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Posts posted by Whitebeard

  1. It added a new element to the server. A magical object that changes a players race - There were stories of someone being forced to change race by being thrown in. That's adding something new, very different from relaxing a RP restriction players took upon themselves that other players are not expected to follow.

    Conflating the two is like comparing apples to pumpkins

    Perhaps you have experienced the same misinformation that we did in regards to the veils, but I have seen our lore and there is no way someone could be thrown in and turned into a High Elf. This is nothing more then a rumor or a case of miscommunication. The actual change from say 'Wood Elf' to 'High Elf' would be long and slow and is more than just changing them physically but also mentally in terms of RP attitudes.

  2. 1. The pumpkins or a veil is a massively overblown issue stemming from people assuming it was made up on the spot - which is untrue - people should stop repeating it, especially people that should know better.

    2. The pools were not 'accepted' by GM's - they were changed by GM's since they could lead to disputes, power-gaming and generally the idea of a magical object that changes your race is a bad idea for a variety of reasons.

    2a. If Brett told you it was a good idea, he's a derp :P

    3. With the amount of personal attacks, accusations and paranoia me and dusky have been dealing with over various issues, from various players, I'd sooner punch myself in the groin than welcome any sort of RP war with high elves. Maybe this was the plan, if so, congratulations.

    4. The Mori don't care about the high elves - nor are they conspiring against them - it's just players looking for something to do. If the high elves want to be wiped out they should talk with the orcs, not the Mori.

    The pools didn't need to be accepted by any GM(Nor have they been official implemented), they are no different then adding in pumpkins as sun protection.

  3. Please be sure to remember to stay on topic and avoid insulting other players. The thread is directed at the OOC tension between both the Mori and the High Elves. Can we please be mature enough to act like adults?

    I direct this at both the High Elves and the Mori members. If this continues I will lock this thread.

  4. I would also recommend that all 'teachers' must submit a syllabus outlining all that will be taught within said class. This will be the deciding factor as to whether the class shall run or not.

    Also a follow up of all the information within the class should be written down so that students who were unable to attend can catch up ((Done through the forums))

    -Okarir'lirran Artaeum

  5. ((OOCly, when did Haelun'or secede from Malinor, because technically, it is on the lands of Malinor, seen here (click me!)

    So shouldn't there have been a war or some post about them seceding? Just wondering))

    ((There has been no official detachment from Haelun'or from Malinor, however IC I wouldn't call us exactly ruled by Malinor. Its a complex and confusing issue.

    You know what's rather ironic, I'm half Wood elf and half of your 'superior' high elves. I prefer to stick to my wood elf root, yes I love my mother very much, but I refuse to be any part of your racist, self centered, hating biggards.

    To clarify being as your 'father' was a Wood Elf you would have no choice but to live with your Wood Elven brothers.

  6. The actions of this are inappropriate. If the High Elves; who have lived in Malinor for so long peacefully with other races, feel the need to discriminate against brethren, that is truly shameful. As Wood Elves and Dark Elves, we stand tall to ensure all are included amongst our worlds. If you cut a Dark Elf, a Mori, A Wood Elf, and a High Elf open, they are all the same inside. Where does it stand to say one is proud to be a "High Elf" or a "Wood Elf" for that matter? Who gives a damn about different skills. The Wood Elves are far better archers and the High Elves are far more advanced in the art of education. What is there to gain by refusing to interact with those who have lived with us for thousands of years? What in Malin's name makes us any different from each other? Answer that, any elf. I seek to realize how one who was once in the Malinor council and promoted anti-prejudice movements is now a racist because they have a few meager ruins. Answer that, Ebs and the rest of the High Elf Council! How can you beseech to seclude yourself from the very place Prince Ashur found, and generously left untouched for you all? I assume now in your eyes, that racial inequality proves how "astonishing" ones' nation is.

    Answer me that one question: How could we coincide for thousands of years perfectly, then shatter within a few months?

    The High Elves are always welcome in the forests all Elves share.

    Signed: ~High Prince Håélphøn Addéchio

    ((That was my 200th post :P ))

    It is not our strengths that make us superior, but rather your weakness.


    Okarir'indor Artaeum

  7. Would take twice as long, and only a handful of players are going to have maxed out skills anyway. It doesn't create the effect of one 550 skill pointed player any more than two maxed out players make a 550 skill pointed player. Once again, it strikes me as no worse than two players. I hear people on TeamSpeak arranging armour repairs OOC all the time.

    Doesn't require them to be simultaneously online.

    To clarify anyone organizing such an event should be reported on the forums as such.

