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Posts posted by Leric

  1. 1 minute ago, Aelu / Rel (Combustionary) said:

    Get back on ******* WoW, Tristin.

    +1 tho


  2. Application

    • Minecraft name/s: _Leric_

    • Age: 17

    • Timezone: PST

    • Skype/Discord: You should have both.

    • What is your availability: Besides working night shifts 5-12 pst Thurs-Sun I’m available at all other times and can be on often.

    • Tell us an issue you currently experience on the server: There’s always going to be several issues that rise and fall throughout the year in lotc, but there are few that are almost always consistent and admittedly extremely difficult things to tend to. That being communicating, it’s such an immensely key thing in literally all aspects of life, along with even being a GM on LOTC. Communication has always been an issue between the staff and players, something I stated on my prior GM app

    • How do you feel individual GMs should present themselves?: Gms should know how to present themselves dependant on the situation. If the situation is serious and therefore demands a more professional and less banterous tone, then they need to present themselves that way. However this doesn’t mean everything should be taken to the utmost extremity with being professional like prior administration hierarchs believed. Remember those modreq slaves are also people behind the monitor too, and they should be allowed to have their fair share of fun and banterous moments when appropriate.

    • How do you feel the GM team collectively should present itself?: Pretty much what I said above, just applied broadly to the entire gm team. GM’s should know how to gauge the setting of conflicts or conversations and from it be able to properly develop both a response and tone that's appropriate to the situation. In another matter however the GM team should present themselves as a united front to the community and not consistently go back on decisions over and over. It’s a nasty precedent that’s been set for years that makes the team look very bad.

    • Please list three players who will vouch for you:
      LadyRebecca (apparently didn’t use me for hers but it's ok i’ll be nice)

    • What is your relationship with the members of the current GM Team?: It’s an entirely brand new team so it’s somewhat difficult for me to say what my relationship with them is.  However for those that I do know I’m on good terms with and I’d have absolutely no issues working with them. For the new gms that I don’t particularly know, I’m not against interacting, meeting, and working with them. I’m more than happy to help them out, or to ask them for assistance should future situations call for it.

    • What are you finest and worst traits?:
      Patient: I’ve been an NL for a month shy of two years, starting since the second semester of my sophomore year and on going until nearly the end of my senior. On top of that I was a GM for five months prior to the purge, juggling both rather well. The added responsibilities of these two positions, and the conflicts that come from it have made me a very patient person in response to conflicts.

      Engaged: I’m a hardworker, or at least I think I am. I’ve always done what's been given to me as fast as possible. I do my best in order to work with what I’m given and help as many as I can in the process in order to help the servers playerbase out as much as I possibly can.

      Mediating: Along with my long time as an NL, I have a large amount of experience when it comes to conflict resolution. It’s apart of my job on both sides, as an NL and when I was a GM< conflicts constantly arising and needing both a patient and reasonable mind in order to resolve them as efficiently and peacefully as possible. I know not always you can please both sides, but when mediating conflicts you must do your best in order to do so. Unless of course, one side is in the complete moral and rule breaking wrong.

      Blunt: With all of this comes me being a more blunt, and forward person in order to get the points that I’m more expressive about across. It’s generally a more negative trait than it is possible.  When it comes down to things, a majority of the time when I see something that I believe is stupid I’m not afraid to call it stupid instead of word it nicely.

      Easily Distracted: Despite doing my best to work hard, I also get very easily distracted. This happening as a result of getting pms from players both for NL duties and GMship, along with skype pings that lead me to get very easily distracted from something I might be doing commonly.

      Tell us about your time on Lord of the Craft:
      I’ve been on this server since I was twelve I believe, my very first attempt at roleplaying ever. This was back in Asulon where I was dominantly involved with Oren from Asulon up until Athera when I decided to join a different playerbase. My time with Oren was spent in majority with the White Rose and their players. Moving on from them, come the exodus and a year of stagnation due to them leaving I returned back actively in Athera and created my “Tristin” character quite literally as a joke between friends. This character within a matter of months soon became an extremely serious one as I after some plots being fulfilled was thrusted into the position of being the leader of the wood elves.

      This was two years ago, and ever since I’ve been dominantly involved in the growth of that playerbase, along with spending the rest of my time on LOTC with the Paladins as their leader/prophet (when needed). My only time ever being on a staff team was as a GM for 5-6 months, and actively one (excluding the time I didn't have a computer).  Now with the GM purge I’ve decided to take this month as a refresher to try and finish up school and other things so I can return to the team in a good mentality.


    • What parts of the server are you most interested in?: Time and time again I ask myself what the hell I’m doing on this server; especially with me turning eighteen in a matter of two months.  It’s not really the roleplay, being some godsuperpaladinbeing, or the stress of being an NL, it’s just the players that keep me around. The people that I meet through rp and end up end up being good friends of mine that I can always interact with on a friendly basis. That’s what keeps me around and keeps me most interested: the playerbase.

    • Other than yourself, who of the current applicants would you like to see on the GM Team?: Every single GM prior to the purge that made their modreq count. They’re good people and have worked hard in order to help out the player base as much as possible.

    • Link me a good song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ndpryp2OlUQ     This song is very fitting for those in positions of leadership.

      also whoever nerfed my sharp 1000 sword really ruined my plan to kill ladyrebecca

  3. 36 minutes ago, Sir K Andruske said:

    we are I just wanted you to say it


    the ending to that video thOOOOO


    Do you want a Celestial?



