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Posts posted by Tethras

  1. Whistles merrily as he strolls around the city of Kal'Azgoth, noticing the letter and Dom's reply underneath he quickly writes a reply. Posting it below, frowning as he reads the contents out loud.


    "Ah' Farren Starbreaker can do 'tu job yer ask, ah be 'ah smif by trade an such work means 'ah come in contact wit' jems often or not. Ah could perform t'u job 'tu ah sufficient standard. Send 'ah bird 'tu meself 'at 'tu smifin guild fer more details if yer wish. Ah leave it 'tu yer tu decide if meself or' Dom 'ave 'tu better skills fer 'tu job."


    -Farren Starbreaker


    ((If not understandable, I'll provide a "translation" of the text from the accent to normal.))

  2. It's not within yer right to overrule this! The vote remains, two Lords have yet to remain to vote. If the is not at a sufficient level within three elven days the Crown Authority shall remain as it is. Telchar and Arcane have yet to vote.





    Vote still Open




    -Farren Starbreaker

  3. High Crown Authority X

    - The King has the power to declare war as he wishes.

    - The King has the power to make or break an alliance if he has the authorization of three fifths of the Lord's Council.

    - The King has the power to remove a Jarl.

    - The King has the power to appoint a replacement Jarl if he has a three fifths majority vote of the Lord's Council.

    - The King has the power to remove a member of the King's Council.

    - The King has the power to appoint a replacement King's Council member if he has a three fifths majority vote of the Lord's Council.


    -Farren Starbreaker

  4. I'm actually extremely confused on the "normal" Dwarven accent. I have my Forest Dwarf Druid as my only Dwarf and I kind of made up his accent, switching 'th' to 'f' or 'd' depending on the word, 'ov' instead of 'of' and usually 'eh' instead of 'y' at the end of a word, but is there like an official guide on the common accent? 

    Alright there is no "official guide" for Dwarven Accents. Partly I feel due to us wanting Dwarves to decide how they want to do it. In reality we have Dwarves with russian, scandinavian and even arabic accents so it varies but there are common themes that I've picked up. 

    • "H" is often removed from words or pushed back further into the sentance. So for example instead of the it's "t'e" or "t'eh". Another example is human, it's commonly said "'uman."
    • O is normally replaced with U. So "To" would turn into "tu'" or who would translate into "'W'u?", "Whu'?"
    • There are many, the list can go on. Ultimately it depends on you and how you want to do it.

    If people want a guide for Dwarven accents, we would be more than willing to supply one. Though the great thing I feel about the accents of the Dwarves are that they vary, showing the difference in dwarves. 

    Why the lack of Dwarvern ladies? I'm sure there is a few reasons, but which are most prominent?

    People not wanting to play them, also with the lack of dwarven women they do tend to get swamped with suitors. It's funny, but you can see how to does deter some people from the roleplay. It can work out though, Ellsia a prime example of a female dwarf that doesn't take anything from male dwarves.

  5. Dwarven Q&A


    Pretty much says it all in the title. So if you have any questions in regards to us Dwarves, from the accents towards the Dwarven mannerism. Feel free to ask! If any contradiction come from answers then just use the wiki or your own best judgement to decide what works best for you.  Any Dwarf is allowed to answer! 


    Can this also be pinned please?




    In the spoiler below is a list of questions already asked and answered. To save you lot the trouble of scrolling through multiple pages. 



    Q: I'm actually extremely confused on the "normal" Dwarven accent. I have my Forest Dwarf Druid as my only Dwarf and I kind of made up his accent, switching 'th' to 'f' or 'd' depending on the word, 'ov' instead of 'of' and usually 'eh' instead of 'y' at the end of a word, but is there like an official guide on the common accent? 


    A:Usually the Dwarf speech is just changing the "h's" with a " ' ", and "ing" with "in' ", we also change our "f's," with the letter "v". It gets quite easy after awhile, we also sometimes remove "ight" from words and replace it with "iote." Also another part of our speech is removing the letter "a" from our words as well.


    Example: Thinking > T'inkin'.

    Writing > Writin'.

    Right > Riote.

    Of > Ov

    That > T'at


    A sentence: (More into the grammar.)