  8. I personally disagree with the no simultaneous account rule. Both of the mini events I staged in and around Galahar hinged on both of the accounts being used simultaneously. They can't be actively used at the same time, as Minecraft does not allow you to run two windows at the same time, so you're at a PvP disadvantage, not advantage. If you get two seperate people on two seperate computers, it's no longer simultaneous account use.

    I understand the reasoning behind disallowing this, that it can easily be abused with item/minas sharing and metagaming. But this can and does happen with two seperate player accounts. Any benefit to one is to the detriment of the other. Two accounts of the same person has effectively less potential for abuse than two seperate players in a TeamSpeak channel.

    Also, how does one enforce wolf/livestockicide? Your wolf and sheep don't log out with you, how do you know OOC who butchered them when you were away or offline?

    Well one could very easily use one character to get a certain skill up and then use another account to get a different skill up therefore having two different sets of skills that could be maxed out.


    1. Both leaders online.

    2. An amount of players on the defending and attacking side such as they have to have a certain amount of players to attack them.

    The current war rules don't seem right you can't really ambush and it will just be a shitload of Metagamming. I once played on a nations server that had these rules, etc there needs to be 7 players in the town/settlement your attacking.

    Yes, this is stupid simple but it worked very well.

    This is what we have currently and it is evident that is does not work how it should due to people abusing it. This new system will allowed for both organisation and moderation to occur for all battles.

  10. I read something about applying for becoming a high elf? Is there any more info on this? Also, I do plan on rerolling to a high elf at the 2.0 launch or possibly before if I can manage.

    Edit: Not intentionally trying to be off topic if this is considered to be so.

    There is no application at this time.

  11. Limiting the number of people who can sign the charter to just those who want to live with us restricts the amount of signatures we can get greatly.

    Your character would be accepted because he acts like one of them. If one does not act like us and does not share high elven ideals he will be denied access to the city. If they continue to wish to live around us they'll go to the harbor district.

    Basically, we won't just let anyone inside for tourism purposes, and those we do find acceptable and not a western influence danger will most likely be treated coldly until they're accepted.

    Under the High Elven culture of our ancestors it would have been almost unseen that any non High Elf live in our city for the record. And for us to do so would seem very odd I can imagine there will be quite some resistance.

  12. How about, when you schedule a fight the defending team is never told weather it is a siege, or a pillage merely a fight.

    Sure they could still move their loot, but this whole thing could be RP'd that the monks need to know, so that they can heal the wounded as needed. If they don't know about the fight, they can't heal the injured

    I would have to disagree with this native as the type of battle generally dictates the type of outcome that can be agreed upon. Example: if someone is pillaging then it would be necessary for the opponent to agree on what the winner would receive for winning. Or with a Seige it would be necessary for them to discuss and agree on what would be won if one side lost or won.

  13. I am very interested in the *not aloud to log on with two accounts simultaneously*

    I have two account which are brothers.

    If I can't log on simultaneously with both account they can never meet or trade items or even really communicate except for letters/notes.

    I don't really think it would be possible to use/controle both accounts at the same time for pvp right?

    My second question is if I have two accounts can I use either account for my character as long as I change the name and skin or does an accepted character have to stay on the same account?

    I would say no as people could get confused as to who you are.

  14. Just a few questions. The wording and position in the text confused me on the towering of blocks. Are you allowed to tower or not? Also, On the 20 minute thing do you only forget things involving the death such as who killed you, what you said to get killed, and what they said but remember other things like talking to friends and learning a new skill? Or, do you forget all of it? So, if I'm a swordsman and learned a new technique I forget that too or do I still remember that? And, if I talked to an old friend and had an incredible RP conversation do I forget it? Just want to clarify.

    No, just the things that would allowed you to revenge kill or anything of that nature.

    Are minimap mods aloud? It gives a small advantage over players who don't have it. Seeing stuff that's not in your eye sight exspecially if it's new areas to your character.

    Minimaps are allowed.

    I have a question about the "no using two accounts or more at a time" rule.

    I have access to another account that I rarely use, although I occasionally use it. Recently, I was remaking something that was already made, and I took screenshots of the place to look at when remaking it, although it was very difficult and I never had enough. To solve the problem, I logged on to the other account (for ooc reasons) and walked to the thing I was remaking, sort of like a screenshot that you could react with and move around, while I tabbed out and remade it on my main. Is this allowed, or is that considered metagaming?

    It only really applies if you are using it during RP or PvP but avoiding what you did would be preferable.