    I dont know what that is. 


    21 minutes ago, Ciaran said:


    *leans into mic* WRONG

    Okay kiddo. 


    20 minutes ago, oblivionsbane said:

    What do you think of me?


    What do you think of Mark?


    What do you think of Kalina?


    Why aren't you around more?

    I think you used to brag too much about your sexual encounters and it was extremely annoying.

    I don't know the char.

    I don't know the char.

    Prior to this past week I've been around daily. Just this week I've been focusing on school, work, and playing league because I knew the purge was coming.  

  4. 8 minutes ago, Jake! said:

    I DID ! ! ! 

    it wasnt level 30 


    3 minutes ago, Sir K Andruske said:

    Do I ping NSA?


    Why aren't we friends yet?


    Who built welf city?


    If you could have a new type of magic on LOTC what would it be?

    I don't think so. 

    I thought we were.


    no other words 

    6 minutes ago, Ciaran said:

    when are you going to clean your keyboard?


    when are you going to get more sleep?


    when are you going to stop

    I did this morning. 

    3-4 hours on the daily is sufficient for maximum productivity.

    When you stop. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, rosediode said:

    A. Sure you do

    B. This lion turtle passed down the ability to energy bend to Aang, who used it to remove Phoenix King Ozai's firebending, which is how he defeated him without killing him you putz.

    A: This is a fact.

    B: Spoilers???? Warning points FMs????

    8 minutes ago, Kinslayer said:

    i'll become transgender for Leric

    still no


    7 minutes ago, Jake! said:

    I miss you, do you miss me?


    Can you carry me out of bronze?


    Will you miss me if I leave the server?

    You're too far gone.

    I told you to give me an account with yasuo and I will. 



    6 minutes ago, HB_ said:

    ok so i hve this issue tristin and id wans wonering if you could help me pon it you see i wanted to knwo about blood bending sincei wanst sure about it when watching the last airbender (sick anime btw)( and was wondering if you could help anytho ughts??>

    Taking into consideration your immense amount of graphic anime I'm sure you can find some disgusting way to incorporate bloodbending 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Tirenas said:

    What is your recommended build for Illaoi top?

    Not to feed the jax top so much he takes inhib tower and inhib by 20 minutes just so I can carry your boosted ass. 


    3 minutes ago, Aelsioln said:

    How is your day? 

    Coffee, tea, or pop? 

    Cats or dogs? 

    Who's number one? 

    What's your favorite kind of cookie? 
    Coke or Pepsi? 

    Favorite color?

    1: Good, I have work in a few hours.
    2: Coffee, I was a barista silly goose
    3: Cats
    4: Nobody
    5: Peanut butter and chocolate chip
    6: Pepsi 
    7: Blue 


    4 minutes ago, AGiantPie said:

    what are your thoughts on blood bending?

    Overpowered and needs a nerf from avatar studios 

  7. Just now, Kinslayer said:

    Leric, does this mean we can cyber now? I remember when you first became GM, I was so proud of my lil Leric, now you are retiring, they grow up so fast.

    I only cyber with irl girls sorry.



    Just now, rosediode said:


    it's not my fault you're a dumbass who doesn't know the real facts from Avatar the Last Airbender, aka a cinematic masterpiece of our time.

    sorry i forgot about the end boss getting literally mindfucked with orange and blue sludge 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Avacyn said:

    At what level does Yasuo powerspike?

    Level two: Ability to double cast e+q combo for better trades and stacking
    Level six: e+q+r  Ult is unlocked and can easily turn 1v2's with it. 
    The remaining 'spikes' just increase as he gets his typically PD/SS + IE combos. 
    Level 16 if you're somehow fed enough and rich enough to be full build and have your boots sold for a triforce, your ult is something like a 25 second cool down which is extremely good for late game. Leaving you able to get off many ults during stretched out fights/skirmishes. 



    6 minutes ago, Parkins said:

    Who is your FAVORITE necromancer. (It's me.)


    p.s. Don't say Tsuyose that would be a lie.



    3 minutes ago, rosediode said:

    Why are you such a nerd?

    Best flavor of frozen yogurt and toppings?

    1: Why not? Why do you have to scream in discord about your anime weeb sessions and avatar having a fifth element to bend???? Spirit bending woooooooooooo
    2: Cake batter + Reeses 

  9. 12 minutes ago, Time Lady of Kittens said:

    Can I touch your hair?

    Did you like the white rose days?


    How did you get so badass?


    Can I be your friend?

    1: Sure, it's pretty soft.
    2: Yes, I was twelve-fourteen back then. A young child who was brought into seeing skype chats filled with racist expletives on the daily which forged the person I am today.
    3: I'm not badass. 
    4: Sure



    9 minutes ago, Jonificus said:

    Thoughts on the good Mithius Dalma? Pure honesty, bucko. No sugarcoating it.

    He's interesting. I don't have anything negative, nor anything positive really as we don't interact enough on a basis for me to further judge anything beyond that. 


    9 minutes ago, Master Sage Delaselva said:

    Are you enjoying retirement?

    I will once I buy the last few parts and finish building my new baby. 

  10. With todays gm purge and me no longer being blessed with the responsibilities of GAME moderator I'll probably not be around as much this month. No I'm not quitting or anything of the sort, but along with working to graduate five months early from school, work, and building a new pc so I can play other games, I most likely wont be around much so I can take a nice break. With that, the topic above states it simply, ask me anything. I'll probably ignore questions that are purposely made to be a pain for me though. 

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