    "We are Dwarves and we are hairy and proud of our culture, way of thinking, our strength, and works of craft."


    "We be Dwarves 'nd we be 'airy 'nd proud ov our culture, way ov t'inkin', our miote, 'nd works ov craft."



    Q:Why the lack of Dwarvern ladies? I'm sure there is a few reasons, but which are most prominent?


    A:Nobody wants to play one.



    Q:Here's a question, is there any way to become a doomforged and are they still around?


    A:Yes, in fact they are recruiting at this very moment, they have a thread somewhere underneath this one, and they have a clan thread in the Dwarven clans section of this forum, msg Goldrim or darkjames for more info. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/86323-ooc-doomforge-interest-thread/page-1




    Q:Do the women have beards?


    A: This subject is much up to debate to quote Hiebe's reply:

     Ronald McDonald, on 29 May 2013 - 17:06, said:


    We've never had bearded women and since this is LOTC and not another generic dwarf fantasy realm we do not have bearded women.

    Actually a bunch of us including Charles, Hiebe and such decided that dwarfen women could have beard if they wanted, but it wasn't going to be forced because well... bearded women are a bit strange...


    But what do I know, most if not all of the previous dwarven lore has been changed by this new generation of "squeaky" dwarves so have at it, play a female with a beard.




    Q & A: Telchar Azaghal, on 29 May 2013 - 17:20, said:


    What is maximum capacity for the average Dwarven beard? 6 tonnes


    Why is Dreek's Dwarf so fat? He aims to emulate himself in real life.


    If a Dwarf falls in the woods does he make a noise? This question is stupid, dwarfs don't go into forests.


    How much coal could a Dwarfy dig if a Dwarfy could dig coal? All of it.


    Apples or Beards? Beards.


    Are you sure Ellsia is a female Dwarf? She won't let us check :\


    Can a biological eunuch be cured? Sorry, we can't help with your man problems.

  6. ((Thorin wears a black crown, not a white one. :/))

    ((The black one is Charles Crown, given to Thorin by Kjell. The other one, deemed the "White one" is the Crown of Urguan.  The White one's design is subject to change, this is merely about the Crown of Urguan. Which is currently the white one, although the description of the crown is not mentioned in the post due to the look of it being subject to change oocly. )) 

  7. As told from Berren Starbreakers perspective.


    There are many stories surrounding the origin of the Crown of Urguan. Some say that it was gifted to him by Yemekar himself, others that he was born with it. Signifying his destiny to rule the world under
    the guidance of the Brathmordakin. Though those are merely stories told to our children. I believe the story is far most interesting... This is what I believe.



    The Creation of the Crown of Urguan




    Long ago in his youth, Urguan went on a grand mining expedition into the mines of one of the earliest of Dwarven Colonies.  Seeking to further increase his already vast wealth with the valuable ores found under the city. Whether it be by chance or the guidance of the Brathmordakin, Urguan discovered a special material names Urguanium. This material was small in amount, yet durable beyond all imagination. So much that it destroyed many picks in the attempt to harvest it. Urguan was bemused, what was this material that caused him so much nuisance? He spent days on end, staring at the ore. Going back and forth fromattempting to harvest, to glancing at it with grudging respect. That was until

    Urguan with all of his cunning and guile devised a way to harvest the ore. He resolved to dig around the ore, creating an enormous tunnel to the main halls of the Colony which they used to drag up the precious material to his forge. 




    For over a month he laboured with respite.  Sealing himself away. Declining food or water
    as he laboured away tirelessly on his forge. Repeating the processes many times over, destroying many tools in the process as he tries to shape the mysterious Ore. Eventually Urguan resorted to
    using unorthodox methods of using the Hammer of Urugan and one of his valued Rune smithing chisels to craft the Ore. With his three greatest inventions Urguan continued to shape the metal. Pouring all of his skill and effort into his creation.  Chiseling runic engravings across the material as he continues to shape it, for forty days and nights he laboured without rest. Stumbling out of the forge on the forty fifth day, clutching a small bundle in his arms. His body frame thin from the labour, as
    he stumbles out. His sons rushing to his aid as a wry smile creases on his face, glancing down at the bundle. It revealed a crown, wrought with the finest materials. The intricate runic engravings on it, rendering it indestructible. 


