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Posts posted by PtahWithin

  1. tumblr_mn81icBPPV1ri1r1uo1_1280.jpg


    Gajum flexes its wiry shoulders, causing distinctive cracking sounds to be heard as its blessed bones scrape each other within. The Muyakelg rasps through a thick and sharp voice. Amongst the sound of its own teeth clicking and the groaning of inflating and deflating ribs, it speaks:


    "Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi"


    Name: Ryan Aver Darkwood

    ((MCname)): ryanheff74

    ((Skype ID, this can be PMed to me alternatively)): Ill Pm upon acception (Leo has it if he can add me to a chat)

    Age: 340

    Are you Mali'ame?: Aye.

    As under the Second Concordat of Halernor, Lin'ame is forbidden from granting ranks to impure high elves or half-breeds of High Elven blood. Are you either of these?: Nay.

    What skill do you possess in martial combat?:: I was part of the elite Sentinel forces in Asulon, a Lumi'drim in Anthos, and a Game Warden in Leanniel.  I am very skilled in the ways of archery, but lack that mastership in close-quarters. I prefer to fight with a knife or my fists if it comes to close quarters combat.

    You must reside within Lin'ame. Do you?: Yes.

    The Code of Elberu'cinhir is essential to understanding the role and responsibility of a Restrained. Have you read and familiarized yourself with them?: Aye.

    The journey from Untested to Beru'cinhir shall test the supremacy of your own will and your willingness to place yourself under the instructions of others and your society. Do you understand this?: Aye.



    "The Mali'ame Ryan Aver Darkwood: you have been admitted as an Untested within the Beru'cinhir. Seek out myself or Halerir Phaedrus for a formal interview for admittance. -Asthil Haumel"



    Name: Elros Lenthir

    ((MCname)): SnazzyEnglishman

    ((Skype ID, this can be PMed to me alternatively)): CalumNeilson

    Age: 158

    Are you Mali'ame?: Yes

    As under the Second Concordat of Halernor, Lin'ame is forbidden from granting ranks to impure high elves or half-breeds of High Elven blood. Are you either of these?: No

    What skill do you possess in martial combat?: In truth I am merely average in combat, though I believe with some proper training I could improve.

    You must reside within Lin'ame. Do you?: I hope to soon.

    The Code of Elberu'cinhir is essential to understanding the role and responsibility of a Restrained. Have you read and familiarized yourself with them?: Yes.

    The journey from Untested to Beru'cinhir shall test the supremacy of your own will and your willingness to place yourself under the instructions of others and your society. Do you understand this?: Yes.



    "The Mali'ame Elros Lenthir: you have been admitted as an Untested within the Beru'cinhir. Seek out myself or Halerir Phaedrus for a formal interview for admittance. -Asthil Haumel"

  3. Active Members:


    Asthil Haumel ((Asthileh))

    The Eldest, a title granted to the 'leader' of an elven bloodline. One need not be in fact the eldest member of the family, but in this case Asthil is.


    Halser Haumel ((Kelark))

    The cousin of Asthil.


    Ehieth Haumel ((Tapesauce))

    The brother of Halser.


    Katal Haumel ((daanyolx3))

    The wife of Feamdat, grandmother to Asthil.




    If you are interested in making a character of this family, please contact me in a private message. Or, if you merely are curious, I also would be glad to answer any questions you may have over PMs.






    "Live as though you already have died"








      • Dark Eyes: All Haumels have irises of an extremely dark brown that effectively appears as black. Only on close examination can the pupil be distinguished from the iris.
      • Olive Skin: A Haumel does indeed have brown skin, tinted slightly brighter to a moderate brown olive tone.
      • Calmness: Those of Haumel blood carry about them a serene and controlled air. Emotional outbursts and reciprocating insults are rare behaviors.
      • Eloquence: The words of a Haumel are always carefully chosen and somewhat poetic. Metaphors are used for this purpose: if the one who I am talking to is not intelligent enough to understand what I am saying, then they do not deserve to know at all.
      • Haumels often take interest in keeping up with international politics and history. But is this done out of intellectual interest, or a desire to utilize this knowledge?






    The Haumel Bloodline sticks out amongst the Mali'ame in their values. While the common wood elf cares little about the ministrations of foreigners and only desires peace for himself, the Haumel is hardly so isolationist and believes that one may only sustain peace within by gathering wisdom of the world without.


    In addition, common wood elves often ascribe wisdom and moral authority to those who are Druids. The Haumels refuse to automatically grant these to any particular Druid, and only those who have demonstrated such traits are allowed the respect of having them. This is because in studying history, the Haumels are all too aware that the Druids are capable of acting with neither wisdom nor moral authority.


