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Posts posted by KarmaDelta

  1. latest?cb=20140906132731



    Durack Goldhand



    Not a beardling

    Past Grand Kingships:

    The Wilds - Emperor of All Things Not Occupied

    The Lands of My Bed - Grand Prince of Sleep

    The Serene Province of Skippy's Belly Button - High Serene Lint Lord


    Qualities of Kingship:






    Hurricane Haired

    Great Squpeaker


    Grungron Irongut Hater

    Good butt


    Reasons For Becoming King:

    Rhewen Frostbeard sucks and I am much better than him. All Dwarves agree.

    A vote for Durack is a vote for true Dwarvenism.


    Final Words:

    Aengoth is the worst Dwarf and a filthy clan hopper and he will be the first to meet the axe.

  2. He'd be as good as when I first played D&D with him.

    He'd be dead within the first few minutes by a falling rock.


    Think about that and how well that would go for the Wiki.

    I'll +1 anyways since he asked nicely though.

  3. 5 minutes ago, _pok_ said:



    Alright, I understand where you're coming from. I agree it should be a bit more relaxed, but I mean I've been looking over some of the applications and they're just as awful as my first one. However, I was given a TON of 1 on 1 help to make my app better, so I think that really served me well in the long run. More of that needs to occur for these kids. 


    Yeah, I've read a few, but a few of them were denied for simply 'plagiarizing' a definition that has been said in so many ways already.

    Everyone who has been on here for 2-3 years can't really RP that much these days anymore simply because of school and stuff, so something needs to be done in a way that could both help the server and help the new players in a way that we can pass the torch so to speak.


    That was one of the reasons why I always wanted to be an AT on this server, everyone always seems so over zealous in applications that it hurts me. I like putting people on pending and helping no matter the cost and that's the kind of way people should treat it. Outright denying people should be changed to that you have to put someone on pending for at least an hour or two and helping them better understand stuff. It's hard, yes, but it comes with the job.

  4. Just now, _pok_ said:

    While I didn't write this with the intention of talking about app difficulty, I do agree with this to an extent. However, there is a higher standard of RP on this server than there was when I joined, so the increased difficulty maybe be necessary. 


    I see what you said and the current situation as the same thing to be honest.


    I also don't believe that higher standard at this point and time should be a thing for these next few days or so. When we deny so many people who are new to this, it is understandable they will fail pretty badly, but that is why we should help them. I was accepted as a green Elf simply because I thought wood elves were actually the color of leaves.


    That situation and yours applies here Pok, we do have a higher standard now, but what's the point if we don't show people how high we are if they are being stopped by an application? Yes, the application is there for a purpose but damn. This whole initiative is pretty much going to literally make no difference in the long run if we turn away just about everyone at our doorstep just for a definition or a lackluster bio.

  5. I agree.

    I was always for laxxin up the applications.


    When I see so many denies, I get sad. I understand some, but damn. I seriously think they should at least lax things now mostly because I see it as a courtesy. I understand it can be cancer, but to be honest, if you want better player retention, just look at all of the denies in the log before this event, that's lost players right there too.


    Reduce everything for apps this time around and have fun.

  6. 1 hour ago, AGiantPie said:

     I've found that staff members in general do not do a good job of Rping and properly portraying Gods (I mean, can anyone really?),


    I can.

    I have enough cynicism within me to portray 50 gods at the same time.


    Also, the Brath do exist lore wise I believe, but just not labeled as Daemons or Aenguls, just unknown entities. Wyvrun or whatever was just something added to appease the Snow Elves or something I dunno, I wasn't around during those times.

  7. I am not for the duck thing, but to point out, in Aeigs and sometimes forward, there was a Halfling/Oc in a fish costume named Fishy.


    It was approved by the admins at the time, so if you want to write up something similar to that I am sure it could be done.


    If not, then tell your friend to make their character look like a duck.

    Blonde hair, eyes, a ruffled and yellow tint to clothing and maybe some big lips. There are alternatives here and I think you should explore them.



  8. 1 hour ago, ˢᵏʸ said:

    Read this in a neutral or happy tone, I am not being mean. Grr.


    Gizz, may I call you Gizz? Well, Gizz looking through your channel and skimming through various videos (most importantly the roleplay series one) I have learned a couple things, first of all that I don't fit into the niche audience that this falls into and secondly that the roleplay in your videos are far from what LotC does. Gizz, allow me to explain.


    Your videos are heavily scripted with either clear cut punch-lines to jokes or off the cuff humour, whereas Lord of the Craft tries to pride itself off of dynamic and flowing roleplay experiences. Then your series has placeholders to new age sort of jokes as well as modern culture references, whereas Lord of the Craft is a fantasy minecraft server that heavily rotates around it's already established lore. 



    Hidden Content



    People can learn as we all did.

    Age and 'niche' doesn't mean anything if people learn how we do things on this server.


    I am sure people will see that if they get accepted. If problems arise that's why we have a team of moderators. It's like people don't know we have security on here.

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