    The History of the Crown




    After it’s creation Urguan wore the crown until his death. Handing it over to the most prominent of his sons Barradin. Barradin wore the crown throughout his reign. Through to turmoil of the attacks by
    Ondnarch to the rise of the Ironborn. Concerned with the rumours of the slightly sinister if not brutally evil actions of his brother Velkuns clan the Ironborn. He ordered that the crown should be hidden away, deep within the mines of Kal’Urguan after his departure. Forcing the ones who undertook this
    task to swear an oath to Yemekar not to reveal it’s location.  And so during the turmoil of the Blood Age, the crown was thought to be lost. It’s guardians killed during the Blood Age, making the location lost to all those who remained in the aftermath when Simpa took the throne from Thorgarn Ironborn. Deemed lost and not wanting to sully himself with donning the Crown of the Ironborn, Simpa ordered another one forged. Thus the Crown of Urguan was seemingly lost to the annuals of history.
    Rumoured to be one of Urguan’s greatest works, though to be destroyed as a final act of spite by the hated Ironborn.


    That was until Thorik Grandaxe, rediscovered it. During his coup upon the High Council, Thorik discovered the final testament of Bardel Gravelfist. One of the guardians of the Crown. The journal contained the location of the Crown, deep within the mines. Excited by the news of the
    ancient relic, Thorik ventured deep into the mines. Blissfully unaware of the traps that lay in the crypt that contained the Crown. Frustrated by his own arrogance Thorik, threw himself forwards. Progressing through each trap at an astonishing rate, risking death more than a few times. Continuing to rack up the injuries as he progressed to the center of the crypt. Before finally laying his hands on prize. His eyes filling with glee as he retrieves the crown, leaving the Crypt. Bruised and bloodied he returned to the Grand Council with the Crown of Urguan.  For the duration of his reign, Thorik wore the Crown of Urguan out of pride and reverence for his ancestors. Revealing how he discovered the Crown only to only a handful. Though it was not to last, during the supposed death of Thorik Grandaxe the Crown was deemed lost. With the release of Ondnarch, by taking over the body of Thorik Grandaxe the Crown was sent away to the depths of Karik. Ondnarch in his rage, reminded of the humiliation of his defeat by the hands of King Barradin tried to destroy the crown at first. Unable to do so he resolved to send it into the depths of Karik where no dwarf would see it again. A final humiliation to his enemies whilst he plotted their demise.




    Time passed as the Crown still remained in the depths of Kal’Karik. Resting in the depths as a result of Ohgrahad’s scorn. It remained so for time, seemingly lost forever with the fall of Karik at the hands of the Drakes. But an excavation team, braving the dangers of the city ventured into it’s depths. It was there they discovered the Crown of Urguan, seemingly mistaking it for a Crown forged by the Karikians. Thinking that only the Karikians were the ones who retained the knowledge on how to shape metal into such a masterpiece after the Blood Age. They brought it back to the surface to
    present it back to their Kinsmen. But that is when disaster struck. The Renatians in their avarice stole the Crown, passing it on to a Orcish Rex .


    The Orcish Rex wore the Crown of Urguan for many years. Flaunting it to show his prestige in battle. Whilst humiliating his foes the Dwarves. He would wear it into battle, flaunting the Crown like a beacon to his enemies to remind them of their loss. It seemed that it was to remain so until a dwarf by the name of Kjell Ireheart slew the Rex, reclaiming the Crown of Urguan. The dwarf would be later known as Paragon Kjell Ireheart the Emporer Dragon Slayer. Out of respect for the seemingly dead King, the dwarf who had yet to earn his overly long title returned it to the Grandaxes. Where it was kept under close guard and treated as a relic of their clan.




