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Posts posted by Tethras

  1. Hello there today, myself, Zezimus (ZeziMoose) and Omithiel (#OJ2013) are currently working on a project to update some Dwarven lore. This will be mainly covering the Mountain Dwarf & Cave Dwarf Lore. So you must be thinking, why this post? To cut to the point we want YOUR input into this. How YOU think they should act, whether you're a normal dwarven player or just a regular player. You're opinion matters to us. So without further or do I'll post down the current lore and some points we have come up with. Funny/Quirky characteristics are fine as well. The main thing is that it's fun.  The information below is found here. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/wiki/index.php?title=Dwarves


    Current Cave Dwarf Lore


    Cavern Dwarves are known to have dark skin and dark beards. There beards are usually seen with braids, keeping their long beards from interfering with work. A fashion trend for Cave Dwarves is weaving precious stones and gems into their beard and hair. Finally, their eyes, usually golden, or amber. Cave Dwarves usually take part in mining, smithing, and other work to do with ores. Their eyes should be sensitive to sunlight, them being underground for long periods of time.


    Current Mountain Dwarf Lore
    The grand Mountain Dwarves, originally of Kal'Alras ((This is not true, this is false. Hence why we're rectifying it.)), are known to be stalwart defenders of their cities. Although unlike their underground living brethren, they stand strong on land and defend their cities and villages with strong arms and axes. Although better using an axe in combat and lumberjacking than their Dwarven brothers, Mountain Dwarves are not quite as good miners. Most Mountain Dwarves have lighter toned skin, fiery red hair and muscled shoulders.
    I'll post below some of our ideas.
  2. Hello there! I'm Dave and I run the smithing guild. At any rate I've run into a little problem with the teaching. Due to not knowing timezones of my "students" I've been staying up for 2-4 am to speak/teach people. Normally leading me to a state of not being able to work at my full capacity due to the time. At any rate, I request all that seek lessons post your timezone below. So I can organise and formulate things. New teachers will be soon, with a good format. That will hopefully spice up the lessons rather than "just do this." So to conclude, apologies for the poor quality of smithing roleplay/smithing lessons on my part.  And please post your timezone below.


    I shall start. I currently live in Wales so my timezones is UK Time Zone = GMT / BST

    If you're not comfortable with this you can either pm me over the forums it. Or rather work out when I'll be one using my timezone. 


    Quick Edit: Another shout out! I'm currently looking for roleplay smiths to teach people. If you're interested contact me in roleplay.  Considering my character runs the smithing guild, it's not an odd thought for someone to offer to teach in it. So don't be afraid of the whole "meta" thing.


    It's late so any mishaps or issues with the post I shall rectify on the morrow. Thank you and good night.



  3. Since these kind of questions have been floating around recently I'll give out general information so that everyone who wants to know this kind of thing can. 


    There are currently only three players on this map who can make Golems. Darkjames (Dormin Doomforge), HeeroZero (Dunwal Grandaxe) and myself (Farren Starbreaker). Below I'll list the requirements of making a golem. It's heavily recommended that all who want to be golems read the lore http://www.lordofthecraft.net/wiki/index.php?title=Golems

    • Two Golemancers or alternativly one golemancer and a golemagi. Golemancer is someone who can create a golem. Golemagi are either mages involved in the process or mages who can create golems.  
    • A Golem Anvil. This is one of the core things, golemsmith need a golem anvil to create a golem. Currently the Dwarves have one and the other is floating around.
    • Arcaurum core. Basically a block of gold, it needs to be enchanted. 
    • A soul. (Although Lago might be rewritting this). This will require you to perma kill your character in order to play one. 
    • The golem to past a "Golem Test". To measure their aptitude on if they can play a Golem or not.

    I'll just like to point out that golems do not have any memories of their past lives. At any rate, yes I'm always looking for more players to roleplay golems. Although it may take me time for me to gather the requisites (i,e the soul). You can message me at any time to take the golem test. 

  4. ((I want to make a character... But what would be my connection to the family be? A cousin or something?))

