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Status Replies posted by Eyrev

  1. I am Jake Tyler Sullivan, AKA CreeperSlayer999, I was a Flay, and a magic user, adios world of Lotc, see you some other time (and before I leave I have to confess that I'm the one who sold out Flay and got them all singlehandedly banned)

  2. If I suddenly go inactive, I've killed myself, not doing this for attention, just thought someone should know

  3. If I suddenly go inactive, I've killed myself, not doing this for attention, just thought someone should know

  4. Anyone esle think a primate race in LOTC would be cool?

  5. Anyone esle think a primate race in LOTC would be cool?

  6. Dwarf name for my characer, which one's the best? Morgrim or Bronn?

  7. Dwarf name for my characer, which one's the best? Morgrim or Bronn?

  8. Can I be absolutely honest and this is by NO MEANS an insult to those frightened, but I don't find Slenderman scary at all...

  9. Can I be absolutely honest and this is by NO MEANS an insult to those frightened, but I don't find Slenderman scary at all...

  10. Accepting your defeat, is accepting your next defeat.

  11. Accepting your defeat, is accepting your next defeat.

  12. **Goes onto TS, joins war uzg channel, gets banned by Respiren with no reason**

  13. The fact that many people are challenging Resp fully is stupid. Resp has been a GM on the server for longer than I can remember. He does his job and maybe it was time to put his foot down. Many people banned have had other infractions too.

  14. The fact that many people are challenging Resp fully is stupid. Resp has been a GM on the server for longer than I can remember. He does his job and maybe it was time to put his foot down. Many people banned have had other infractions too.

  15. The fact that many people are challenging Resp fully is stupid. Resp has been a GM on the server for longer than I can remember. He does his job and maybe it was time to put his foot down. Many people banned have had other infractions too.

  16. The fact that many people are challenging Resp fully is stupid. Resp has been a GM on the server for longer than I can remember. He does his job and maybe it was time to put his foot down. Many people banned have had other infractions too.

  17. Resp, tell me, why are you revoking VAs for stuff that people are doing totally unrelated to the in-game server itself? Simply because you're out to ban all the Flays / PvPing like factions? I expect more from a GM. I expect more from somebody as experienced as yourself too. Makes me question some of the people we have moderating, in fact, I wouldn't be surprised to have a warning after this.

  18. Resp, tell me, why are you revoking VAs for stuff that people are doing totally unrelated to the in-game server itself? Simply because you're out to ban all the Flays / PvPing like factions? I expect more from a GM. I expect more from somebody as experienced as yourself too. Makes me question some of the people we have moderating, in fact, I wouldn't be surprised to have a warning after this.

  19. My mother anounced we would have BLTs for dinner and I was like "YES!" beacause we have been on a "Family" diet. Anyway I took a bite of this "BLT" and gagged it tasted awfull, only to find out the bacon was a mixture of tofu and veggies... YUCK

  20. My mother anounced we would have BLTs for dinner and I was like "YES!" beacause we have been on a "Family" diet. Anyway I took a bite of this "BLT" and gagged it tasted awfull, only to find out the bacon was a mixture of tofu and veggies... YUCK

  21. If I were to post a Magic app, would any of you support it?

  22. If I were to post a Magic app, would any of you support it?

  23. waiting for the pizza to come.

  24. waiting for the pizza to come.

  25. Boxxybabee with two e's

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