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Posts posted by chaotikal

  1. 3 hours ago, ✗ ≬ ≬ ♏αɟεoℓog ≬ ≬ ✗ said:

    Gaelic? we all ignore the fact that there is a perfect source of actual Dwarven language that can be added to the lore: https://dwarrowscholar.wordpress.com/khuzdul/documents-dictionaries/
    here there is a 5271 page dictionary of the dwarvenlaguage dwarven -> to english (Includes the runes).
    Hre is an example of a word:
    bunudsin [bʊnʊdsɪn] to head (lead) [Perfect Form (Dependable) / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BND]

    there is also this one thats easier but less specific;

    and this one is a bit in between;


    Khuz'dul sounds nothing like our dwarven.

    10 hours ago, Tharggus said:

    I wasn't dead set on the idea of Scottish Gaelic however my main goal is to have the language updated monthly or weekly even adding new words or at least writing a way to create words using conjunctions and an alphabetical system. The words we have aren't truly enough to form whole sentences. For those who do use it not for everyday roleplay but for things like the Brathmordakin or dwarven history's and such the language doesn't have enough in it to develop full functioning sentences.


    You can definitely make sentences using this language as it is, I've never had any trouble and neither have other people, however it is very restrictive in terms of fluent speech as it is not meant for such.

  2. 1 hour ago, Algoda said:

    Well that wasnt really the point of this post. It was simply an idea to expand on the language that we already have, not replace anything. To which you already said you agreed to. 

    Also everyone decides what is important for themselves, im sure we have people more interesting in tinkering with languages than engineering or magics. If you want the religion to be expanded upon you're free to do so yourself!


    You could ake a thread on Cultures if this will be a sort of cultural thing pertaining to the dialects of clan and such, we shouldn't go around stickying every new dialect that pops up if you feel me. If you want to centralize it into a secondary language you could definitely get it stickied, but precedents are precedents. The Dwarven Language in itself has no culture, but Dwarven, the Kingdom of Urguan does not own it, neither does Ulrah, neither does any singular group or individual. It is as part of Dwarven Lore as Runic magic and Clans are. Thus, I'm alright with additions, but I'd prefer if all additions are made to the main language via sending me a PM, where I will include 'em with no hassle and no delay.


    If you're resilient you want a new language, again, I'd highly insist you either put it as a non stickied dwarf roleplay thread or inside the cultures forum, where I think it'd suit best, as it'd be a language borne from a culture, and not one intrinsic in lore.


    As a conclusion, I'm all for new languages, just stating a few facts here so that a standard is well-known. I made the Dwarven Language back in early Anthos because I saw that we were scrambling random words, so I thought to give it some structure, and it's been used ever since. I do not think it should be touched on much more than it is. And I'm actually against using it in a day-to-day roleplay manner, I don't think it sounds good to roleplay in it, and honestly people will find you a bit pretentious if you break out in full dwarven with no explanation. However, a language that you design for day-to-day roleplay is very different, and something I'd like to see. 



  3. 1 hour ago, Algoda said:

    I like the idea of different dwarven dialects springing up, i say go for it as it doesnt have to mean that everyone has to use it. If some lore is put behind it we can just have different dialects depending on where you hail from. Maybe clan-specific dialects?


    Clan specific dialects is a no in my books, given that 99% of the clans have bunched together historically it'd make no sense for them to go the separatist route.


    However, given the Kaz'Ulrah development, I'd very much agree that those alligned with Ulrah should definitely think of a new dialect or language, I think it'd make sense given that they are no longer part of the mainstream Dwarven group and would maybe add words from Norlandic languages or Orcish Blah, perhaps a more aggressive tones, since it'd be a language forged from war.


    It should not replace the Dwarven Language. I think nothing should. The Dwarven language as is is good, and just needs the input from the community for new words, but remaking it to replace it with some celtic language is honestly a dissapointing idea.

  4. If you read the thread, the language states plainly that you can shoot me a pm with word ideas and they'll be added.


    I'm against the idea because Scottish Gaelic sounds nohting like Dwarven, and because if you had a language that can be used easily it'd lose a lot of its interest, like how noone really takes Blah as a "cultural thing", just something orcs do, yet Elven language, with its scarce entries, stands out as a highlight of Elven culture.


    Similarly, Dwarven isn't meant to be a spoken tongue, like your everyday, but spicing up names, and maybe some cryptic talk, interjecting words into every day speech and such.


    Dwarves don't seem that eager to implement Dwarven into their common roleplay. I added a few greetings to the language thread a few years ago, and noone has used them but a handful, so I think adding a language that sounds nothing like it just to fluff up the word count would break it in its aesthetic


    anyways my two cents as the creator of the language.




    Minecraft Account Name(s):






    How long have you played on LotC?:

    Over six years. I’ve been here since the server opened.


    Time zone and availability:

    GMT -3 Buenos Aires. I’m very available now that College is over for this entire year and until march next year.


    What subgenre (refer to LM specifications list) are you versed in most?:

    Dwarf subgenre, being a dwarf for over 4 years. I'm also versed in Dwarven Magics.

