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Posts posted by Leric

  1. I'll give my own opinion on this, as I rarely post on the forums unless its for important things. I also hate using the forums because I'm an absolute idiot when it comes to formatting, so please excuse any mess ups of the 'prettiness' of my post. 

    I've spent several hours in skype calls with Luv and various others that happened to be within the same call. I've played dozens of league games with Luv as well, where her true self shows when it comes to how quickly she gets mad over a game. I've played league with Raelplayer too in the past, and I must say that your level of toxicity is very, very similar to his own. You can veil it however much you like to, but your attitude towards people is utter trash, something a GM of this server shouldn't have.  You are not a person that easy to speak to for new players, nor are you really friendly to anyone outside of your 'clique' or people that you know. I've witnessed you be very hostile to new players, and even go to the point of verbally harassing people that you dislike. I'm sure if I actually cared enough I could dig through my skype to our various calls/chats where you would post gyazos of you trash tralking/harrassing new and veteran players you dislike for very, very little reason. You are not someone who is easy to approach, as GM should be,  you are not a friendly person, you do not have enough experience on this server,  you also are one of those 'clique' people that some people love to complain about. One of those very clique people who would be extremely biased in several different situations, a trait that really shouldn't be in any gm, but ofc, people are very prone to their cute little cliques.  I could go on further but I'd hurt all of your eyes with a huge wall of text, so I'll end it here with a nice and pretty - 

    -1 :^ )

  2. Please don't do this to me again, please. I don't need another another GM who consistently hovers over my city  in vanish and checks my logs was not pleasant. I believe that a large majority of the server can easily agree that they do not want you as a gm again, and all of the points stated above are something that should be thought over deeply. As a gm, and LM lead I rarely, if I ever saw something come out of you that could benefit the server at all. Most of your actions have caused irritations and outrages from  the server. Such as your creation of the eventline during October, and how terribly planned that was.   I agree completely with Tehlulu as well, -1.

  3. Leric remained in silence as his Prophet, Herun spoke. The Vindicator of Xan rolling his shoulders briefly to emit a pair of sharp metallic clinks, the counterparts of his armor rustling against each other. Hiswatchful gaze landed upon the Herald of Embers, to which he uttered some words only audible to his surrounding brethren. "Such a frail, malignant being. Veiling his true evil behind a pathetic excuse of a justification."  Shortly afterwards he panned his gaze towards Ashanaak as he spoke, lips remaining in a flat line before giving a simple, brief nod of his head to the Prophet of Tahariae after he spoke.

  4. Varellis, Keeper of Order frowns as he receives word of this.


    "It is disappointing to see the entirety of the Clerical order struggle so much against only a few diseased and frail Magii addicted to the power that the Eldritch practices give them. Truly disappointing." He would murmur quietly to himself before passing word on to the rest of the Golden Lion. 

  5. To start off with, I'll give neither a plus one or a minus one due to my clear bias as we work together.


    At one point, Leo was always a pretentious *****. However in the coming months he's improved greatly in both attitude in work ethic. Considering how closely I've worked with him in the, ten or so months that I have been in charge of the wood elves I believe my opinion on this is fairly justified. His work ethic has improved greatly to when he is given a task, he'll finish it as quickly as possible within the time frame. All in all, in the past several months he has sprouted from the little asian saltwarrior that he once was and become a mature, reasonable member of the community. I believe his attitude, strong work ethic, and reasonable self would fit the gm role very well. I will hunt you down if you do badly, Leo.

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