    Though with the return of Thorik Grandaxe from the grasp of Ondarch it was returned to Thorik. Marking his second ascent to Kingship. He wore the Crown of Urguan with pride, until he stepped down as King. Handing it over to his successor Omithiel Strongbrow. Thoriks successor wore the Crown for the rest of his reign. Wearing the Crown of Urguan through the First Orc-Dwarf war of Anthos. With the victory of the Dwarves, rumours spread. The Crown of Urguan was rumoured to be blessed, whoever used it would achieve great things. And so as the Dwarves gained for prestige, the rumours of the Crown increased. Some claiming that the dwarves had always been in times of
    hardship when the Crown of Urguan was not worn by the King. Increasing the suspicion. Thus, with the departure of Omithiel fears grew. People started to worry that if the Crown was lost that the Kingdom would enter another time of hardship. Though it was not lost, Omithiel left it down with a letter denoting
    him “Passing on the torch”. Leaving the Crown of Urguan for his eventual successor King Thorin Grandaxe. Who wears the Crown to this current day. 


    ((It's still in progress... Pictures won't load.))

  8. Farren laughs mockingly, the sound of his laughter carrying down the hall. He shakes his head slowly, an amused expression on his face.
    Wrong location or not, that is up to us not yer. An besides title or not, it’s up to the Brathmordakin to decide our place in this world and there can be not above the King ov ‘tu Dwarves. I suggest that you keep the matters of location to within your borders, whilst we keep the matters regarding the locations of our Holds within ours. he sneers, his tone clearly hostile. Pausing for a few moments as he inhales deeply, before continuing.
    “Ah merely spoke to truth, for it be utter nonsense that yer declare dominance over all the wilds without taking into consideration the Holds of your allies. But ah did not come here to trade petty insults with yer solely. We’re glad yer recognise the grievance of’ your error and have corrected it. But this brings us to our second matter.” 
    Coughs suddenly into his hand, grunting as he pulls a large scroll. Unfurling it, letting it drop until it hits the floor with a “clang”. He begins to speak in a loud, rumbling voice.
    “We request that yer do not resort to such hostile means against tu allies ov ‘tu Dwarven Kingdom. The Mew Mew’s or in  common terms the Kha. Tu Mew Mew’s have been steadfast allies to is in troubled times, most significantly in the beginning of the Orc-Dwarf war of Elysium. So we request that you do not simply charge your soldiers, but seek a diplomatic answer that will be satisfactory to both parties. Should the Kha submit to you, we request that the Kingdom of Urguan takes charge of the port  on their Islands. For this will increase the trade between our two nations. Further increasing the prosperity of ourselves, the Mew Mews and Oren. Any agreement previously made shall still be in existence.   ” he sighs lightly, his eyes scanning the final paragraph of the scroll. His frown deepening as he reads out the final sentence a hint of reluctance in his voice.
    “Thirdly in regards Wilds. Grand King Thorin in his wisdom has suggested in his wisdom that we split the Wilds between our two Nations. The North of the Wilds shall become your territory whilst we Dwarves claim the South. We believe this shall be satisfactory for both nations, leading us both to future prosperity. "
  9. Mostali_Dwarves_by_nomadsqd.jpg

    ((Written without accents to make it easier to read. Just assume that when he is speaking his is doing so with an accent.))

