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Posts posted by Leric

  1. (Put your RP name, followed by your Minecraft username))

    Name ((OOC Name)): Ajax Reimen (_Leric_)

    Surname/House: Reimen

    Date of Birth: 1555, 20th of Malins Welcome

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Citizenship Class (A or B): B


    Physical Description


    Height: 6'1

    Weight: 210

    Eye Color: Brown

    Hair Color: Black

    Skin Color/Shade: White

    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: None


    Personal Information


    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown):

    Region of Residence (Leave blank if unknown):

    Profession/Occupation: Blacksmith


  2. 8 minutes ago, AGiantPie said:

    This is how TD responds to dissenting opinions.


    Whenever conflict arises, his response is to basically say "stop talking" and to evict anyone who doesn't immediately acquiesce to his command. I have not once seen him actually moderate any channels he has the power to moderate and is overall heavy handed and abusive. I reaffirm my -1.

    https://gyazo.com/f81179ca8dc62914539fea08fd974244 this was a joke 

  3. Minecraft name/s: _Leric_ 

    Age: 17

    Time zone and availability: MTZ for the next month (Summer), PST afterwards. My times vary, from being around most of the day, to late night/very early mornings. 

    Skype: You have it. 

    What is something you have always wanted to change on the server?:

    Player retention is a huge aspect of the server that I've always wanted to see changed so it does better for us all.  Let it be the staff communicating with players regarding decisions that they're making before they do.  Many times I've seen the staff make decisions that ends up enraging the community/making them very displeased with the outcome. In the outcome to these situations the player base is left angry, which leads to players making rash/stupid decisions that the moderation team has to inevitable deal with. This then leads to an irritated and tired moderation team that has lost their patience to even discuss the topic further, let alone reason it. 

    My desire is to change that, so staff decisions are made based upon both the wants of the players, and the moderating effects of the GM team. A healthy balance in between that may not fully satisfy either, but is far better than having to deal with the inevitably angry players, or tired moderators. 

    What is something you would like to change on the game moderator team?:  

    The largest thing I would like to change on the staff team is the ability to keep things that happen in roleplay, in roleplay. This doesn't mean situations that were handled poorly/breaking rules/etc, but legitimate roleplay situations that occur and with proper reasoning shouldn't be stop by OOC barriers unless completely necessary. I do understand however the staffs view point in regards to certain matters that need to be stopped with OOC barriers for the sake of maintaining playerbases and not having them be completely destroyed by actions in rp. This isn't because the staff wants to make players mad, but for the good of the server and maintaining its place as the top roleplaying server on MC. 

    That is something I believe players need to understand, and not be angry at the staff for. But when it comes to situations that are handled in roleplay, and do not harm the server severely, it should be allowed to happen for the sake of this being a roleplay server that should have very little staff involvement in roleplay unless completely necessary. 

    What are your finest qualities?:

     I think my ability to sit down and see both perspectives of a conflict and understand either of them so that I can handle a situation appropriately is one of my best.  When a conflict happens, I do my best to see both sides and think to myself or consult others so that I can make an appropriate decision.

    Furthermore, I'm a hard worker. If I'm given a task to complete or something difficult I'll complete it to my fullest abilities. This means I will literally slave modreqs roughly 80% of my time on LOTC because I'm always looking for something to keep me busy. 

    What are your worst qualities, and how could you improve these aspects?:

    I think I'm a very blunt person for my age, and am not opposed to telling someone the truth about their ideas/actions if I think it was foolish/stupid of them to do so. Several times I've been told this and I can agree that its a flaw of my own. 

     I'm not particularly the nicest of people but I will also do what I need to do. The best I can do to better/improve on my bluntness is discuss with another uninvolved staff member and/or player on the current subject so that I can handle the situation in a better light if its problematic for me.  If I believe I handle a situation badly, or have any sort of bad feeling/second thoughts about a decision I have to make, immediately I'll find another staff member to consult so that I can make the right choice. 

