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Posts posted by Neri

  1. When I was staff i'd have like 20 tabs open at once. It only shows the one you opened most recently. All staff forums show up as "Community Index" or something along those lines.

    Also you can be on forums and doing work ingame.



  2. I don't know why people call the High Elves oppressive when they literally don't give a damn about what your character is unless they're some half-breed abomination. Then again, all races pretty much hate that, or something close. If you play a down-to-earth, unedgy (as in, super ninja assassin lesbian blood-drinking dark elf edgy) then they will treat you just fine IC. 

  3. People have been forced to PK characters against their will for most of the history of the server.


    Then look at it this way.


    The initial design of the 3.0 Antagonist had the minions die with their leader a la Undead. This was changed. Why?


    Not sure, but either the person who made the non-PK call stands by their decisions or a lot of people feel deceived as a result.

  4. We weren't "Given an out", we were told that as second-gen or last-week Harbingers that we didn't need to PK since we were just being drafted to flesh out the army for the end event. We're not cop-outs, we're going by what GM's/Admins/whatevers told us when we joined. This isn't the fault of the players.


    Anyways, the whole "PK-negation/reversal" argument is a sham since we never PK'd in the first place to reverse it. 

  5. When I joined the Antag I was told tha since we were final-week Harbs we would not have to PK. I think thats what the difference is. Also, just because the free Harbingers are, well, free, doesn't mean they become all sappy friendly, they just become their old selves, just... slightly more traumatized. Well, slightly may be an understatement.


    Anyways why did it take several months for this to come up?

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