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Posts posted by Algoda

  1. 4 minutes ago, z3m0s said:
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    A great sadness fell over Kalviin as he heard of the news.

    Dropping to his knees within his private quarters his form would go weak, his sadness overcoming him as he shed a single tear, to which the likes he'd not seen since Grand King Bastion, his Uncle, had been taken.


    "Truly One Of The Few Last Remaining Great Dwed Has Fallen On This Day. . ."


    In the night to come Kalviin would quickly resort to drinking, rumours within Az'adar say the storm to which he summoned on that night tore the very roots of the city from the ground, his anger and sadness shaking the halls of the Brathmordakin that so daringly claimed his life. 


    It is said on that night Kalviin had words with Dungrimm, to do whatever possible to put Gorum to rest, his soul auctioning off at the highest of prices.

    Algoda chuckles as he hears what is said on that night from the halls of Khaz'a'dentrumm.

    "Tae fock, my little miner 'es nau a self proclaimed god? Hmm.."


    MC Name: Thealgoda


    Character's Name: Barradin Stormbreaker


    Character's Age: 65


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): Dwarf


    Transformed form: Morghuul


    Creator's MC Name: cuteboywithhorns


    Creator's RP Name: Bul'Kathos


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    Morghuul's are the soulless husks of former living beings. They are revived by an unknown magical power, instead of the usual monks. Though this takes a toll on both the mind and the body, which means that the Morghuul in question has to feed upon lifeforce to stay sane and healthy. Without this, the Morghuul slowly descends into madness until it's nothing more than a mindless beast.
    They do not feel pain and suffering the way mortals does, as they are quite literally walking corpses. Unless the wounds are made by Aurom/gold weapons, they do not do much to stop a Morghuul in its tracks.
    This strength, coupled with the ability to survive the severing of multiple limbs, are mitigated by its frail form. It cannot use heavy armour, as the body is too weak to hold itself up under such weight. The Morghuul's also have a weakness for holy magic.
    To slay a Morghuul they must have gone months without feeding, allowing them to be permanently killed.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?: Yes


    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?: Yes


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No



    Barradin hangs limply by his restraints as he slowly, but surely, opens his eyes. 


    How had he gotten to this point, after everything he had been through in his life, was beyond him. He simply couldn't believe it.

    Fighting against a collapsing Oren with the world at his back, not once, but twice. And fighting most of his life against his own kin, in too many failed rebellions until at last striking out under the banners of Kaz'Ulrah, had made him strong.

    But overconfident.

    Nothing could kill Barradin Stormbreaker, the Butcherer of the Senate.

    The grizzled war-veteran, the father and lover. And at the end, a reformed dwarf, giving his life for Kaz'Ulrah and his many friends no matter what.
    This can't be the end, he figured. Dying in a damp cellar as a drained husk is not how he was supposed to go down.




    Barradin forces his gaze upwards, slowly trailing the form of a broad-shouldered knight until finally he rests his eyes on where the face of the being should have been. 





    He fell into deep thoughts yet again as the last ounces of life slowly left him. Friend? He hated the Undead with all his might, and had burnt several at the stake yet this one called him friend? 

    Barradin waved the thought away, or atleast attempted to but with the restraints in place he ended up expending energy he didnt have. 
    Was this his punishment for straying from the Brathmordakin? For embracing the Aspects as his true gods before this.. his death?

    Did he really regret anything, now that his chapter had come to a close? When it came to it, no, not at all. 

    He couldn't feel anything anymore, not see anything and all the now-slumped dwarf could think about was to go to sleep. 


    Barradin closed his eyes and started to pray before realizing something. "This changes nothing, indeed."




    Barradin awakens. 


  4. Current Username: Thealgoda


    Discord(‘You got it’ does not suffice): Algoda#1946


    Timezone(s) you mainly play: GMT/EST


    What group/nation do you consider to be your main? Dwarves/Kaz'Ulrah



    Have you held a staff position before?: Nope


    Do you currently hold a staff position? No


    Do you plan on applying for other staff positions?  Not in the near future no.


    Have you ever been banned before? If so, how long ago and what reason? Yes, two years ago for "mass pugsying", though it was cleared up and i got unbanned the next day.



    What style do you prefer to build in? (Low fantasy, High fantasy, dungeons, creatures, terrain, etc.) High fantasy, Terrain/Dungeons


    Are you comfortable using world edit commands? More or less, am a voxel kind of guy.


    Provide screenshots of three builds you have created from the following list (Terrain, Creature, Medieval, or High Fantasy)


    Terrain - Cave (with some of the mushroom forest): 


    Terrain - River:



    High fantasy - Mushroom forest:





    Explain what you feel results in a quality build.


    For me, as i prefer building nature shiz the most important aspect is realism, or atleast the notion of realism in the fantasy setting that is LOTC. Things does not need to be "flashy" to be breathtaking, as long as the whole build has the same mentality and theme behind it it can be good looking on it's own.



