) cphilanthropist

    Accepted, welcome to the clan.

  8. [ MC Name: Greenpelt201345]

    What is your name? Durin

    Where do you live? Nowhere as of yet.

    What are your primary skills? I'm a miner, and a decent Jewelcutter.

    Short biography (5+ sentences): I've been away searching the deep for gems and riches, perhaps stopping and gulping down a mug of ale at a nearby tavern! While I do enjoy scouring bat filled caves, hacking and slashing at creatures of the dark, I missed the feeling of clanhood. I missed the feeling you get when you crack the skull of an undead beast with your kinsmen. I wish to experience the rush of charging into battle with my kin once more. ~Durin

    How are you related to the Irongut Clan? (See family tree, dont create your own father or mother unless you PM Jordan1921): Gamil Irongut is my father.

    Do you swear loyalty to the Irongut Clan Father?:  Indeed I do.


    Do you agree to follow all the rules of the Irongut Clan? Yes.

    Skype name? (optional, you can also send it through PM if required) Do not own one for IRL reasons.

    Accepted, welcome to the clan.


    [ MC Name: Aenorias ]


    What is your name?

    Thalin Irongut

    Where do you live?

    I have been living in Hiebenhall ever since it was created.

    What are your primary skills?

    Politics, Blacksmithing, I have yet to decide on others...

    Short biography (5+ sentences):

    I was born on the great ship that brought our great people, the Dwedmar, to Athera.

    I have since been member of the Great Irongut clan, standing beside my brethren and kin for years.

    I have been travelling Athera for months now, roaming the lands,

    And now I hope to return to my home in Hiebenhall.

    How are you related to the Irongut Clan?  (See family tree, dont create your own father or mother unless you PM Hobolympic):

    Aye, I am son of William Irongut.

    Do you swear loyalty to the Irongut Clan Lord:

    I pledge my loyalty to the clan with my life.



    Do you agree to follow all the rules of the Irongut Clan?


    Skype name? (optional, we have a clan chat)

    mr.hawtdawg (don't ask questions about the name...)


    Accepted, welcome to the clan.

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