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Posts posted by Algoda

  1. OOC:

    Username: Algoda

    Skype: (Pm if you want.)  algodathedrummer

    Ideas and Suggestions?:


    RP (Humans only, I apologize.):

    Colony Name: Nordiska unionen (the Nordic Union)

    First Planet Type: 3 kilometre thick glaciers and tundra covering 80% of the planet, only around the equator are where temperate climates can be found.


    History: (Assuming it's a bit of a custom nation.)


    When the news leaked that the sun was going to destroy the earth the peoples of the north panicked just like everyone else. Riots and revolts struck and almost brought the various nations down as they desperately tried to keep control. As the discovery of the interstellar drive was made public the governments of Denmark, Iceland, Greenland, Sweden, Norway and Finland soon realized that to put the technology to practical use they would have to spend enormous amounts of money and resources to get their own shot at making it to the stars. Resources that they didnt have. 


    In a massive collaborative effort that has never been seen amongst the Nordic nations before they pulled everything their lands had to offer and funneled it into a massive colony ship. It was decided that this ship would be the start of a new nation called the Nordic Union, and that all nations would send their best and brightest minds to carry on the legacy of the northmen.

    As a surprise move, the governments opted to individually evaluate and send the top researchers to go on the ship instead of having an open and democratic discussion regarding the limited seats. Before the public was made aware of what was happening, the ship had been launched and a new chapter had begun.

  2. Barradin listens intently to the speech, and scoffs audibly as Oyvind finishes.

    "All we have here is a Dwed that openly admits to refusing to do his duties and then throws accusations in other directions to try and save his own skin. He shouts against the Grand arbiter that OUR king CHOSE to uphold the law, might i ask where Oyvinds loyalties lie?!"

  3. Been playing with this handsome fellow for a couple of years now, and he's always been the consistant all-rounded builder in our small crew. He also likes to be swamped in work, so if you do accept him be sure to dump everything that you can think of on Ioannis. 

    +1 from me

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name: Liu-Shèng


    Character's Age: 20


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

    Hou-Zi (Laobai-Zhu)



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The Hou-zi are a native race to the isles of Axios, created by Metzli the daemon as an attempt to create a subject race to do her bidding. Scouring the isles for a race she could transform, she came across a race of primates in the deep jungles of Asul. They showed basic signs of intelligence, hunting in packs and showing basic hierarchy structures. But most of all they resembled the descendant races, whom she sought to rival with her own creation. 

    As such, after creating the Hou-Zi and letting them grow as a nation and as a people, she ordered them to invade the lands of the Elves and to take the islands for themselves. And so they tried.

    After succesfully taking over the island of Asul they invaded both Ceru and Tahn, lead by the God-king Hou-Shen and his sons. After a long and bloody war the elves managed to fight the apes to a standstill, but was not able to beat them back from their former cities and so had to agree to the Hou-zi's demands of ownership to the conquered lands.

    Hou-Shen knew that it was not good enough, Metzli had demanded all of Axios and not just parts of it, so he made plans to further annex all of the elven Kingdom. The second invasion ultimately failed though. As the armies of the Hou-zi converged on the city of Malinor they were driven back, and Hou-Shen slain in combat.

    A primordial being known as "the Poison" watched the events unfold and deemed the civilization of the Hou-Shen to be finished, and so unleashed a deadly disease upon their capital to finish of the race once and for all. 

    Metzli was irritated by the meddling in her creation, and revived Hou-Shen in order to let the civilization fall or rise on their own. Hou-Shen launched yet another invasion upon the lands of the elves, now fractured into different Kingdoms. In a last ditch attack upon the forces of the elves, the Hou-Zi got completely annihilated and all of Hou-Shen's sons perished in combat. 


    Driven back to their homelands in the jungle, the Empire of the Hou-zi stagnated and slowly descended into chaos. With Hou-Shen's authority questioned after losing both wars, the nobility of the race fought amongst themselves until nothing was left, known as the "Jade Wars" . With the help of the "The Poison" their capital Jing-Taiyun was sunk into the ground and cursed, and the final nail in the coffin for the once proud civilization was hammered down.


    Hou-Shen was the first Hou-Zi, and was bestowed with powers from Metzli herself to unlock the gift of sentience for his people. For that he was hailed as a God-Emperor and worshipped in all levels of society. After he left the Empire and the end of the Jade Wars the knowledge of his greatness slowly faded away into legends, and he stopped being a living god and instead being worshipped as a god like any other. 


