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Everything posted by evilpizzaman

  1. "I have a very small quantity of Thanium that I would be willing to sell... for a price of course"
  2. I, Zerin, swear upon my honor that I will uphold the peace and security of my royalty, James, Kyral and Lancel Hightower, and keep them safe. All indulgences of the world will not disrupt my task in protecting them to the best of my ability. So do I swear, Zerin. MC Name -evilpizzaman Do you have a VA? If so, give a link. -No i don't I am applying though Skill Levels (Stats, do not show if it is 0) - Swords:100 Axemastery:75 Blacksmith:100 (Answer as if you were placed into this situation.) - A man is walking down a street in fine silks and exotic velvet, running up to him you see two goblins and a orc about to corner him in a dark alley by the tavern. You hear a yelp and rush in to find him dead, the three running down the alley. Follow the 3 and tell them I saw what they did and that I was going to have to take them in. If the refused I would call for help and if they attacked I would not hesitate to defend myself IC Section What is your name? -Zerin Why do you wish to join the Hightowers? - I have been a peacekeeper before and being a soldier is in my blood. What skills do you offer to aid Solace? - Got the hands of a swords man and can blacksmith extremely well not to mention the things i can do with an axe. If anyone had convinced you to join, whom was it? -N/A Have you ever lived in Solace before this time? Yes once before a long time ago.
  3. I want to see some of the wilderness featured. Get into the hunting mood and stuff, I think that would be cool. Thanks for all the detail me like.
  4. Soldier App Name:Zerin (evilpizzaman) Age:20 Race:Human Swords:63 Axes:2 Archery:20 How You think you can better our guild:I can help stomp are enemy's and protect the guild.I can also help smith but I am not good.((Level 13)) I think
  5. OOC MC Name:Evilpizzaman Weekly Availability:12-24 Hrs Timezone:Eastern Standard Have an Accepted VA?:No,I do not If you do not, do you understand that you may only work as a quartermaster or guard?:Yes IC Name:Zerin Are you willing to live at a tower, or other designated place?:Yes How good are you at combat?, explain past experiences:I was a peacekeeper and alras Guard What trade skills do you consider yourself good at ((Skills and levels))?:Swords ((Lvl 62)) Blacksmihing((23) Archery ((21)) Woodcutting ((26)) Excavation ((26)) Do you have any attachments to any specific group or person?:A dwarf named Odsarh and Alras Are you willing to work outside the law?:Yes What other guilds or groups have you worked for in the past? Just salvus and Alras I thought about joining the Ivory Empire Tell us about yourself:I work alone mostly but will also work with a partner.My experience in the military's of Salvus and Alras gives me good leadership skills. Why do you want to join the Spectres?:I agree with you pointless lives are lost fighting wars we dont have to fight if we do it in small operations we can loose less lives.
  6. Application: Zerins application OOC Information ~I am a 13 years old and love RP Mine Craft Name: evilpizzaman Age:13 Time zone:Eastern standard RP Information ~Worked as a Peacekeeper for Solace(Salvus) Role Play Name:Zerin Gender:Male Race:Human Sword Level:63 Axe Level:2 Archery Level:21 Profession (E.g. swordsman, miner, blacksmith, ranger etc.. ):Swordsman Do you have an accepted villain application (if so link please):No I dont Nation Affiliations (your characters view of other nations):I live in Skyravia work for alras mostly
  7. Out of Character: MC name:evilpizzaman RP name:Zerin Race:Human Do you meet the basic recruit requirements? Yes,I do In Character: You read the Oath of the Guard: -I swear to abide by all the rules of Normandor and the Kingdom of Malinor. -I swear to uphold the peace, justice and sanctity of the Elder Tree. -I swear not to abuse my powers, to assist my brothers in arms and to conduct myself professionally. -I swear to follow the chain of command and strive to prove myself to them. “As brothers in arms we strive to ensure the security and prosperity of our city. Harbingers of death to all who would oppose Her, paragons of justice to all who defy Her, protector of Her sanctity.” Signed:Zerin *The Sentinel asks you questions so he may ponder over your request to join the Guard, he beckons you to keep it brief* Question 1: What can you contribute to the Guard of Normandor?I have a lot of training with the sword and bow.I also was a Peacekeeper for Salvus Question 2: Armoured persons approach our gates, they are open. You don’t know why they are here. What do you do?I ask there name and there reason for entry.If they dont talk to me then the wont be able to enter the city. Question 3: Where do you wish to progress in the Guard? I wish to become the highest rank I can and serve the city well.
  8. Really Hope to get Unbanned Finger crossed

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