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Status Updates posted by ggggg3g2g245gggg2jjjgh

  1. well i wasn't expecting that, but ok

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    2. ggggg3g2g245gggg2jjjgh


      heres what I don't understand, the reason I was unbanned is because I've put my toxic ways behind me, the past at the point doesn't matter but i was NOT at all expecting a perma ban but again, ok

    3. Skippy


      put an appeal up tho, like a perma is kinda blowing things way out of proportion.

    4. Cloakedsphere


      Its odd that he worded it like you got banned for your previous reports that have already been settled and not your current report. 

  2. well met

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DrakeHaze.
    3. Galendar


      That wasn't hacking... it's called lag which some people and remarkably even some GM's don't understand... Idek how ur other friend was seen as possibly hacking either... they were just really bad at pvp..

    4. bickando
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