    A  large group of dwarves march into the throne room, glancing closer you notice they’re armed to the teeth. The large portion of them wearing the armour of the Dwarven Legion, with an exception of a few wearing armour of custom make. Brandishing their weapons, from ragged edges axe to thinly pointed spears. From outside the nearby window you see a large armored stone vehicle with multiple Oxen tethered in front of it. The group approaching the throne, until almost in unison the identically armoured soldiers split off into two parallel lines, around a smaller group of dwarves. Beating their weapons against their shields in unison, producing a ominous “Clang” noise. The smaller group advances. You notice that they’re wearing clothing and armour of finer design. Carrying with them a bearing of command as they walk before the King. The majority of the small party holding their  helmets tucked under their arms. Revealing their finely decorated beards, some of them reaching down to their feet. As the commotion slowly dies down a single dwarf advances, clad in blue-ish armour, a large scroll in his left hand. His hand clenching tighter around the scroll as he steps forwards. Inhaling deeply before he says in a loud booming voice.
    “King Horen of the Empire of Oren, honoured ally...
    We've come here in place of our King to speak mainly about your hostile actions against our Kingdom. The Kingdom of Urguan... In response to this....” he grunts, unfurling the scrolls as he reads out the contents. 
    "It is by the decree of Emperor Horen V that the territory commonly known as “The Wilds” is also declared to be under the dominion of the Holy Oren Empire, and the title Guardian of the Wilds be created and bestowed upon Emperor Horen V. It is demanded that all current settlements dismantle themselves on their own volition; and should defiance be met, the settlements will be dismantled by Oren and all possessions and assets transferred to the Empire.” he reads loudly, a tone of anger in his voice. His frown deepening as he read the contents. Suddenly his face contorts into a snarl, tossing the scroll at the foot of the throne. 
    “What be this nonsense? This act of aggression against us your allies! It is common knowledge that the Kingdom of Urguan maintains a Hold within the Wild Lands. Kal’Halla has long served as loyal vassals under the Dwarven Kingdom and is protected by us. So tell us, oh Horen what is this? “ his says suddenly, his face red with rage.
    “‘For this is against the terms of the Blood Pact formed between our nations. Are you under the watchful gaze of the Brathmordakin breaking the blood oath? Declaring war on us dwarves who you call allies? Tell us Horen... For what are we to make of this farce?”
    He steps back slowly, waiting for the Horen or any other person present to respond.
    ((Just to clarify this is not a "declaration of war." Merely dwarves seeking a clarification for events that have transpired.  For people who can post that are Dwarves are Lords. Humans wise I would assume that the King, Privy Councils and other important members of the Human Empire would be there. Happy roleplay! ^_^ ))
  10. Farren exhales heavily as he shifts uncomfortably in his seat. Glancing left and right towards the various seated Jarls, Lords, Clan Fathers, Commanders and Grand Councilors  He runs his hand slowly across the finely carved engravings of the large stone table situated between the seats of those who of aer great importance within the Dwarven Kingdom. He slams his fist down forcefully onto the stone table, licking his lips out of anticipation as the faces of the crowd turn to stare at him.


    "Honoured guest, we 'ave gat'ered yer today 'tu announce our borders. Long 'ave we fought wit diplomanceh' 'an our axes 'tu secure an' expand our borders. Causing our' cartographers much strife in order 'tu provide 'an accurate representation. 'Ah can now show yer 'tu results ov' t'eir efforts." 


    He coughs loudly, gesturing towards two nearby dwarves.  Wearing the symbol of the Kingdom upon their clothes. Their faces showing strain as they carry a large scroll into the room. Unfurling it down the table.  It looks like so:


    ((Big thanks to Mirtok for providing the maps.))








    "Behold 'tu Borders ov 'tu Kingdom ov' Urguan! Let it be know 'tu all t'at t'ese be Dwarven Lands. We've alreadeh' sent scribes 'tu work 'tu make more ov t'ese maps public.  Some 'ave already been released publicleh' in Kal'Azgoth." he says in a loud booming voice. A wry smile creasing onto his face as his eyes dart back and forth at  the faces of those glancing at the map. He steps back , motioning for them to respond. 


    ((A final note, the land marked in this map was taken in roleplay. So if there are any issues with it, please deal with in it roleplay not oocly. ))

  11. ((Just noting Duregar submited to Meanking in roleplay. This is merely announcing the event. Feel free to reply to this however you wish. This is roleplayed as a public event, so anyone could be there.))



    The loud beat of a drums can be heard throughout the Dwarven Lands. The origin of the noise a large parade marching throughout the Dwarven Kingdom. From Hold to Hold. At it's head stands the drummers, smartly uniformed in the tunics of red and grey. Legionnaires positioned around the flanks of the parade, protecting it's sides. Marching with precision as the march, armed to the teeth. Standard bearers accompanying them, flourishing the banner of the Dwarven Kingdom with vigor. In the center of the marching column you see large throne being carried by four Legionnaires  Seated on the throne you notice a large dwarf, his black hair prominent under his helmet and crown. Carrying the standard of his Kingdom and Clan as he is carried forward on his throne. King Thorin sits their, a triumphant look on his face. The rhythm of the drum beats almost in sync with the steps of the Legionnaires as the march on.  The noise increasing as they stop outside Kal'Azgoth. The snow continues to fall as two couriers un forwards, holding a large parchment that is seen posted throughout the Kingdom. The drummers suddenly stop playing as the King signals for one of the couriers to make the announcement.