    On that, I’m also savvy in culture lore, human cultures primarily.

    My primary reason why I want to be LM is to provide an old-blood perspective on Lore, as most can attest, I’ve been involved in a lot of rp circles deeply, from Orc Shamanism and also High Elves in their infancy.


    Give a summary of any staff positions you have held on LoTC:

    Guide. I partook in an “Official” welcoming committee for new players, actively writing guides for them and such, was a fun little time. I also was a Wiki-team, where I was productive for a few months, and created many pages, trying to always keep on top of the priority list that they keep. I was a lore master for a few week, removed for a misunderstanding that I’m sure would of not happened if I knew of all the circumstances regarding the situation. If it was of my behaviour, it’s


    Have you ever written lore for LoTC? (this will not augment your chances at obtaining the position of LM.):








    Have you ever received a blacklist or ban?:

    A few bans, most of them in 2011 when I was still new. The last one was probably 2 years ago.


    Who do you not get along with on the Lore Team?:

    I was once in the lore team, but was removed because my behaviour was deemed inappropiate. I am sure I’ve changed those behaviours as time has passed, and I’m still as capable and able to write and moderate lore as I was back then, if not even more as I’m sure I’ve become a better person.


    Delmodan might have a few problems with me over the forementioned issue, but She knows I meant no harm and no ill-spoken words came out of my mouth on the situation, so I don’t see why she couldn’t be comfortable around me.


  6. 19 minutes ago, Slothtastic said:

    This man was a fool, for posters were replaced soon after!


    The man had a large group of men at his disposal, replacing the signs with simple warning.


    "If you post this again, we will lead out a purge against Satyrs the like you've never seen. Keep your opinions and your speak of what you and your kind do in bed and intimacy private."

  7. Dormin sends a letter


    "Grand! Hark 'ere! For those who now see to the honor of their ancestors has returned to the warm embrace of the Family and Legacy that is not only Urguan but Doomforged.


    As you do your repairs to ammend whatever your decisions lead you to, so shall you return to the clan as a member, Yorthmal.

    May the hand of Dungrimm guide your hammer.



  8. 16 minutes ago, A Moongazer said:

    "I think you're both forgetting the doomforge literally allied with Iblees when they took over Urguan in Athera." says Felix Fitch.


    "Aye and the members who did it  were banished and I personally sabotaged their palace easing their defeat." spoke Dormin.

  9. Dormin replies.


    "Your words are derided, I serve no undead king, I serve Urguan, and I will stand by our forefather's legacy regardless of its current state, thus is the way of the Doomforged.


    And you speak of my absence on the time of your need, yet you so readily ally with those who once spoke that they'd go in unrest until they saw all of us dead, tarnishing every inch of our ancestor's works and engaging in eternal warfare with us. Frostbeards denounced Urir, Hodir and Yorri, spat upon their legacies and killed many of us. Yet I do not see any Irongrinder flaunting around doomforged heads, even if they are so dumb as to claim Urguan's eternal title as their own.


    You don't have to serve Zahrer, but you must not serve Frostbeards, Yorthmal the Clanless. As it stands, I keep the Doom Forge, the Warforges, the Yarak-Un and Hodir's Crown. If you were a true Doomforged you would need naught say you are clan father, for only those truly worthy of Clan Father claim such, as I have not because I still serve the Clan Father invested by the Paragon Urir Ireheart, Hodir Doomforged, wherever he may be, as such, all of the rest of the Doomforged are equal in waiting for the return of Hodir. You are no Doomforged.


    You are no Doomforged, begone from my clan, scurry back to the glacial claw of the frostbeards you've bedded with, Clanless."

  10. Dormin sent a notice to the rogue clan leader, giving him notice of his banishments should his endeavors continued, along with a letter.




    The letter read:

    "You must be daft for ignoring the years of strife Frostbeards have inflicted upon us, without apologizing once, shedding the blood of your ancestors relentlessly. Zahrer may be wrong, but in here, you have deemed evil upon our clan to not be acceptable alone, but also deemed to receive it with open arms, forfeiting one of the clan tennets for the benefits of your own sole selfish desires. "

    The letter's backside was adorned with a half-written notice

    "AWAY WITH YE' VILE BEGGAR" And signed below.

    "Dormin Doomforged."

  11. Hereby the Dwarf known as Yorthmal is stripped of the name Doomforged, and is now clad with the shame of being Clanless.


    Let it be known from the depths of the Doom Forge, that all of us stand with Urguan regardless of the stupidity of its leader, as per it states in the Tenets of Conduct sub-section E.


    The Kingdom Of Urguan is your home -- regardless of it’s state, respect and follow it and their representatives, unless Tenet 1B is breached.


    Frostbeards are known enemies of the Doomforged, with their reiterated attempts at murdering and squabbling our members, including their forceful sexual interaction with one Jena Doomforged in Athera. THUS it is declared that Yorthmal is now exiled, until he apologizes and retreats his support for the Rogue Thiefdom of Kaz'Ulrah, and folds under the ever-loving arms of Urguan.


    Thus spoke Clan Doomforged.

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