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Posts posted by Neri

  1. Any, doesn't really matter if you use one with a radar or not since there's not really a way to moderate it. There used to be a way to disable radars server-side but I don't know if it still works.


    There really aren't any "illegal" features a clientside mod can give (hacked clients are different, obviously). 


    I use VoxelMap (download here)


    The person was hooded, masked, and six feet tall, it seems. But whether or not Beth was actually there is up in the air, since there was no possible way for the person who posted the reply to know she was there before they posted it, and just claimed to be there after the fact. So, no thanks!~


    Beth is standing there right now. Right. Now. Since before the original notice was posted. She is currently having an existential crisis as these notices keep appearing out of thin air. What if she appeared out of thin air one day also? She shivers at the thought.


    Realizing something, Beth looks around. Where the nether is she? She becomes confused and walks off, not knowing where "here" is. She goes home and vows never to smoke mushrooms again.

  3. Beth asks a fellow Mali'ker to scribe her reply, both of them exchanging exasperated glances as they construct a reply.



    1. Not really. United in placidity maybe. Our kin get slaughtered on the roads daily by our supposed allies, but because they aren't High Elves, nobody seems to care.


    2. Because it destroys who we are as a culture and people. If you allow interbreeding to occur, then within several generations we'll be nothing more than "Mud Elves" with various shades of mucky brown skin (not nice brown like Woodies have!) and our cultures and ancestry will be lost.


    3. Perhaps, for their own good. Pure elves have enough trouble in life anyways, elves do not need more burdens upon them.


    4.  Better military. The elsillumir are a farce. True, they are efficient at keeping order within our people, but their combat prowess is extremely lacking. They can be beaten by peasants with pitchforks.



    The reply is tacked by the others.

  4. A shapeshifting druid may only shift into one animal form throughout his or her entire life as the lore stands currently. Whether it be a chipmunk or horse, the individual shapeshifter will take on the same form every time he or her shifts. 


    Is this form a conscious choice, or up to some other variable?

  5. Shapeshifting is a hidden secret in the Order and very few druids know it exist, let alone are able to use it. It is very rarely taught, and when it is, it is to those who have shown complete and devout loyalty to the Order over their career as a druid. I guess you could say in fewer words, "druids who have earned it." Shapeshifting is a complete shift from humanoid to animal form and is not illusion by any means. 


    I assume the Druid retains their memory and sentience for obvious reasons.


    Can a Druid who has knowledge of Shapeshifting shift into the form of any animal, or is it their totem animal, or is there some process to learn certain animal's forms? If any of this information is classified or secret, I don't mind not being told.


    Edit: Actually, it can't be their totem, I just realized that after typing it. I'm dumb.

  6. Again, besides the obligatory "make a tree" spell, I don't know if there's any Druidic magic plugin spell that won't be totally reproducible by a conjuration mage. Most of the spells in it have it's effecting blocks revert to normal after the spell effect hits.


    Druidic magic's spells are pretty permanent unless stated otherwise.

  7. I suppose a fitting response would be asking if you get a kick out of pissing off the magic role-players and groups who've been trying to do this for three years now on their own - giving them a plugin despite all its work, is not what they want at all - and instead potentially opens up a whole new can of worms as far as mechanical combat abuse goes with 'open' learning by sitting AFK while on a block of ice.


    It's not what they want at all

    I thought the general consensus was "We're not use in wars and conflicts, we want a mechanical representation for our magic". That's literally what you're getting.


    To be honest, if you're, say, a Druid RP'er, then it's likely you spend 99% of your time in a forest biome anyway, so you can literally learn magic as you RP. Same goes for Necromancers, they usually hang around in mycelium/hell biomes, Shamans in deserts, etc. 

  8. The only thing I find as bad is that it's based on meditating over land. Void don't work like that.


    Yeah, it does. You just need to use your imagination. Best place to observe ice is a tundra, best place to observe wind is on a windy mountaintop, etc.


    I look forward to seeing how people attempt to abuse this open plugin in future endeavors within a PvP default, raid-esque environment.


    Do you get a kick out of being a pessimist all the time?

  9. All posts in the Roleplay Forum and it's relative sub-forums must:
    1. Be either in character or following a narrative of some description.
    2. Not contain the thoughts of a character unless it's part of a narrative story.
    3. Not be by an anonymous, non-existent character.
    4. Not be purely OOC unless it's asking for clarification on something in the post.
    5. Not be a 'First' or '+1' post. We have a +1 button on posts for that! You're allowed to give critique or feedback in addition to a RP post, though!
    6. Abide by roleplay chat rules that are enforced ingame (Metagaming, Powergaming, etc.)


    Failure to follow these rules once will simply result in your post being hidden. Multiple infractions of the rules will result in verbal warnings, and eventually warning points. 


    What does this mean, and why the change?

    Roleplay posts recently, and for the longest time, have been plagued with thinly-veiled OOC jabs, trolling, and general bad sportsmanship through minimal effort RP. FM's have been handing out punishments for this, but, punished players have been complaining that such behavior isn't really covered by the forum rules. So, these are the rules governing RP posts.


    The new rules will likely be integrated into the true Forum Rules next time they're updated.


    Overall, it's pretty simple, just keep it in roleplay.

  10. I like the one we have now, but if you can make that sticky thing optional i'd love that.


    Also as Adam said above... they essentially have their wiki incorporated into their website. Why can't we do that?


    EDIT: Do we even have a wiki anymore? There's no links to it anywhere.

    EDIT2: Nevermind, it's under the application header. Why?

  11. (( This is meta how would we know where to send the bird, if we don't know where your house is.. :hmm:   and how can we trust you in doing the contract, without any rp





    Asif'al'alad'la'mul'alalala the Farfolk Assassin-Master sends 'M' his regards and a shipment of throwing knives. 

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