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Posts posted by Algoda

  1. I like the idea of different dwarven dialects springing up, i say go for it as it doesnt have to mean that everyone has to use it. If some lore is put behind it we can just have different dialects depending on where you hail from. Maybe clan-specific dialects?

  2. 33 minutes ago, EternalSaturn said:

    Someone should create a wild-west themed culture and live in these mesa biomes


    We had that for a brief time in Athera, a couple of dudes and dudettes RPed as native american styled folk and then settlers from Oren were the cowboys. Was very shortlived, but fun.

  3. 1 hour ago, Brazilianski said:

    Bogmir Irongut barges in a wave of laughter.

    "Ye focker. We Irongu's 'ave blood o' the Brathmordakin. Ye deceiv'r's af Kaz'Ulrah ar' frowned upon dah Brathmordakin. Ye betrayed 'em w'en ye betrayed ya 'ome - Urguan. Ye forget t'at t'e 'ome ye betrayed 'as t'e same name o' ye FAT'ER. Urguan, our fat'er, takes nae joy tae see 'e's children foightin', yet ye claim tae own t'e Order. Ye jus' fo'get dat Da Kirkja Dverga and t'e Order fer centuries hav' been en Urguan, an jus' 'cause ye want 'et tae be yers, et es no'. Foc'in' betrayers!"



    Barradin waits until Bogmir's maniacal laughter dies down.

    "We're not frowned upon, we're blessed by their presence. Thats why they bless our noble kingdom with victory after victory on the battlefields. Urguan was a great dwed, and a great king. It is the stagnated Urguanites that has ruined the once great kingdom of Urguan with ineptitude and neglect. The only reason Kirkja Dverga has been in Urguan for centuries is because that has been the only option, something we will change soon enough.

    Out with the old, in with the new. Narvak oz Kaz'Ulrah!"

  4. Just now, Legoboy7984 said:

    Joren Baruch would scratch his head looking at the rest of the survivors. "Where was the Frostbeard men at?." he'd pause for a moment. "I only seen a few dwarves, and Orcs; the second wave was filled with Norlanders." he'd smile. "Seems the Frostbeards uses their allies to win wars not themselves."


    Barradin would reply.


    "Your obsession with the Frostbeards seem unhealthy. This is a war of the Axis Coalition, not just us. It is true that we do not make up the majority of the coalition forces, though that is the case with Urguan aswell in a much more dire way. Maybe the age of dwedmar truely is coming to an end, but i take heart in knowing the most powerful and passionate dwarves are fighting with us."

  5. 13 hours ago, sneakybandit said:

    Darek Hammerfist starts making bets on how many days the fourth Frostbeard rebellion will last.


    Barradin would respond.

    "We fought for independence from the ill-ruler Gror 'Three knocks' Ireheart and we succeeded. Now the rest of the dwarves will have to suffer his reign without us."

  6. Grand Dwarf Barradin Tungdilson of the Frostbeard clan apologies dearly for his error, but states that humans are just as bad and that our Grand king clearly doesn't know Biology if he thinks halflings are made that way!


    Barradin would then chuckle slightly at the paranoid Grand Kings question and answer that he is indeed a dirty bastard for marrying a human, but that is a dwarven feeling not a Frostbeard feeling.


    "My ancestors are smiling at me, Ireheart. Can you say the same?"

  7. Barradin happily reads his newspaper while sipping on his coffee. 


    All of a sudden he spurts out one of the most beautiful cascades of coffee the world has ever seen.


    "He went and married an ELF?!"

  8. Would be a smart choice for gm, from the years I've known him he always gives his all for whatever project he decides for himself. 


    I'd also say that he's the kind of guy that stands by his principles, so would be great to have around for unbiased support in BRs.


    Don't let him handle the economy though, -1

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