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Status Updates posted by Eyrev

  1. Good song ;)

  2. *sigh.... just *sigh.

    1. Drelik


      So dissapointed

    2. Eyrev


      u dont even know what happened.

    3. Eyrev


      u dont even know what happened.

  3. Skelernacht Boynacht

  4. Skelernacht Boynacht

  5. Va is up with more than enough references.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eyrev


      if you had enjoyable rp with Zelphar, or ameroth, then i'd appreciate it if you'd come take a look at my va and maybe make a support form. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/66070-ameroths-second-va/

    3. Dalek348
    4. DrakeHaze.


      Denied by halfling.

  6. i wake up and my appeal that I worked hard on is gone... ;'(

    1. Valentino MC: Mau5noize

      Valentino MC: Mau5noize

      quit your crying, ;p welcome back, don't let me or the server down bud!

    2. Eyrev


      ;D i wont bro

    3. Eyrev


      ;D i wont bro

  7. i wake up and my appeal that I worked hard on is gone... ;'(

  8. Alright...ts and...server down? I paid 100 bucks for diamond vip

    1. DrakeHaze


      No you donated 100 bucks.

    2. Payed Legend™

      Payed Legend™

      Chill bruh, its not like its down for eva.

    3. danic


      ^ @DrakeHaze

  9. Boxxybabee with two e's

    1. Aryon


      I thought you were banned.

    2. Eyrev


      Nope im under moderation for three monthes. Also Aryon my desktop isnt a picture of you. I was simply joking, it was a joke.

  10. Forum post that I worked hard on was deleted with NO WARNING so I couldn't save it to my drafts...

    1. Ancora (pandalex12)

      Ancora (pandalex12)

      Most likely archived by a FM or GM.

      Should be stored safely if you ask them.

    1. Eyrev


      Check out that video its new

  11. Hi...Im Eyrev....nothing more to say really

  12. From Ninevene: Your application had no effort into it ...if I was you I wouldn't be so suprised that it was denied. It was by far the most horrible app I've ever seen.

  13. Hello there. I hear that you aren't fufilling my wish! I beg of you!

  14. borg and i havin some fun join

  15. got stuck in a 6x6 room with no exit and the only other person in there was boxxy ;)

  16. 213 push ups completed

  17. Sitting down writing the Autumnfire Slave Chronicle while playing counter strike and reflecting on how I did 210 push ups in a row yesterday.

  18. ah thanks for clearing that up,

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