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Posts posted by KarmaDelta

  1. 20 minutes ago, Shady Tales said:


    "Why would I pay Dunamis to leave when they were allowed here tax free by previous regimes as per their land holding contract? They don't even own the land, they're literally renting for free. I don't *****-foot, dwarf. I gave the Dunamians a warnin' of eviction and they picked the path they wanted. I also could care less about your previous Grand King. It was Rhewen who subjugated the Vandorians and now seeks to bring chaos to a realm offering him neutrality just to protect his hired swords. If you want to protect them so bad, maybe YOU should pay for them to come live with you!"


    Nafis pauses for a moment, scratching at his goatee.


    "Why am I even giving a second's thought to this? Dwarves blew their treasury on one mercenary company. Ya'Allah, they pay out the ass and are probably going bankrupt!"


    Durack would just shake his head as he hears this and walks away.

  2. 3 hours ago, Shady Tales said:


    "Nameless dwarf says they're allies. Are you in a complicated relationship with Dunamis?" Nafis asks Durack with a frown.


    "Nae, ahm jus' fawken appall' boi deh weh yeh fawken talk. Yer loike evrehun else 'roun' 'ere da' wishes fo' "Peace". We Dwed ahre a race wiff suppose' 'onah, which some ove us 'ave. Weh wish fo' peace, e's nae ou'a faul' da' ah fawken pas' king 'ad done. Ef e' was teh ottuh weh 'roun' wiff Oren, weh'd shrug e' off 'nd fawken seh es nae teh faul' ove some twi' da's dey're figure 'ead.


    'nd ah keep sayin' da' yeh lads coul' 'ave fawken pehd Dunamis coin tuh 'ave em move fo' virtualleh a toime ove peace, exactleh wot yeh fawken supposedleh killed fo' 'nd promised yer people. Oren nae fawken pehd fo' em, which still suproises meh tuh dis deh, teh fawken morons. Ef deh wan'ed tuh fawken win, dey'd 'ave used anehfin dey could use. Ahm still shaken moi 'ead tuh dis, yeh fawken 'umans, ah respec' some ove yeh, 'ell, moi clan deals wiff em cause das ou'a loivele'ood, bu' come uhn, yeh should beh simple people wiff simple loives, loike teh res' ove us. Ah undahstan' peace cannae alwehs beh ah fing, bu' ah mor'al bein' can dream, roigh'?", ends Durack in a low mutter

  3. 3 minutes ago, Shady Tales said:


    "Your allies are bandits. Pick better allies." Nafis replies to the nameless dwarf.


    "Peh dem tuh ge' uff yer lan', t'ey're nae allies yeh cun'. Li'eralleh, yer fawken goin' again's wot yeh fough' fo', which jus' proves ehn deh ehnd da' yeh nae truleh ca'e fo' peace. Ah swea', peaceful people coul' fawken see dis instea' ove goin tuh war wit' ah fawken mercenareh ban'. Yemekar bless dese men 'nd dere 'ypocriseh!", says Durack

  4. Durack would chuckle lightly as word begins to spread throughout the Kingdom about this.


    "'s funneh, ah'll give e' da'. Givin' peace o' war wehn t'is lad said 'e nae wan's war fo' 'is people. Truleh ah 'ypocri'e, 'specialleh wehn 'e can jus' peh Dunamis, which es ah Mercenereh Compneh which evrehun fo'ge's fur some reason, tuh ge' uff 'is lan'. Es simple. War can easileh beh avoi'ed da' weh. Ahm still surproised da' Oren nae fawken b'ough' ehm ou'." , remarks Durack.

  5. On 2/10/2016 at 4:30 PM, Pureimp10 said:

    "Look at that. Angry dwarves," he'd say to his son. "It's hilarious, how some foam at the mouth at the mention of Oren."


    "No mention of Oren was made my friend, only angry words towards those who forsook their fellow Dwed and calling them traitors. Oren means little in this situation.", would chime the Common Man as he peaks around the corner with his quick fact.

  6. From what I saw in another thread, Orcs are starting to RP raids.


    Speaking of that, with the Tribe system, I feel like you guys could raid each other too. You guys are all cool with each other so I am sure the leaders could be setting stuff up.

  7. 3 hours ago, Bagley said:

    Yes - ostracizing people. Its almost like jumping the border is an illegal offense :o! Much unlike Hitler, Trump is only targeting those who have illegally entered into our country, instead of the minority as a whole.


    There's a difference between illegal and those who are citizens.

    Trump has said that he wants to get rid of all Mexicanos and Qualasheen people. He even said that he feels honored that 2 men kicked the **** out of a random latin-esque man. He also said that he blames not only the enchiladas, but the blacks as well for crime in the whole country. I don't know if he went back on that at all, because I certainly don't give a **** about what he tries to take back after he said at one point. 


    ******'s crazy dawg. The only thing I agree with Trump, which is still a stretch, is his way of calling people out. Most of the time he goes far, way beyond than what is needed, but that's the only thing I see going for him. I just hate him mostly because he lacks what I like to call, humanity. I understand becoming President, much less running for it, is a huge donger waving party, but jesus **** on an ice block, the dude just keeps saying **** everyone but Americans, which is even debatable at that point because I am sure with his vast wealth has cheated the American system, which in turn is ******* the American people.


    I hate politics.

    I'll just say I like the way Bernie talks, I hate the way Hilary and Trump talk, I hate the way the so called 'Dr.' talks, other than those few, I don't really know who else I hate or like because I don't even like. Yes Bernie is an idealist, but hey, at least he knows how to talk and not have the power to literally make people go up in a huge racist mess like Trump can.


  8. To be honest, I always thought the Orcs should have some akin to Dwarven Clan Holds for living conditions. I want to call this the tribe system.


    The Tribe System

    What I mean is, is that you guys can have Clan Camps, such as Ugluk, Gorkil, Lur, etc., spread out within the deserts/swamps of 5.0.

    To be honest, even though I don't play an Orc I just love their community, I think this would be pretty good for you guys. You guys have numbers and could most likely pull it off since you guys are trying to build yourselves up. You guys would have your own environments and **** that relate to your cultures too.


    I think this could also bring in some cool **** too, like for example, new plays don't just wander into an Orc infested city where they may get klomped for being a stupid pinky. Instead, they would literally have to find an Orc camp and would interact with that clan. That way, in RP, they can probably have the mindset of, 'Oh god, those Orcs in the swamp, they almost killed me oh god. The Orcs are horrible.' or a nicer reaction to whichever Orc clan is more accepting of said race.


    Then say if you guys want to have clan callings, you all could pitch in to make neutral grounds, so for example, you have those that are your more pronounced but not yet Elder Shamans find a place to build and bless with spirit power to give it an air and feeling of neutral territory.



    Again, this is just what I think would work best for the Orcs, but there is that whole community thing. It works with the Dwarves though, no matter how many are in a clan, if you stick with them you will always have fun and interesting RP, especially since I was a new player.

  9. 6 hours ago, Bagley said:

    Socialism isnt viable and has failed on multiple occassions. Sander's ideas may be appealing, especially so to the American youth, but they are doomed to fail; and on the off-chance they became a reality, the American economy would suffer greatly.


    Just like building a wall is a viable option and ostracizing people.

    Can't wait till we expand to Poland.

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