    The foremost ideal of a Haumel is emotional control. What greater measure can there be of a mind than how much mastery it has over its primal instincts? This is in the fact that the Haumels are the originators of the bronze culture, which advocates personal restraint as an escape from the mental degredation of the centuries.






    The Line of Haumel is a wood elven family that has not an especially remarkable ancient history. The first Haumel was known as Feamdat, who in the times of Aegis for reasons unknown adopted the surname of Haumel, replacing the one he had before. Perhaps it was to sever ties with his own family, or perhaps it carried a significance for him. The answer is not known and likely shall never be. Feamdat Haumel married another wood elf by the name of Katal, and sired children over the course of a few centuries. Their sons and daughters made lives for themselves upon maturing, having children of their own. However, the falling of Aegis and the disappearance of Feamdat and Katal cut them all apart from each other, as the disorganization of Malinor began. The move to Anthos further disconnected them, as Malinor was often attacked by numerous powers and so it was deemed unsafe to live in.


    During this time the eldest son of Bemnat Haumel (who was in turn the eldest son of Feamdat), Asthil Haumel, began to become involved with the Malinorian government to consult on various social and diplomatic reforms. He was the one who sought out the High Elven Sohaer Kalenz Uradir and together crafted the first treaty between Malinor and Haelun'or since Asulon: the Silver-Emerald Covenant. However, that was to be short lived as Malinor herself collapsed under the weight of rotten wood. The moral degredation of elvenkind had reached its peak, and in a sense of failure Asthil departed into obscurity.


    Reflecting upon what had occurred, Asthil realized that the fall of his people was directly related to their overwhelming freedom of emotion they had. With the supremacy of their minds compromised, their unchained desires lead them to their own destruction and insanity. Perhaps the humans are to be thanked for their war on Malinor: it put down what should have by all rights died long ago.


    With this insight in hand, Asthil Haumel became a key figure in the bringing of the Mali'ame to Haelun'or and the establishment of Lin'ame. And now, he calls upon his disparate kin to unveil themselves and come before him, so that the Bloodline of Haumel may be established.


    ----MORE TO BE WRITTEN----



  5. -A book is published and distributed throughout the Fringe. Perhaps one may have found a copy, and would read as follows:-



    Parasite of the Mind:

    A Theory on Snow Elven Origination


    The emergence of the mentally deranged snow elves, or "Mali'fenn" as they have named themselves, has been a subject of my thought for some time now. It is claimed by some of them that their kin were simply always in hiding or had forgotten their ancestry, but there have never been any historical records mentioning Mali'fenn or any similar snow-dwelling elven populations. Immigration from distant and unknown lands is also unlikely, since the snow elves seem to possess intimate knowledge of the history of our own lands. In my deliberations, I have been forced to propose that there is only one way for such a divergent and societally abstracted race of Mali could have emerged: a parasite of the mind.




    The nature of the parasite eludess me: perhaps it is physical, as in this dramatic illustration. Or perhaps it is magical, or spiritual, or pathological as a disease or virus. Regardless of its status in reality, the effects of it can be seen clearly. Sometime in the course of Anthosian history, a group of elves encountered the parasite, and became the first generation of hosts. Forced into action by the disease within them, the infected elves sought out other hosts and infected them as well. With an initial population now existing, the memories and personalities of the mind-enslaved mali were devoured, replaced by implanted memories and coerced ideals.


    In this, the sudden appearance of the snow elves is well-explained: once they were ordinary elves, but have now been repurposed to a sinister cause: to follow the will of the virus and to spread it to as many potential elven hosts as possible. Indeed, on numerous occassions the 'Princedom of Fenn' has sent missives out across the Fringe, calling upon the elven race to converge to them in the name of prosperity and unification. It is thought that notably few answered this call, but who is to say that some of our missing beloved did not seek them out and became the slaves of the social parasite?


    From this theory, the political offiliations of the snow elves are also well-explained. Their vehement hatred of Haelun'or and its associated elven settlements stems from a simple biological imperative: competition. The Silver City is the last remaining elven power aside from the snow elven movement: if they are to be destroyed, then there shall be none left to oppose the mali'fenn as being 'the' elven home.


    Moreover, the infamous words that 'Grand Prince' Tundrak gave to none other than Oren's own Emperor's face can also be explained as the parasite working with limited information. Likely it would have gleaned knowledge of the unfortunate conflict between elvenkind and humankind in Anthos from the minds of its infected. In their deranged minds, the parasite would then conclude that Oren is a force that shall continue to destroy potential host-bodies, and so they must be stopped so that the mental infection may flourish.