    I'm unsure if this is a bad quality I'm supposed to be mentioning but my ability to participate in the forums is severely lacking. I pay far, far more attention in game than I do checking the forums and really only come on to read interesting topics/announcements that I need to.  To my knowledge it is still a GMs responsibility to moderate the forums at times when forum moderators need assistance/ are not around to handle a storm or another arising problem that requires staff attention. 

    I can improve upon this by checking the forums more often and seeing to it that those who do break forum rules are dealt with appropriately. I just need to look at the forums more often really, that's it. 

    What members of the current staff could you look to for guidance?:

     Of all staff members  Freema is the staff member that I would look towards/discuss with guidance regarding a situation. To my knowledge he is the most experienced GM to date on the staff team and has far more knowledge regarding how to handle player disputes/bans/conflicts than any other. When I say experience I mean total time as a GM, as Freema has been in and out of being a GM a few times, but every map since Anthos he has been one. 

    Who do you not get along with on the current team?: 

    I don't believe there's a single person on the staff team that I would struggle to get along with. I believe I know most GMs and have spoken with them in numerous occasions. Fireheart however can be a huge pain to deal with when he decides to throw a ranked game going 0-12-7 on Bard during my plat 3 promos.  

    How much free time do you have? Will this change in the foreseeable future?: 

    Currently I'm in New Mexico for the summer visiting family, but I still can manage a few hours a day at minimum on the computer. Whether it be late at night or during the majority of the day there typically isn't a day that I cant get on at all. The only excuse for that being if I'm out on some road trip vising family a couple hours away for a day or two, but never longer than that and very rarely.

  4. Most of the people that giving -1's to Leo are because they didn't like him beforehand for probably some shitty and dumb reason and are just going to say -1 because of what he did to lose it in the first place. There isn't a single GM on the staff team who hasn't made a mistake before, either rulebreaking or some **** up as a trial that ended up crashing the server.  He made a mistake and manned up to it, didn't try to hide and say he was in the right. He admitted to being wrong, and knows what he did is wrong. People make mistakes and they learn not to do do the same again. Leo as GM did very well in what he was supposed to do. 

  5. Mali'aheral,

    The hour is late and I must rest so that I have the ability to respond to the onslaught of posts you'll have prepared for me when I'm awake, surely.  Meet with me instead of writing, meet with I, Tristin Tresery so that I may attempt to rectify these mistakes, and action can be had. Refuse to meet, and there will be no action.

       Tristin Tresery

    ((seriously tho let me ******* sleep) 

  6. "Mali'aheral, 

           No allegiance holds more importance to me than my people, Mali'aheral. For years, the true state of the Mali'ker and Mali'ame have been at peace and happy with each other, yet,  the only obstacles to our unification have always been your kind. You sit behind walls of ivory and write away, attempting to leach away and what you can manage a grasp upon.   Why do you again prevent the unification of the Mali'? It is the only goal I seek, and I shall sit here awaiting a letter from you to speak formally, one on one so that we may discuss peace between our peoples yet again, as the Dominion proved. " 

       Tristin Tresery Of the Dominion Of Malin 

  7. "Damn." Malin said to himself quietly upon reading the flier from the his study upon the isle he had been nearly all by his own hand. Malin let out a quiet groan, his shoulders briefly rolling and his lips curling into subtle frown. "Tis as if every post that comes from the Mali'aheral since the age of Kalenz is written by the same person, always the same pretentious *****." Malin   chuckled softly to himself, procuring a sheet of beige parchment from his right, staring at it's blank depths with a quill in hand before pushing it aside.  The young Malin leaned back comfortably in his seat, talking to himself whilst looking behind him to examine cape that hung, detailing something about woodworking or of the sort. "It was simpler in those days, without having to deal with the tantrums of high elves when they don't get what they want. I preferred Avern more, she was an annoying one no doubt, but lacked the extremely oversized pair that Kelthran does, likely swelled to perfection by some unlucky Warhawke. Most rebellions are simple temper tantrums by manchildren who didn't get what they want, and then their are the typical blood thirsty 'leaders like those of the Dreadlands ' at the ready to fuel their tempers and focus it upon a single object, or obstacle.   Those types just need a spanking to get put back into order." Malin mused quietly to himself, taking up the parchment again and beginning to scribble upon it. "Likely wont do anything due to them refusing to listen to my 'Tyranny and Orens Oppression' upon the mali'." 