    The Laobai-Zi are the most common type of Hou-zi. They usually had fur in different shades of brown and comes in all shapes and sizes. They are said to be the descendants of Hou-Shen's first born son; Hou-Wang.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  5. Has no life and sits up all night just to be with us gmt and est players.




    Honestly, a great guy with a great attitude. Very creative in his thinking and actually works with his ideas until they are good, not just half-assing stuff.


    Bad family values though.



  6. MC Name: thealgoda

    RP Name: Vragni Goldhand

    Which guild do you wish to join?: Mining guild

    What is your level in the aligned profession?: Veteran

    Skype name: dankmemes

    Are you able to use Teamspeak?: yes

    How long have you been playing LOTC?: too long

    How many hours both week and weekend are you available?: too many

    What is your timezone?: gmt+1


    15th of Sun’s Smile, 1593


    It was a typically quiet night within Ostermark, home of the Norlanders and western coast of the Empire. Jarl Baldur patrolled his streets, watching the odd warrior bustle about, attending to mundane duties. Coming upon the end of the square, he blinked and did a doubletake. Indeed, upon closer inspection it was in fact the Grand King Algoda, standing behind the window of an Ostermark home, chatting rather loquaciously with one Katherine Astergaard, a fair headed northern lass.


    A series of alarmed shouts echoed through the air. The Jarl Baldur promptly drew his weapon and burst through the hovel door, startling both the woman and the Grand King. A procession of Norlandic warriors would soon join their Jarl. The Grand King was tackled down and subdued after a brief struggle, furniture being shoved about the room like loose kindling.


    Runners and birds were sent to all corners of the Empire. Elves, Imperials and Men of Haense were quick to respond and rally to Ostermark to secure their high value prisoner. Grand King Algoda would look about stoically, seeing no escape, he marched with the Orenian army as they carted him off to Johannesburg.


    A long procession later, and the Grand King stood before the Imperial Court, soldiers lining all walls of the room. Jarl Baldur stood at the side of the Dwedmar, ensuring he would not escape. Pleasantries were exchanged before the discussion began.


    “Have you come to make peace, Grand King?” The Emperor Philip Frederick spoke, gazing down from upon his throne.


    “Not really.” Algoda replied flippantly. “This war has gone beyond the fight for our Northern Kingdom. This fight has become about the liberation of the Orenian peoples from tyranny.”


    Shouts echoed across the hall. What tyranny?


    With a quick gesture asking for permission, the Elven Prince Artimec stepped before the Grand King, he squared his gaze, and asked a question placidly.


    “Your Majesty. Should it not be up to the people of Oren to choose their leader? You aid in a civil conflict as a foreign power. As such, you and your armies aim to set up a rebelling minority as kings over a loyal majority, who wish for no such thing. Do you consider this just?”


    The Grand King looked back, then down. He pondered his words carefully. “I could care less for who rules Oren. Only that Urguan’s borders are secure.”


    A silence pervaded in the courtroom.


    The Emperor waved his hand, then rose from the throne. “Take him into the barracks.”


    And so the soldiers carted the Grand King deep down flights of steps, torches ominously luminating the stony hallways with flickering light. Eventually they came upon a vast room with a dining table. Yet despite the presence of a delectable cake sitting at the table’s head, it was fairly obvious no feasting would take place this night.


    The Emperor strode to the side of the Grand King, his gaze stoic. At his side were Ser Rakim Yar, Jarl Baldur Ashtyr, and Ser Leopold of the Westerlands. Philip Frederick offered his final decree.


    “Algoda Frostbeard, for your crimes against Oren, witchcraft, and interfering in the matters of the Imperium of Man, I hereby sentence you to death.”


    From behind, the Grand King’s head was grasped, and forced down unto the cake. Algoda gasped, struggling for breath as the men of Oren stripped him of his dignity. He was yanked out of the pastry, and made to face the Emperor once more.


    “Do you have any last words?”


    A brief silence pervaded, before Algoda spoke.


    “This changes nothing.”


    The Emperor swung his morningstar into the Dwarf’s stomach, apparently enraged by the words. Algoda coughed, blood splattering out of his lips. His vision began to blur. He had tried to utter out something, but was silenced by the blade of mercy from Ser Leopold driven through his neck, and all went dark.


    Grand King Algoda Frostbeard had been slain.

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