  15. Here is the version as it was in the google Doc, its a bit easier to read and understand.

    Section 1: Roleplay Conduct
    • No Metagaming or Powergaming. Refer to section 2
    • Remain In-Character at all times.
      1. Including, but not limited to:
        1. Using a skin that would be not considered Roleplay, In Character or Lore Breaking.
        2. The Use of leet speak. E.g: lol, rofl, I h8 u.
        3. Destroying or Griefing others work without RP- refer to section 3

          Do not use the soulstone or log out to.avoid combat, dying or being arrested.Leaving floating trees is against the rules and would be dealt with accordingly.<The use of the /roll command to roleplay actions is not a requirement for RP provided you do not powergame against the other player without said players permission.
          1. Although rolling is not a requirement, if no fair decision can be made about the result of an action then players are encouraged to use the command to avoid powergaming.
          2. If players choose in engage in a /roll sequence they should be aware that:

            1. Killing a pet wolf comes under the same RP restrictions as killing a character or stealing.
              1. Killing someones livestock (farm animals) is also also applies to this rule.

    Refer section 6: Villainous Acts.

    • The participation in any form of Cybering is bannable.
      1. This is pretending or roleplaying any form of sexual behaviours or activities.

    The /tell system is to be taken as completely out of character, acting upon this information would be considered metagaming(Refer to section 2), except where;

    1. You first emote that you are preparing to send a message via letter or bird before sending the tell.

    Section 2: Metagaming and Powergaming

    • Metagaming: Using information your character has not yet obtained through in character means.
      1. This includes information from the out of characters chat channel, teamspeak, forums or /tells.
      2. Using minecraft nameplate to locate a player is Metagaming
      3. Looking at other persons applications to learn about their characters and acting on that information is metagame.
      4. Identifying a person whom is wearing a helmet or wearing a hood where you cannot see their face is metagaming.

        1. Giving or using Coordinates of a location or player.<li>Shift+Right clicking players to gain information about their character is against the rules. This excludes
          1. Information from their description that is visually apprent
          2. Gender
          3. Race

    • Powergaming: Giving your character certain characteristics that give you an unfair advantage to other players. Or by doing actions that does not allow or give time for another player to respond.
      1. If you are shackled or bonded by the legs or wrists you should roleplay accordingly and should be aware that you are severely disadvantaged.
      2. Players should also be aware that only guards would have shackles if a non-guard was to try and arrest someone they would need to use a different weaker material.

    Section 3: Building and Griefing

    • The Deliberate destruction of someone Else's property without proper reason or authority.
      1. Authority could be granted from:

        1. Building something that is deemed None-RP or un-aesthetically pleasing to the eyes is against the rules. This includes:
          1. Cobblestone / Dirt Forts.
          2. Inappropriate or crude drawings.

    i. Pixel Art

    3. Buildings that do not pertain to the RP standards of the server.

    Building or Destroying something to gain an unfair RP advantage. Including, but not limited to

    1. Destroying a block to open a gate or gain access to a building.
    2. This excludes things with a viable RP explanations such as breaking a glass window.
    3. Towering with blocks. (1x1 tower).

    Section 4: Glitches, User Accounts and Clients

    • Sharing an account is strictly against the rules.
    • Sharing passwords is not only a bad idea it is against the rules.
    • You are not permitted to be Simultaneously logged into the lord of the Craft server with two separate accounts.
    • Users who create or have a separate account must notify the staff before applying or playing on the server.
      1. Those whom have already been acceptedto the server do not need to reapply to the server, provided they notify a GM to have this account whitelisted.

        1. Deliberately ignoring or not reporting someone who may be using client modifications is bannable.Having an Inappropriate or provocative username is not acceptable.Using any glitch or exploit for RP gain is against the rules. This includes:
          1. Using any kind of Mob-spawner to ‘farm’ money or skills.
          2. Abusing any Mob-Spawning areas to ‘farm’ money or skills.

    Having or using any kind of Client Modification, installed on your Minecraft Client that could be used to gain an unfair RP or PvP advantage over players. Including but not limited to:

    1. Fly hacks.
    2. Any form of X-Raying modification.
    3. Any form of a PvP benefiting modification.
    4. Climbing hacks.

    Section 5: Out of Character Conduct

    • The discussion of any real life religious beliefs is strictly prohibited.
    • Players must avoid giving any information that could be used for the In-Character RP gain.
      1. Acting on this information is considered metagaming.

    Swearing, Spamming, Abuse, Harassment, Trolling or Racism on any of the Lord of the Crafts out of character sections is against the rules. Nor should players use the out of character means(mentioned below) to gain any unfair advantage or use these methods for In-Character means. Players are reminded that these following sections are ‘Out of Character’(This excludes the Roleplay forum). The following out of character communication methods apply for the previously stated rules in this section. These sections include:

    1. The Forums; For a more detailed list of forum rules refer to http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/forum-6/announcement-6-the-rules-of-lord-of-the-craft/.