    Furthermore, the incomprehensible relations that the snow elves have established with Alras and the dwarven nation of Urguan can also be interpreted in this light. It is well-known that there does exist a large population of elves that live within Alras: those of many, sometimes unsavory, character. Voracious in appetite for more host-bodies, the snow elves settled near Alras in order to have access to their prey, which otherwise remains safely locked away within Haelun'or. Relations with the dwarves who lived beneath the Alrasians became convenient, and perhaps that explains why an elven population began worshipping a dwarven deity. The culture was adapted to entice the dwarves into alliance, and they unknowingly were blinded by it.


    After the Alrasians began to resist and repel disturbances in their city lead by snow elves, the parasite decided that it must claim the elves of Alras by force. Thereafter, war was declared, and the world looked in awed fascination as the deranged snow elves proceeded to insult the Emperor of Oren and then beg for forgiveness afterwards.


    The ways in which this theory fits so well to the known events instills within me a great dread. For not only are the snow elves simply yet another group of elves who descended into insanity, but they bring with them a slavery of the mind that they actively desire to spread to others. Indeed, I have seen with my own eyes an elf who became infected and began to act and speak disturbingly, before he left and was adapted into snow elven society.


    The danger of this cannot be expressed enough: the very sanity and cognitive independence of the elven race is at stake here. The snow elves should not be treated as an amusement, or with apathy. Guard yourselves from their touch, mali.


    For they are contagious.




    ~Asthil Haumel, Annilir of the Beru'cinhir of Lin'ame




    ((Skype ID, this can be PMed to me alternatively)):vaggeli.papapostolou


    Are you Mali'ame?:Yes

    As under the Second Concordat of Halernor, Lin'ame is forbidden from granting ranks to impure high elves or half-breeds of High Elven blood. Are you either of these?:I am Wood Elf

    What skill do you possess in martial combat?:Master with Bow and Sword

    You must reside within Lin'ame. Do you?:Yes

    The Code of Elberu'cinhir is essential to understanding the role and responsibility of a Restrained. Have you read and familiarized yourself with them?:Yes

    The journey from Untested to Beru'cinhir shall test the supremacy of your own will and your willingness to place yourself under the instructions of others and your society. Do you understand this?:Yes



    "The Mali'ame Vaggolas: you have been admitted as an Untested within the Beru'cinhir. Seek out myself or Halerir Phaedrus for a formal interview for admittance. -Asthil Haumel"


    ((I have been having issues with my computer and I expect that over the next few days it will become inaccessible. I will still have forum access through my ipod, but I in all likelihood will not be able to get into minecraft. If you are Untested and are waiting to speak with me, you must arrange to meet with Halerir Phaedrus (wardog4445) until I return. In my stead, he shall be responsible for accepting or rejected Untested after an in-game interview.))


    Name: Orchendor Vul'ihnsil
    ((MCname)): daelaris
    ((Skype ID, this can be PMed to me alternatively)): You have it.
    Age: 198
    Are you Mali'ame?: Yes.
    As under the Second Concordat of Halernor, Lin'ame is forbidden from granting ranks to impure high elves or half-breeds of High Elven blood. Are you either of these?: No.
    What skill do you possess in martial combat?: I am skilled in both the use of the spear and bow.
    You must reside within Lin'ame. Do you?: Soon, I would hope; I have applied.
    The Code of Elberu'cinhir is essential to understanding the role and responsibility of a Restrained. Have you read and familiarized yourself with them?: Yes.
    The journey from Untested to Beru'cinhir shall test the supremacy of your own will and your willingness to place yourself under the instructions of others and your society. Do you understand this?: Yes.



    "The Mali'ame Orchendor Vul'ihnsil: you have been admitted as an Untested within the Beru'cinhir. Seek out myself or Halerir Phaedrus for a formal interview for admittance. -Asthil Haumel"

  8. Agh, those dreadful and elitist High Elves, who don't let anyone into their city!


    Except for Wood Elves who live in Lin'ame. Or Dark Elves who live in Ker'lomi. Or the last few remaining Kha. Or Human officials and the like from Oren.


    It just makes my blood boil that they won't let in any Dwarves just because they are at war, or any Orcs just because they are bloodthirsty brutes! Let's also not forget that they don't let in any Snow Elves, just because they made themselves the political enemies of Haelun'or and are allied with the dwarves!


    I mean, come on! Obviously if you want roleplay on this server, you have to let in every madman, murderer and monster to stimulate healthy and productive interaction! This is a terrible injustice and I am calling upon the staff to intervene by turning all of their walls into TNT and setting it off. If I can't interact with the elves, then no one can!

