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Posts posted by Neri

  1. Cheeky warcraft at the end. Loved the video, excellent work from the media team. We need more of these! One for each race would be great honestly.

    The only downsides were some of the pauses were a little too long or cumbersome, but that was only really noticable when you were calling off the clans. Showing a banner for each clan would've been cool since new players wouldn't likely recognize the locations.

  2. Probably sitting on top of Alkhazaar palace in Aegis with a bunch of other GM's in vanish, waiting for an event to happen, and suddenly we hear Edmund Sheffield RP'ing eating his wife Ivrae Sheffield in the room below. Literally.

    I was REALLY not expecting it. It was especially amusing having a ton of GM's just sitting around twiddling their thumbs above, all like "welp that happened".

  3. I think the real problem is;

    That Arcane Shielding isn't good enough.

    Why bother when you can litterally just pick up any shield?

    Get your magic better


    I do arcane shielding on one of my characters. It's rarely very useful since combat is too fast and fluid and shields break too easily - which is good, since an unbreakable defense is literally the epitome of frustration. I just do it because it's fun, not because it's powerful.

  4. I dont get why paladins would need that. The most I can see being rp'ly fair is sanctuary-like wards or consecration that can prevent undead going into places, not a mobile "lol im armoured now" solution. Seems overpowered. I have never seen this type of paladin magic before though.

  5. jSmUtDe.png


    General L. Chase receives the returning scouts in the bridge of the USS Ironside for debriefing. She hears of how they were first met by the Cossacks with contention and worry, but thawed relations quickly. Understandably, she is surprised to hear of a Russian group of such numbers within the Americas, but quickly realizes that in the current world nothing is impossible - the giant green mutants laying dead outside her walls clutching spent Gatling lasers in their cold, dead hands are testament to that fact. She gives a short prayer to God thanking him for this chance to finally work towards ending the animosity between the US and Russians. All it took was the end of the world.

    Penning her reply, she agrees to the Cossack's terms. She orders a VB-02 Vertibird to be loaded up with an ambassadorial team of 1 commander and 9 well-armed trained soldiers to aid the Cossacks in their efforts, as well as to speedily deliver the signed treaty. These men will become part of the Cossack hosts' forces.



    1. New Alaskan forces begin to work on setting up a radio transmitter in order to broadcast a signal on old US emergency frequencies. Groups of scavengers are sent out to nearby unsettled regions to search for these parts, as well as weapons and ammunition. ((mod))

  6. jSmUtDe.png



    2,250 trained US army military forces (to be mod approved)

    (trained by previous military members);

    -100 command personnel (commanders, captains etc.), armed with military-grade automatic rifles or gauss weaponry.

    - 1,500 riflemen equipped with mainly good-condition automatic rifles and pistol sidearms.

    - 150 combat medics, armed with good-condition submachine guns and pistols.

    - 500 engineers, 50% military, 50% civil, armed with good-condition submachine guns and pistols.

    - 10 M1A1 main battle tanks in reasonable condition

    - 50 troop transport trucks

    - 30 humvee jeeps, various onboard armaments (heavy machine guns, grenade launchers etc.)

    - 5 T51-b power armor suits in good condition


    - 3 VB02 Vertibirds, without armaments.Limited fuel supplies.


    - 20,000 combat-capable militia armed with various weapons in varying conditions.

  7. 6GKNPG5.png?1


    General Layla Chase was not having a good day. That very morning, one of her scouts had reported a grisly scene over across the tributary in Anchorage proper. A group of heavily armed super-mutants, along with a pack of feral ghouls, had been found burned in a mass grave, seemingly mowed down by a heavily armed and organized group. General Chase ruminated upon this, heavily concerned that such an armed force could be within Anchorage without being sighted. Someone was very, very good at not being found or tracked.

    Shifting her gaze out from over the frigid Knik Arm tributary, she noted the very last touches being put in place to her "floating fortress". Ironside, the capitol of New Alaska has been founded.The name of the town comes from the aircraft carrier that was scuppered to create the town, the USS Ironside.