    Why do you wish to become an ET Builder Member? I want to continue helping the dwarven playerbase(and other playerbases for that matter) with event-builds for the next map, as i see great potential in stories and events for Atlas.


    What strengths would you bring to the team? Drive and ambition to complete the tasks at hand, and a positive attitude.


    What are your weaknesses? I have a habit of letting salt get to me and in short-term make me into a stupid person.


    How much time could you give to this position in the foreseeable future? Rather much, have a stable life situation for the nearest couple of years in uni so not minding the odd finals periods here and there i will be able to give time and effort to the job. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, Josh3738 said:

    We've had something like this before and they in fact still exist to an extent through the Brinejaw clan. I see little reason to create an entire subrace over something that already exists and has proven to have little to no bearing on any roleplay other than their desire to make ships which existed long before they were even a thing.


    "An entire subrace"

    You make it sound like we're attempting to gain some sort of power by this lore, but its simply for some nuance in the old and stale dwarf roleplay community. I dont see why other clans attempting to be sea dwarves would be a negative factor here, this should not be clan-locked.
    Also, where has this been "proven" to have little bearing on any dwarf related rp? How would you know what it effects, you dont even rp with the dwarves.

  6. Barradin would shake his head after reading through the letter, muttering to himself.


    "Urguan had its time and place, but ultimately did more evil than good for us Dwedmar. We now have the chance to take back our own destinies with a new kingdom instead of slowly fading away into legends and fairytales under  a decadent Urguan. 

    All that is left of Urguan is a bunch of old dwarves too scared to meet with his former enemies, like you. Urguan was an infected wound upon us dwarves which had to be cut and burnt to give our race a chance to survive. So yes, times are indeed gone, but a new age has begun. You just have to decide for yourself if you wish to be a part of the dwarves or stay behind in the dust.

    Out with the old, in with the new.."

  7. 1 hour ago, Vulkin Frostbeard said:

    As someone who can say they have been around for a long time, I think it's safe to say "yes" to adding words to the dwarven language. No I do not think we need to be making a new language.  I think everyone should remember that we are suppose to build off what was already created for us to expand on. I think trying to create all these side info is nothing more than making it complex and annoying to some. We are a dwarven race, a race that chooses to be amongst it's own. Isn't that a good enough reason to speak one language as is. Even during petty rivalries, civil wars etc I don't see dialects being really needed... I think everyone should just except what we have and move one. Sure we can add and expand which is fine but I don't think a new language is even needed. Dialects maybe but only if there has been a long split amongst dwarves that caused a change in dialect and such or at least the region that they live in. If really needed though you could just modify your characters dialect.

    All I can say is I think as a race we need to focus on things more in game like our gods???? Everyone is always saying "The gods this" "The Gods that" but when it comes down to it no one even worships, prays or tries to do anything related to the religion. I think the poor use of our own creations religion and its ethics as a race is horrible right now. What happened to making our religion a part of who we are? What happened to having ethics toward half breeds, outsiders and even fowl or corrupt beings. Dwarves were not always so open to half breed dwarves running about acting as if they were pure. How about actually progressing and using our races unique traits for rp such as golemancy and Runesmithing. Yes we accept it in game and talk about it but only literally (select few know). How about guilds dedicated to focusing on our advancements. I think more language would be nice but I think there is more issues that should be addressed and worked on before messing with the language.

    All in all, no new language. Dialects are fine but don't expect a lot of people to use it. I think dialects would be fine per character. This is just my opinion though so hope no one is butt hurt.



    Well that wasnt really the point of this post. It was simply an idea to expand on the language that we already have, not replace anything. To which you already said you agreed to. 

    Also everyone decides what is important for themselves, im sure we have people more interesting in tinkering with languages than engineering or magics. If you want the religion to be expanded upon you're free to do so yourself!

  8. 1 minute ago, Chaotikal said:

    Clan specific dialects is a no in my books, given that 99% of the clans have bunched together historically it'd make no sense for them to go the separatist route.


    However, given the Kaz'Ulrah development, I'd very much agree that those alligned with Ulrah should definitely think of a new dialect or language, I think it'd make sense given that they are no longer part of the mainstream Dwarven group and would maybe add words from Norlandic languages or Orcish Blah, perhaps a more aggressive tones, since it'd be a language forged from war.


    It should not replace the Dwarven Language. I think nothing should. The Dwarven language as is is good, and just needs the input from the community for new words, but remaking it to replace it with some celtic language is honestly a dissapointing idea.


    The thing is, we are the mainstream dwarven group. It would make more sense for the dwarves living at other places than the rest of us (i.e the Ironguts if they want this). 

    I agree with it not replacing the dwarven language, i quite like the current iteration of it aswell. Hence why i suggested dialects for a way for diverse dwarven cultures to appear as we're not all united anymore, just like the humans.

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