    "By the grace of the Brathmordakin, King Thorin Grandaxe has defeated the rebels. The false King Duregar has submitted himself before the true King begging his forgiveness. Throwing away his false claim and recognizing the Thorin Grandaxe as the true King. He has surrendered, in return the King has granted him mercy. Banishing him to the lower caverns of Kal'Azgoth. The time is upon us to celebrate! The King is victorious and has defeated the rebels. Long live King Thorin Grandaxe!"


    The courier bows humbly, before turning back to join the column. The gathered crowd erupting into cheers at the news, the drums starting the beat again. As the parading column  marches back into the halls of Kal'Azgoth.

  12. Farren pins a letter on the announcement board. 



    MC Name: spychicken956
    RP Name: Gamil Irongut


    How skilled are you in regards to smithing? Not that good.....


    How skilled are you with your weapon of choice? Excelled

    Reason for Joining/Bio (at least 1 paragraph): Gamil has been around the dwarves since Aegis, fighting in the UAC and working with the ascended. The only "guild" hes been apart of has been the UAC where he was the merchant. After the UAC was disbanded he sort of wandered around doing whatever he could in the dwarven holds. He has always been fascinated with smithing but has never really tried it, but now that he is getting older he feels he has the patience to try.


    What Will You Add to the Guild? Fun rp and hopefully more money.


    How active are you on the server? I play every week but I cant get on every day since I have school.









    MC Name: Link204113
    RP Name: Myroesh
    How skilled are you in regards to smithing? Very little but he dreams of reaching Highsmith or higher.
    How skilled are you with your weapon of choice?

    Myroesh prefers the axe and is relativley skilled with it
    Reason for Joining/Bio (at least 1 paragraph): His father was an apprentice smith who dreamed of becoming a Highsmith,but died in an orc raid. Now Myroesh seeks to accomplish the dream his father passed on to him. He knows reaching highsmith will not be easy but he will not stop till he acheives. That is why he seeks entrance into the guild. 
    What Will You Add to the Guild? Whatever I can less it be my strength or knowledge.
    How active are you on the server? After fixing some internet issues I'll be able to do 10-50 hours a week if not more.



    MC Name:Dizzy771
    RP Name:Dizzy Torhild
    How skilled are you in regards to smithing? Give me a bit-o red hot iron and I can fashion ye anytin yea be wantin givin a little bit o-time
    How skilled are you with your weapon of choice? With me axe I am by no mean er warrior paragon, but if nead be i canna-be splittin skulls like any soldier

    Reason for Joining/Bio (at least 1 paragraph): Der be many a reason for me to want te be part o-te smiths. To serve me kingdom better be one good reason. I also be tryin to join teh legion, to craft armor fer an army and to march with it teh battle ta defend uor people is what I waent!  When I were a smaller lad me family home and me community were looted and destroyed by greenskin invaders and I wanting to be able te be making sure that neve happens to anyone Dwarf ever agen. My oter reason is to improve me smithing skills. I want to live up to me grand faters name as a master smith. Te only possession he left to me fater and me fater to me was his master crafted 'elmet e made, which I ne'er even tink about leaving behind anywhere I go. Also makin meself a decent livin on te side wou'nt 'urt a bit now would it?
    What Will You Add to the Guild? Me hard work and dedication to teh smiths, me ingenuity and me good hammer arm!
    How active are you on the server? ((I try to be on at least every day))



    MC Name: xlr20ice
    RP Name: Pythagorix Steelhand
    How skilled are you in regards to smithing?
    I have previously worked for the Lenblades, and mercenary group. There, I crafted everything from swords to axes to fine metalwork, such as statues and small trinkets.
    How skilled are you with your weapon of choice?
    After the Lenblades broke up, I was tasked with being a bodyguard for one of the young ones. My weapon of choice is a short-sword, made by me, one of my personal favorite creations.