    Around it sprawls the shanty-towns and crumbling city of Point Mackenzie. General Chase had chosen this location, downriver from the old capital, as Anchorage was a crumbling, irradiated den full of feral ghouls, and recently and most alarmingly, armed super mutants of a like and behavior she had never seen before. Not exactly a place for human survivors.




    1. New Alaska's Capitol, Ironside, is created. (red square)

    2. The settlement Kodiak Naval Base is founded. (yellow dot)

    3. New Alaska concedes the counties of Anchorage, Matanuska-Susitna and Kenai Peninsula, having suffered too heavy losses due to irradiation, feral ghouls and perhaps worse, scattered yet dangerous Super Mutants.

    4. General Chase sends out scouts to try and contact the other group inhabiting the county of Anchorage. She sends them with a message of peace and cooperation, eager to not start a fight with the first well-armed group she has seen in the Alaskan wastes. (purple arrow)

  8. Alaskan Defence Force (Nation Name : New Alaska)

    Forum Name (Stupid question, I know, but just answer :P): Freya

    Have you read the rules?: Yes

    Type of Faction/Nation-State (Tribal, post-vault, survivor community, feudalistic, gang, etc.): Ex-Navy / Ex-Military, Military State

    Landed or Unlanded/Lands influenced (Factions start with one county, nation states up to three with a single town/city at their center. Please specify lands chosen on the map. If nomadic or unlanded, circle the general area that you roam or are based within):


    Race (Human, Mutant, Ghoul, or other): Human

    Description of Faction/Nation-State: During the long and bitter Resource Wars, many of the Navy's plethora of vessels were stripped and decommissioned for the precious reactors and fuels rods within. However, due to the necessity to keep the Alaskan line intact during the Anchorage campaign, two nuclear submarines were kept in commission and un-salvaged - the USS Ebon Atoll and the USS Interference. During the battle of Anchorage, however, the Interference mistook the Ebon Atoll for an enemy vessel, and in a moment of tragic error, fired a nuclear torpedo upon it, causing a cataclysmic disaster the likes of which had not been seen for over a century. The Commander of the USS Inteference, William Ronalds, was deemed to have been the cause of this fatal error, but before he could be arrested, revealed himself to be a double agent of the People Liberation Army's covert Crimson Dragoons. With one of the US's nuclear submarines crippled, the PLA would gain a significant advantage in the battle. He attempted to take the Lieutenant-Commander Jayna Morrensen hostage in an attempt to hijack the ship, but was subdued by the rest of the command crew and summarily locked in confinement. Following the liberation of Anchorage, the USS Intereference was ordered to return to port in Anchorage, but had to detour down to the Naval base on Adak Island for specialty repairs incurred during the battle. During their return, the bombs fell. The Anchorage they returned to was much different to the one they had previously defended. Using the submarine as a power plant to power their new home, they decided to bunker down and fortify the city they worked so hard to liberate. Joining up with the remnants of General Constantine Chase's forces, they combined to create the Alaskan Defense Force, a group dedicated to adapting to the nuclear wasteland whilst preserving the old American way of life.  The date is now 2120, and the descendants of this group, lead by General Layla Chase (the daughter of General Constantine Chase and the submarine crew's assumed commander Jayna Morrensen), having created a defensible home for themselves in the state of New Alaska, decide to set out into the wasteland to see what they discover.

    Join the Skype Chat? (If yes, provide Skype name here or in PMs): Sure, lotc_freya or lotc.freya idk

    What is the Secret Password?: Andrewtech Almighty!

  9. High Elf society feels like and looks like a weird inbred utopia/dystopia love child. You thrive on conflicts to resolve (mainly internal affairs since gate closed) but then you run out of conflicts and it feels weird since you have nothing to be superior to when everything is calm sailing and ultimately ends up being boring to RP within. A greater good or overarching goal would be helpful, maybe with a scientific slant or something.

  10. Definite +1. Shorty isn't one prone to soapboxing or opininated outbursts, but is excellent at working in the background and getting stuff done. Reliable, cordial and friendly, would make excellent GM material.

  11. basking in your sheer unbound manliness has finally driven me into full womanhood. thanks.

    good luck, hope it goes well for you 

    griff you can get one last cyber before you go do it be the supersoldier

    aislin stop projecting



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