      1. In-Game Out of Character Chat.
        1. The Out of Character Chat Channel
        2. The /tell system.


    1. Via Voice
    2. Or any form of chat.

    Section 6: Killing, Death, Villains and Villainous Acts

    • When you are killed by another player you cannot return to the place you died for another 20 Minutes and you permanently forget all the moments leading up to your death. This Includes
      1. Names
      2. Faces
      3. Locations
      4. People
      5. Information obtained

    Attempting to kill someone without first adequately roleplaying or giving them adamant warning before engaging in combat.

    1. There is an exception to this rule during a War period- refer to section 7

    Villain Application Team.

    1. The Villain App Team will only answer the most basic questions as to why your application may have been denied.
    2. Only members of the Villain Application Team or Game Developers may accept applications.

      1. The Villain Application
        1. Each Villain Application give privileges to the Character, not the Player/Account. Any subsequent characters will have to submit another appropriate Villain App in order to continue with any villainous activities.
          1. An Application for any specific character can be submitted a maximum of three times.
          2. You must wait at least two days after a denial to repost an application.
          3. If you are evil in an unpermitted way, or if your in-game actions differ too much from your original character biography and motives, there will be consequences based on how serious the offense was (ranging from a warning to a removal of your villain application to a temporary ban).
          4. The appropriate questions must be filled out depending on the evils/tiers (WIP) that you would like to be able to roleplay in game. There will be more specific directions on the application that should be followed as well.
          5. You may only apply for a Villain Application after one Elven Week of acceptance to the server.
          6. Knowingly or unknowingly plagiarizing any application, in part, or in full, will result in a forum ban.

          7. In Game
            1. As mentioned before, your actions should never stray to far from the general characteristics that you described in your application.
            2. Being a Villain does not give you permission to have lacking roleplay when committing crimes. Any kills where you do not roleplay sufficiently, do not give time for the foe to respond, or abuse mechanics in any way, there will be consequences.

    Types of Villains: All f the following types are considered Villainous and to participate in these kinds of Villainous acts, one must obtain an Accepted Villain Application.

    1. Deception, Thievery, and Cheating - Self explanatory. Cheating must not abuse game mechanics, you may not lie or cheat out of character.
    2. Murder:

    [*]Unholy Worship - Worshiping Iblees, hanging with Undead, etc.[*]Chaos/Corruption - Creating political corruption, purposefully creating chaos, paying off officials, tempting people to villainy[*]Psychopathy - Insanity, Split Personalities, Uncontrollable Actions

    Section 7: War Rules and Conduct

    • When declaring War, Region Owners need to all agree “Out of Character” before any roleplaying is done regarding to forming the War Event.
      1. A notice of at least 3 days prior to attacking should be given if necessary. This notice should be stated on the forums in our new forum thread for war declerations (only viewable by GM’s once posted)
      2. Attackers must also select the type of attack they will be doing choosing one out of: Skirmish / Seige / Pillage

      Before entering into the battle the victory conditions need be be clarified in the forum thread for both the attacker and the defender.Winning Region could attempt to lay claim to the land where the battle was placed

      a. Needs to be authorized “Out of Character” between the defending and attacking

      commanders / leaders.

      b. GM approved

    • Skirmish is a battle that takes place on an empty field in the wilds where opponents will fight over Coin or resources.
    • A Seige is for a destruction of a city.
    • And Pillaging is for looting towns for Money or Resources.

    Type A - This includes killing when threatened, assassinations, unprovoked or provoked.Type B - Killing for pleasure, twisted ways of killing (cannibalism, weird fetishes), Torture, SlavingAny players that pertain an Accepted Villain Application must notify a GM if they change or remove their character.Those mentioned above do not need Villain Applications to conduct in reasonably appropriate villainous activity.Forum TopicsForum PM’sForum PostsThis does not included members whom currently have ban reports or are currently banned from the server.

    The owner of the property.A GM(Global Moderator or Game Master)

    If they talk, using their voice to identify them is not metagaming.(Provided the person has not emoted using a different voice)

    Players must communicate to the recipient that this tell has arrived via a bird, and is In Character information.Players in range of the emote are able to attempt to prevent the player from sending the letter or bird.All players should be aware that sending a bird or writing a letter will take time to prepare, so players must be given sufficient time to respond. All In-Character /tell should adhere with all previously mentioned RP conduct.You cannot roll or emote twice in a row without letting the other player perform an emote.In a situation of 3v1 the outnumbered person will need to defensively roll against 3 emotes.
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