    Reason for Joining/Bio (at least 1 paragraph):
    Pythagorix woke from a deep sleep. He awoke in a hospital bed, in Kal’Dwain. But there was something eerie about where he was. There was nobody around, which was strange for such a city. After working for the Lenblades, he had failed his mission as a bodyguard after he was wounded by a failed assassination attempt. For years after, he scoured the streets, looking for work from his past life, looking for a forge to work at. He then found himself at Elysium and Kalos, trying to scrape a living off of making cheap armour off of the few resources there were. When he came to Kal’Azagoth, he joined the Legion, hoping to make armour once again. But those days seemed over for now, unless he could find something like the Blacksmith’s Guild, so he can restore his former skills.
    What Will You Add to the Guild?
    On top of being a former blacksmith, I am obedient and will follow orders, as well as being independent when necessary.
    How active are you on the server?
    I try to be on every day, but due to complications with school, I can only manage to consistantly play on the weekends.



    MC Name: Krogulec

    RP Name: Kohgir "Krogulec" Ironarmpit


    How skilled are you in regards to smithing?


    Mining Pick and a hummer are the only tools a real dwarf ever needs! Kohgir has a legacy of being master smith since Aegis, since the terrible accident in Kal'Urguan he has lst his ways and now is trying to rebuild his name in the new world

    How skilled are you with your weapon of choice?


    Skilled with axe Kohgir has always been practicing, sadly the peace between orcs and dwarvs did not come in handy when it comes to practice.

    Reason for Joining/Bio (at least 1 paragraph):


    Since dwarfling Kohgir liked to forge weaponry and armours, his legendary work in the protection of Kal'Urguan made him a proud and honoured dwarf in his old kingdom, his armours and weapons helped protect  Kal'Urguan a little longer, and kill more of the Undead before final withdrawal. Legend has it his armour and weapons never broke but the plague reached to the dwarvish soldiers through the uncovered fragments of sking thus, killing them slowly, and painfully. Kohgir's aim is to develop some sort of rune that will protect dwarven from plague, making them more dangerous to the Undead than the Undead are to the rest of the world.

    What Will You Add to the Guild?


    Awesome lore and hatred to orcs, of course a tonne of laughs, and stories from the land of Aegis, how it was before, the fights with orcs, stealing from their fortress, etc.

    How active are you on the server?


    Pretty active, at least once a day mon-fri, and very often on Sat-Sun, for long periods of time.



    MC Name: CraigB7



    RP Name: Khifir Oran


    How skilled are you in regards to smithing?


    Back in Aegis Khifir was part of a smithing guild, he often practiced the skill along side Kili Oran (his brother) and Caldon Devez. Although Khifir was particularly one of the most skilled Smith's in the whole of Aegis. he could always find room for improvement as he prospered to becoming the most skilled and desired Smith within his lands/kingdom.


    How skilled are you with your weapon of choice?


    Thou axe be his choice. He is very skilled when wielding such a weapon in battle and or in other areas. Each blade forged in the great mines of white crest by a respected/high dwarven smiths


    reason for joining/bio (at least 1 paragraph)


    Now that Khifir is becoming familiar with the Dwarven kingdom, he's looking to participate in engineering along side some companions, Khifir has always desired smithing, & after the troubles in Aegis he want's to start up his life-long ambition once again, Seeing the bright sparks and the complex heat driven off the furnace is what he craves to feel once again.


    What will you add to the guild?


    A strong compassion and a new set of idea's.


    How active are you on the server?


    I play for usually around 4 to 5 hours a day (monday to friday) and about 7 hours daily on weekends. ( still attend school).



    MC Name: Jins_
    RP Name: Kili Oran
    How skilled are you in regards to smithing?
    Back in Kili's youngin' days he trained with his father who was once a great smith of his time, He taught him how to repair armour if ever needed and how to craft basic weapons for defence before he was lost in battle, but Kili is no where near expert level at smithing and he would love to learn more smithing skills of great and better people.
    How skilled are you with your weapon of choice?
    Kili is very skill in battle with his trusty WarAxe crafted by his father when he was still alive moments after the axe was crafted his father had to go into battle and was lost in it, after that day Kili trained with his axe for days on end so he could make his father proud.
    Reason for Joining/Bio (at least 1 paragraph): 
    Kili was raised in the forge by his Father. When he was just a lad he took up an apprenticeship with his Father and spent most of his time in the forge perfecting his work. Since Kili's father died,  he has had a chance to work in the forge more than ever to improve his work to make his father proud. In this time he has learned many skills and hopes to only continue his learning in the guild. Joining the guild will help Kili's learning and push him down the road to being a successful smith.
    What Will You Add to the Guild? 
    Kili will add his skills of improvising with the materials he has.
     How active are you on the server?
    Almost everyday but mostly every other day