    ((The connection to the Clan can be anything. If you already have a Dwarven character you can make it a distant relation. Contact me via a pm for more details. ))

  5. ((I like how they do this after everyone leaves

    ((I understand your anger though please take a step back and evaluate the situation. The Dwarves have been waiting for the attack upon Storms Crossing for over two weeks. It's understandable that you think that's the primal factor, but it's rather we're annoyed that the war has been forgotten and people are assuming we're at peace. Without any roleplay. If you have further accusations or rather queries in regards to the situation, feel free to pm me. I'll be happy to reply or rather counter any said claims. ))

  6. (( How? Oren had and still has the upper-hand. Plus the white rose are gone, so the entire war is null. ))

    ((Original terms before blood was spilled. The Blood Pact is broken, the war is not void from the Dwarves perspective. You cannot decide for the Dwarves in that matter, with blood spilled in this war their cause is  actually strengthened. There are many reasons small and large for the continuation on the Dwarves side. Keep in mind this is a roleplay thread, so if you want to argue please take it to Pm's. ))


    Farren sighs heavily, hearing news of the terms rejected. 


    "And so more blood shall be spilled to right the wrongs of this Empire... Better get back to work then."

  7. ((You -are- aware of the difference between ooc, and IC? Nothing at all has happened ICly yet, and you are preparing for something you have no idea will happen.))

    ((The war has already raged on for sometime. This is more towards the lack of conflict, due to the humans still not attacking. The Dwarves with the broken blood pact can't exactly just accept white peace in roleplay.))

  8. Given that the dwarves now have so many ores, are they going to stop making food in the giant mushroom cavern? That was the original dwarf economy plan, export iron, import food.

    It has already been griefed for quite sometime. So yeah... But I'm pretty happy, the dwarves seem to have a good amount of what we need. We can't have everything, but we're fine in this case.

  9. I agree we should do more events, though it's hardly possible with less than three people in Kal'Azgoth at anyone time.  The main issue we face with Kal'Azgoth is there's no roleplay. Or to put it simply, nothing to do and so our players move to other more active areas. For example Vaerhaven, Malinor and Oren. Our holds have nothing mostly to do with this, rather they actually encourage people to go see our capital city. Since it's the capital city for their Kingdom. Again it's distance, it's far easier to reach Malinor or an Orenian city and do something. Rather than walking the down the arduoas road towards Kal'Azgoth. Another thing that's not really been mentioned often is that we've changed. We're pretty much a pvp centralized nation at the moment. With our players logging in for war and battles. Getting bored if they're not pvping. So a few points on what to do:


    • More Organised Events/Events in general. The issue with this is you can organised a event, but you have to be aware no one may turn up. So it's a 50/50 thing. Also as I mentioned earlier Kal'Azgoth is pretty empty even at peak times.
    • Distance. This I feel is the key problem, look at Oren, pretty much situated on main roads and easy to access. Malinor has a diversion from Cloud Temple that makes it a lot easier to get to their city. We need something like this, someone had the suggestion of making a railway. This would certainly be interesting but with the lack of iron I'm not sure it's viable. 
    • More drive towards Dwarven RP. Rather than just pvp, turning us into midget humans with accents.

    Rather crude points, but those are the main things I feel. Destroying holds won't necessarily fix that. It's more we need a group effort from the Dwarves, otherwise we're gonna sink. 


    Quick Edit: I agree there are too many holds, for example we shouldn't even have one in the Marsh. IC sense wise and generally from OOC sensibility. Kal'Rin is pretty much just a hollowed shell, because there is a dungeon next to it. Barbek, Kastoria, Brom'Khra as suggested need to be condensed and made smaller. For example getting rid of Brom'Khra as a town and making it into a river fort with farmlands surrounding it. Kastoria needs to be downsized, it's size needs to match is population. Vaerhaven is fine, I mean it doesn't really need to expand since it's pretty huge. But they pretty much have something going with being the Villain capital of the Kingdom.  Dal Cais... Just Dal Cais, doing their own thing. 

  10. Last I checked there were two clans/groupd for Forest Dwarves.


    Firstly the Treebeards, consisting of Saviordude and Cmack. Mostly druid forest dwarfs.


    And I believe the other is the Dawnsworn who have merged with the Ironguts. Not 100% sure, though you could probably ask Doom about it.

  11. Obsidian I think would make more sense for dwarves. I mean they build from it and they live close to it, since they practically live underground. What purpose would the orcs have for it? I mean would they dig that deep for it, rather than going for more valuable things closer to the surface. Unlike Dwarves who as we always know dig too deep.

  12. Another key issue is the distance. We should monopolize on the road next to the ministry, if we get permission. To make the distance closer to cloud temple. 


    Holds aren't the fault, we're at war so naturally people are going to be nearer to the front lines. It's distance. We're quite far from cloud temple following the road, hence why  we should build our own. 

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