  9. Name: Laandri

    ((MCname)): Italia_Assassin

    ((Skype ID, this can be PMed to me alternatively)):

    Age: 251

    Are you Mali'ame?: Yes

    As under the Second Concordat of Halernor, Lin'ame is forbidden from granting ranks to impure high elves or half-breeds of High Elven blood. Are you either of these?: No

    What skill do you possess in martial combat?: Swords, Archery, Tactical Analysis

    You must reside within Lin'ame. Do you?: I am attempting to find residence there

    The Code of Elberu'cinhir is essential to understanding the role and responsibility of a Restrained. Have you read and familiarized yourself with them?: Yes

    The journey from Untested to Beru'cinhir shall test the supremacy of your own will and your willingness to place yourself under the instructions of others and your society. Do you understand this?: Yes


    "The Mali'ame Laandri: this is a gladly read application. Your experience shall be valuable, and so you have been admitted as Untested. Seek me out for a final interview.  -Asthil Haumel"



    Name: Mentecor
    ((MCname)): Jtheo2016
    ((Skype ID, this can be PMed to me alternatively)): stealersfan1997
    Age: 39
    Are you Mali'ame?: Yes
    As under the Second Concordat of Halernor, Lin'ame is forbidden from granting ranks to impure high elves or half-breeds of High Elven blood. Are you either of these?: No
    What skill do you possess in martial combat?: I am an Ex-Warden of the Lumi'drim and I used to lead their cavalry. I am a fairly experience horse rider and I have considerable skill with a falcata.
    You must reside within Lin'ame. Do you?: Not currently, but I wish to.
    The Code of Elberu'cinhir is essential to understanding the role and responsibility of a Restrained. Have you read and familiarized yourself with them?: Yes.
    The journey from Untested to Beru'cinhir shall test the supremacy of your own will and your willingness to place yourself under the instructions of others and your society. Do you understand this?: Yes



    "The Mali'ame Mentecor: this is an intriguing application. For one so young to have lead the Lumidrim cavalry is suprising to hear, that must speak volumes of you. Your previous experience with the falcata is fortunate. As now an Untested of Elberu'cinhir, let us see if we may avert the failure of the ill-fated Lumidrim. -Asthil Haumel"


    Name: Dak'ir Des'Nox

    ((MCname)): Dakirennis

    ((Skype ID, this can be PMed to me alternatively)): (You already have access to this

    Age: 75

    Are you Mali'ame?: Mali'ker

    As under the Second Concordat of Halernor, Lin'ame is forbidden from granting ranks to impure high elves or half-breeds of High Elven blood. Are you either of these?: No

    What skill do you possess in martial combat?:  I am proficient with both sword and longbow. I've fought in several large battles against the Scourge. I have also fought during the Zion war in several skirmishes. 

    You must reside within Lin'ame. Do you?: Yes

    The Code of Elberu'cinhir is essential to understanding the role and responsibility of a Restrained. Have you read and familiarized yourself with them?: Yes

    The journey from Untested to Beru'cinhir shall test the supremacy of your own will and your willingness to place yourself under the instructions of others and your society. Do you understand this?: Yes



    "The Mali'ker Dak'ir Des'Nox: I have met with you, and you were recruited seperately. You are hereby recognized as Sil'enaer. "


    Name: Jiub


    ((MCname)): Xiryks


    ((Skype ID, this can be PMed to me alternatively)): Xiryks


    Age: 66


    Are you Mali'ame?: No


    As under the Second Concordat of Halernor, Lin'ame is forbidden from granting ranks to impure high elves or half-breeds of High Elven blood. Are you either of these?: No


    What skill do you possess in martial combat?: Hand to hand, as well as skill with a cutless


    You must reside within Lin'ame. Do you?: I hope to soon, I did apply and such


    The Code of Elberu'cinhir is essential to understanding the role and responsibility of a Restrained. Have you read and familiarized yourself with them?: Yes


    The journey from Untested to Beru'cinhir shall test the supremacy of your own will and your willingness to place yourself under the instructions of others and your society. Do you understand this?: Yes


    "The Mali Jiub: you may seek us out in person for elevation to a formal position. You are accepted as Untested. -Asthil Haumel"


    Asthil sends out a missive to all of his soldiers.

    "I am pleased to announce that the Beru'cinhir Phaedrus has been given the Grey Cloak and promoted to the title of Halerir. He shall act in coordination with me to sort through those Untested who we have not met with yet. An Untested may seek out either myself or Halerir Phaedrus now, and Halerir Phaedrus is also to be given the authority to organize and direct the Beru'cinhir. -Asthil Haumel"

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