    "Children of Haelun'or, 

            Take a moment to step back, and if possible away from your inflated egos to realize your current situation. What would most likely happen if I wrote this letter about Oren and the Dominion, and how history has proven it's impossible to lose, your leaders would begin to preach about how 'corrupt' my Elven mind is with Oren's 'oppression' upon us. Look around you and realize what has happened to the Mali' since we were first introduced to Oren when every state was vassalized beneath them. They gave us a helping hand, and raised us from the ground to where we are now,  and in return asked for little but to offer them in assistance in war, nearly every battle being a victory that only filled us with more pride as an Elf.  They haven't oppressed, and they still do not. If you believe that somehow the Mali' are oppressed, please send me a letter and we can discuss such matters, I'm happy to speak with my people, King or not, it's a title. 

            The next topic, look around and realize who your allies are. Warhawkes, known and branded as snakes to the elven kind as they attempted to slaughter and betray their Arbiter, Dak'ir Des'nox for no good reason during the dukes war, and bringing with them human allies to assist in a purely elven matter.  Dreadlander, mercenaries who have been rumored to worship and praise the being known as Azdromoth, a Drakaar akin to Setherien of the fringe,  and seeking the same goals. Use your head, you pride yourselves upon intelligence but do not realize you ally yourselves with a threat that nearly slaughtered all of our kind.  Orcs, the same who demanded your blood and heads upon a pike just a few years ago, raiding your cities yet failing to penetrate the might of your Vigil.  You proved yourselves to be better than those green-ilk, yet you spit all over your achievement by allying with the enemy. There is also the worthy mention of their true goal, spreading their 'taint' across the lands and seeking to devour the world in it, have you seen it yourself?  If you've not, walk outside the deserts of the Orcish lands and notice the barren, dead lands that this plague has consumed, and continues to. You've seen their threats to the Druii, to all who interrupt their tainting, if they're not stopped, your silver walls soon be a lovely hue of green and corruption. I don't believe the Mali'aheral particularly fancy death and decay eating away at their city and lands, lest I'm mistaken and have forgotten your people. Next, those of Courland, whom I simply don't care about and should've kept their rebellion human to human, instead of being craven and calling in foreign forces to assist them in seizing the Empire for themselves. 

    Furthermore, when have the Mali'aheral worshipped or even respected Malin? For a long time you've denounced his ways, you care nothing for Malin, and have proven it over centuries of time.  You call yourself a true son of Malin when it's clear you are not one, as he wouldn't want this to occur. The title King was taken to give hope that there would be a figure to unite the Mali' to be together again, yet I've failed.  I admit my failure, but not a day goes past where I am not trying to further the progress of the Mali', their unification, and make us better. 

    It is likely the vast majority of you will not even read this, nor particularly give a **** and continue on in your lives. That is the way of most Mali', to not care for those affairs around them and only for yourselves.  I plead that you think and realize the position that you're in, and how surrounded by hostile enemies you'll be after this war if by some odds you manage to win. To be blunt, as I am typically am, realize how absolutely fucked you'll be, perhaps not immediately, but in years time you will. I care for all Mali' and admit my threat towards the Silver City of Haelun'or was uncalled for, and give my apologies to our Sohaer and the rest of the people. This apology is far too delayed, and rather short, but I do apologize for my actions, and daily still continue to seek the unification of the Mali' so that we can only grow stronger day by day, to something of much larger significance than history has made us out to be in times past.  I am sorry, lliran. If I must relinquish the title of King and return to the Malinorian High Prince to prove this to you, so be it, the title is not what I'm attached to, it is my people that I am; and my people are all Mali'.

    Tristin Tresery of Laureh'lin 

  8. Agreeing with what Leo said above, and adding an addition to it: Siri is an amazing writer, highly intellligent individual, and also extremely creative. I think she'd be a great addition to the team. +1

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