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Posts posted by Whitebeard

  1. Scientists do not claim to know how life started or reached Earth, whether we came from some asteroid that harboured some kind of living cells or what have you..... but nevertheless no one truly knows how we got here.

    However science does have an explanation or theory as to how we might have come to being after life had started. Their is not a single shred of evidence that the bible is correct thus god not existing, so until such time as their is evidence that would infer it does I believe we should side against it.

  2. I think the great thing about the theory of evolution and a large majority of scientists, is that the scientific community still labels it as a theory. Although well supported with evidence they are still accepting the possibility of it being false (ie not the law of evolution).

    There are people such as agnostics whom decide that they do not know which is certainly a valid. However it seems to me that all religiously passionate people refuse to see the evidence and instead refute anything that would perhaps prove it or change the story that the bible presents. The fact is the bible was written by man and not a god. Therefore it is prone to the same faults and inaccuracies that all humans are subject to.

    Still atheists cannot ever concede that evolution is false. They must always argue that eventually they will find proof that evolution exists, because evolution is the keystone of modern atheism and without evolution atheism is exposed as the lie it really is.

    I find this both an interesting and humorous piece of material you have extracted from this website. For one atheism is in no way dependent on evolution, sure to provides an answer to how humans might have come to be but atheism itself is the lack of a belief in a god, it doesn't say anywhere in the 'athiests bible' that we require to explain or even believe scientific theories.

    Also through this extract it constantly explains how there is no evidence to support evolution, but I would retort with the same statement about christianity and the bible as well as almost all other religions. I fail to see how Scientology is any less ridiculous than Christianity.

  3. A large notice was later pinned up for all to see, carrying below it the ornate 'E' that denotes the Elsiol bloodline.

    ahern ito nae'leh, okarir'sil Nelecar, evarir'Haelun'or miarsair'kathiran'ehya,

    Heavy is my heart, and heavier it grows with each letter I carve into this plaque, like stitches in an open wound. Long have I overlooked your paranoia, shot down the countless claims of those who called you heartless. Long have I defended you from those who called you bitter, and was outraged by those with the nerve to call you unfit. I thought of you with nothing but respect, my keeper: a great elf, a staunch defender, and a mighty protector of the Silver City.

    But your paranoia has broken through any restraint, shattered any corral. You have for too long antagonized the pure Mali'aheral of Haelun'or, instilled into them a terror and fright to walk the streets of the city where they felt safest. These Mali'aheral, the pure souls that you swore to serve and protect, would be more scared of you than the enemies beyond our walls.

    Yet this all falls into nothingness compared to the decree you hoped to pass today.

    The banishment of these citizens is to be overturned. You think that you have unyielding authority, that you can decide for the entire city to abandon its nurtured and loving citizens. You would deny any who will challenge you on this: Not me, not the council, not the pure citizens in our blessed walls. You know somewhere that you are wrong, but your jaded pride does not allow you to see it. Your accusations are lies, spawned by your warped and envious mind, and if you would only allow us to take the matter into a public trial it would be proven.

    I will not allow you to turn your back on Haelun'ors citizens, banish those who wish to live among us in peace, just as I will not allow the city to abandon you now. You have strayed off the right path, taken your station and duty too far. In the presence of the hallowed ancestors, you will be brought to the light once again.

    Your old friend and sister-in-arms,

    - Ellir'siol

    Nelecar has acted on the laws he is set to uphold, I would no sooner see these elves leave than you, but they have broken our law and should be punished if they are in fact guilty of any of the crimes above. And until such time as Dio orders otherwise his command sticks.

  4. "Many of those who pray to these gods, have fallen for the same lies and delusions the many of those who have lived before them. The gods are a fictional creation, with one purpose; power."


  5. Besides the reasons I've already listed it would necessarily steal away wood elven players, who are a bit light on lore themselves, it also changes the idea of sub-race from something of birth to something changeable/malleable since it does not require you to reroll a new character.

    The high elves essentially would be changing themselves from a pure subrace, to a a group based on elitism - a clique/culture more than a sub-race based on familial origins. It's important that this sort of thing be discussed since it does set a precedence for the server's lore, by giving a select group of players the ability to swap anothers race at their discretion, changing the meaning of what it is to be a subrace, and specifically the meaning of what it is to be a high elf and a wood elf.

    There is also the issue of the implementation - I think I've already explained the problems of trying to RP an inherently magical object - especially if it's to be an accessible environmental one [fountain] , or something that can be consumed [ water ]. Once something is objectified rather than requiring some rite - it either demands every other player accepts this new continuity - or likely raises arguments when it's 'power' is misused, used against someone, stolen, used deceitfully or merely just ignored.

    The Wood Elves are light on members yes, but so are we. We have to get players from somewhere, besides it is up to them whether or not they choose to become a High Elf or not and it really shouldn't be up to us to dictate whether or not they can. I don't really see the issue in regards to being able to change subrace and obviously the server admins don't either, with the ability to /subrace without the help of a GM.

    I think the word Elitist fits the High Elves quite excellently, because thats exactly what they are. The Mali'Aheral way is essentially a culture, other high elven players often do not value the same things therefore doesn't affect them the slightest. What it means to be a High Elf or a Wood Elf is completely up to the individual, we at no point have claimed to tell anyone how they should act or behave, provided they do not belong or have entered Haelun'or. Our lore states that these pools were involved in our transition from common elves to High Elves. It is simply a piece of lore created to explain how we came to be. I understand your argument against the subrace changing ability and to be honest this idea hasn't be officially introduced to the server so refining and long discussions on the matter have yet to be held.

    I don't fully understand the purpose of your 3rd paragraph, I have explained numerous times that no one could or would be forcibly made into a high elf due to the long amount of time it would take even if the lore was introduced. Meaning there would be no power 'misuse'. I again don't fully understand why the server would have to undergo some amazing change because of some fountain that caused us High Elves to originally exist.....

    Again I understand your reservations but the fact of the matter is, nothing has been officially adopted.

    Edit: And If I may also add, in regards to setting a precedents for changing subraces, players can change subraces freely. We are simply offering a legitimate RP reason as to how that might be possible.

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