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Everything posted by Rekedens

  1. Can I delete a secondary skill?

    1. HedgeHug


      /sk [name of skill] select secondary


    2. Rekedens


      I have a secondary skill but I decided that I do not want to have one anymore :P

    3. HedgeHug


      Do the exact same select command again, and it will stop being your secondary one.

  2. Why are all my skills maxed out except for my main and secondary skills? 

    1. _Jandy_


      Once you choose a secondary you can only have racial professions, a bonus profession and a main profession, then everything else is maxed.

    2. Rekedens


      I don't have access to any other profession if I have a secondary skill,

      or they are all just at the max level (Adept  for humans)? 

  3. Thanks for the invite, I will! And yes, I guess that would make him a quaterling. Haha.
  4. I slightly updated the bio and added some more information.
  5. *puts a note on door*


    Hello friend, I am your new neighbor. I thought I would intraduce myself. 

  6. Looking for farm work at Felson. Message me please.

    1. Gangrel1230


      There's farm work in Summerhall

    2. Rekedens


      I got a job possible two, but thanks!

  7. Looking for farm work:

    1. Anderssn


      Come to Luciensport

    2. Rekedens


      I got a job possible two, but thank you

  8. [OOC] Just going to drop this here to help me organize my character's information. Feel free to leave comments, questions, or RP requests. :) Biography: Giarc Rekedens [The Forth] is the son to Giarc and Marena Rekedens. Ever since his father died in war before Giarc was born, his mother kept him safe living in Gimblewood, a quiet halfling town. His mother was a halfling but he do not have any halfling traits. Giarc did not have any proper schooling because they were poor, but he did learn to read and loves to learn. They recently moved to a small town called Redwood where they are living a new peaceful life as peasants. While Giarc is not familiar with the area and it's politics, he is learning the farm trade. He loves to work and is dedicated to anything he puts his mind to. He would like to someday like to make a living owning a shop or inn, have a farm, and breed animals. Description: Appearance: 6', 23 years old, medium/stocky build Traits: Shy, simple, extremely loyal, hard-worker Down-falls: not overly strong, weak social skills, weak political and cultural knowledge Professions: Farming & fishing Interests: Reading Jobs: Farmer for Duchy of Courland Farmer for Karduin Trading Company Timeline: ??? - Previous history lost in the Fall of Asulon 1436 - Giarc Rekedens II born 1479 - Giarc Rekedens III born 1481 - Giarc Rekedens II dies in the Holy Oren Empire rebellion. 1516 - Giarc Rekedens III dies in war. Giarc Rekedens IV born 1539 - Present Updated 12/29/15
  9. Hey Emerald, why all teh hatin', Yea rhyme had me' doing nothin' but waitin'. Yea like green, but how's it better than blue? I don't like either, watcha gonna do, sue? I may just be a halflin' but I sure can flow, The rest of yea are at home helping yea mama sew. But when the battle's over, I have an idea... How about we head down to the tavern and gulp down a few?
  10. Hey! Yes, those were the good days! :)

  11. I approve of this guild!! I wish to join, but will probably wait until my blacksmith takes off. Perhaps we could work out a deal? Maybe I could join as a header, offering herbal medicine (if I can get a farm)
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