    MC Name:



    RP Name:


    Fardin Dwalin 

    How skilled are you in regards to smithing?


    Fardin Dwalin is well expereinced smith. he has been smithing since a young dwarfin child his father has been teaching him about how to smith up until he died in a smithing accedent he had to look after his brothers with his smithing skills but not found a job yet.

    How skilled are you with your weap on of choice?


    Fardin Dwalin is wepon of choice is a waraxe because his father teached great secerets about welding  a waraxe but Fardin is also good with small daggers and war swords.

    Reason for Joining/Bio (at least 1 paragraph):


    Since the early days of Fardin Dwalin in he humble town ,he spent hours on end in the smithing guild's , mainly helping his brothers Fardin was raised by his father and mother who he doesnt really speak about his father was a great blacksmith he was famous in the town for it not soon after his father died fardin was then famous fardin is now strugling to get food for his brother that he now has to raise.

    What Will You Add to the Guild?


    Hard worker idea make and able to work with all .

    How active are you on the server?


    I try to be on every day mostly am and when i am on the server i will be working . 



    MC Name: BubblesandEpic
    RP Name: Jak
    How skilled are you in regards to smithing? I've made a few sets of armour out of odd materials such as chitin, and have worked with a smith in composing various steel and iron weapons
    How skilled are you with your weapon of choice? Sickle? Pretty decent. Crossbow? Damned great. Scythe? Wonderful.
    Reason for Joining/Bio (at least 1 paragraph): Jak kind of just wandered into Kal' Azgoth one day, and decided it'd be keen for it to set up residence there. It'd always quite fancied the idea of being a mechanic or blacksmith, and after the druids abandoned it after  doing what it was told to do, it realized that nature could be vastly improved with mechanical equivalents and metallurgy, so it sent off into the snowy mountains of Anthos and eventually found the Dwarven Capital. It was quite chuffed to find the notice board littered with various guild applications, and eagerly signed up for any and all it could sign and read. After quite successfully plastering its name across the notice board's applications, it wandered over to a nook in the city's main stairs and slept, waiting to check and see if it was accepted.
    What Will You Add to the Guild? Some call me interesting, I'm decent with making odd armours, or so I'm told.
    How active are you on the server? Very.


    All of you are accepted. Congratulations on joining the guild!If you wish to advance come see me to take a trial. Though be prepared for there shall be soon a announcement concerning the guild.

    ((The main post shall be edited within 24 hours containing an announcement ))

  13. Farren, stands in front of Obsidian Throne. Unfurling a large scroll, the bottom of the scroll hitting the floor with a "Clang" as he begins to read out the contents. The contents similar to that found in letters from the King towards Clan Fathers and Jarls of the Dwarven Kingdom.


    "To the loyal vassals and clan fathers of King Thorin Grandaxe. The time has come that your loyalty is to be tested. The recent declaration of rebellion against the King has left doubts about certain loyalties. The King is his wisdom has decided to call upon you to declare you loyalties. There are three options, listed below;

    • Loyalist - Those who declare their total support for the King and the current Regime. They shall do everything to help the King against these rebels. Swearing fealty to the King.
    • Neutral - Those who will not support either side. Though the King may not look too kindly on this.
    • Rebels - Those who declare their full support towards the Rebel King. Doing everything in their power to help the Rebel King against the current regime. 

    The King request that you decide your loyalty as soon as possible. Although bare in mind to not declare your allegiance within a elven week will lead to the said party being declared as neutral. Which the King will not look too kindly upon. 


    Yemekar bless you,


    Lord Farren Starbreaker."

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