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Posts posted by chaotikal

  1. 1 hour ago, thaddeus11 said:

    We own the entire mountain range, yeah, but the two cities and our farm, and the druid grove we have, which are all active, take up that entire space save a little field in the middle. We're also not claiming an area larger than any other nation. We're one of the smallest nations. The Dominion, Krugmar, Fenn, and Hanse all claim way more than us, in fact, they own entire portions of the map uncontested. Don't be telling me that, we claim no more than we need. In fact we are pestered all the time to claim even more land, but we don't because we want to push RP out. 


    Regioning of an ENTIRE mountain range under one nation is ludicrous, most nation tiles usually take up the vicinity of their land, while Holm's borders extend up to 400-500 blocks outside of their capital, which IS larger than any other nation.

  2. 3 hours ago, Raomir said:

    I can only imagine how hard it is for other free build nations if its this hard for one with two World DevZ. Give us the promised regioning system.

    Agreed with OP and this, but holms region needs curbing since theu are currently claiming an area larger than any other nation, extending an entire mountain range. so regioning should be of cities and no more.

  3. Minecraft Account Name(s) Reinam

    Discord chaotikal#9282

    How long have you played on LoTC? Since July, 2011.

    Timezone and Availability GMT-3. Available mostly weekends, though Wednesday-through-friday I'll be around too.


    What lore are you versed in most?

    General history of all races, both lore and in-game (they don't always match.), Dwarf Magics (Golemancy, Runesmithing), Cultures of all kind and antagonist lore.


    Give a summary of any staff positions you have held on LoTC

    Guide (When they existed), Lore Team member.


    Have you ever written lore for LoTC?







    Have you ever received a blacklist or ban?

    Not a blacklist, but I've been banned. I was wrongly banned a few months ago, which was cleared up hours after the fact. I also received a slap on the wrist for calling a player a swear word in PMs. Any ban that was adjudicated rightly was probably back in 2015 or earlier.


    Who do you not get along with on the Lore Team?

    Noone, they're all pretty cool, used to be unsure by the leadership, Kitty seemed to be going the route of the same old same old, but his current drive to rewrite magics is pretty noble and draws many extra points.

  4. if you /cpublic or /cpassword brewing stands, other people can break them without being added to the brewing stand's admin list. /crivate works but noone else can access, making tavern hookahs impossible

  5. Istvan pens a letter.


    "To my brother Laszlo,


    Unfortunately, my dear brother, it is not upon you to decide  the fate of House Ivanovich or its quest to regain what is rightfully earnt by Ivan the Father. You might not see the truth in our search, and until you do, you have unfortunately failed to respect our father's words and orders, and it is not my fault. I am tasked by GOD to spread his word, and I shall, but I shall not let my family run to ruin. Konyves is my father's son, and he is now Lord of Ivanovich. Do keep your castle, keep your forts, keep your belongings, for the search we seek and retribution we seek from those south goes beyond those, and obviously, do keep your oaths to House Sarkozic. You're now sworn to Adria, but the Ivanovich Vochna runs free like a trout in the river, hopping downstream freely, or the bear which devours it, or the crow which picks apart the carrion when the bear passes. Unbent and unbroken, forever free, forever Raev. Glory to Ruska, Siegmund and GOD."


    Istvan of Ruska, Servant to the Prophet, GOD's faithful

  6. To my beloved Konyves,


    God peace upon you. It has befallen to me that our brother, the god-named Laszlo, has neglected our father's wishes to establish the Kingdom of Ruska, bending the knee to House Sarkozic. Our father was smart, though, as he left the Kingdom of Ruska and the investiture of Ivan upon me, his first son. As thus, and because GOD has burdened my shoulders so, I shall pass these titles upon you, third son of Arpad Vseneldovich of House Ivanovich, Konyves Ivanovich, the title and crown of Ruska, be known henceforth as Konyves “The Chosen”, for out of my kin, you are the one to bear the gaze of our forefather Ivan, and his forefather before him, Siegmund. Your path is not travelled by, and your fate unknown to all but GOD. May he be your shield, and spear; may he be your stallion and armor, may he be the word that guides House Ivanovich to retake what is rightfully ours.


    The King of Ruska is dead. Long live the king of Ruska.


    Istvan Of Ruska, Rightful King of Ruska, Servant to the Prophet, GOD's faithful, lord of House Ivanovich.


  7. "But there are yet faithful. And they are assailed by a multitude of perversions, and there are men of ice, and of shadow, and fanged men, and yet others with skin of ash and eyes of flame." 

    The Holy Word



    Dark Elves. The aberration of the land. See it brothers? It was Dark Elves all along. The Cities that abide to the canon will now question Dark Elves, to inquire on their origin, and should they prove unwieldy and nervous, they are truly beings of demolition, harbingers of doom pon the land.





  8. 50 minutes ago, mitch dharma said:



    he kept whisperin to your character, every court we had or public roleplay session lorraine had. also he did contact me when he was making a dwarf about being king if i remember correctly.

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