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The 7'th Friar~

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Everything posted by The 7'th Friar~

  1. Who won? WE-WON! 8-) moral of the story: Holm is awsome, and Holm-ians are even awsomer-er :P
  2. good point, I find it can ruin RP to some extent, my char has great skill with axe in stats and in RP, but all I need is some guy in diamond armor and then no one actually stands a chance, no matter what their background or skill is. (unless you also have diamond gear:P ) I am 100% for no diamond armor.
  3. I was the town officer then! I remember that as well. I think I saved the party :razz:
  4. An hour after I heard about the "anyone can use chicken farm" thing, I walk to the chicken pen and see it completely empty. Problem? this is why we had it this way with the farm in the first place, people are to stupid, or they don't care enough to use it properly. the next person I see doing this loses a hand. :angry:
  5. Holm could be better prepared :P but okay, sounds like fun... as long as it isn't a bunch of diamond clad fella's that just blow a hole in the wall and kill us all really easy <_< ( not that I assume that will happen )
  6. When is this? sorry, t'was gone a few days :P ))
  7. This page concerns all military matters of Holm. There are to branches to the military. Guard, and Navy. Holm ranks: Guard: (greatest to least) Commander Captain Lieutenant Sergeant Officer Recruit Navy: (greatest to least) Commodore Captain First mate Senior sailor Sailor Skipper Leave any thoughts and ideas here. ~Holm General, Hann~
  8. Good idea Nurrak, since Renatus could suffer the lose of the war, we will be trying to get as many Renat immigrants as we can, Passports can help us keep tabs on our population. When we have the immagrints, we will be able to make the guard more powerful, we will be able to actually start that Navy, and all that great stuff.
  9. It was mostly setting an example to people as well.
  10. Fine...I just wanted to test the chair...
  11. To set an example of how we do not take ANY crap in Holm, our first unlucky criminal, will get no chances, the next crime we witness results in DEATH. From murder to stealing chickens from Alf's farm. The execution will be public, like all of our executions will be in Holm. when we have our death-row prisoner, we will arrange a time and place for the maximum amount of spectators to attend the execution. NOTE: If the criminal has family and friends in Holm, the MUST attend the execution. After our first execution, we will allow more chances, and will not execute over small things done. Note: we are still strict, and will still have you punished badly for any crime. ~Hannibal~ ~Head of Guard in Holm~
  12. (( I was joking about the mustache, I was seriously freaked out by the idea of pirates raiding holm, and I guessed as much from Brian. PS: mustache is an eye grabber. xD ))
  13. I couldn't take the pirate seriously either. ( did you see his mustache?) also, that halfling hates violence, he even had to turn away when I showed him our execution machines. I don't think Brian meant anything by the joke.
  14. So, if I can make a storage are below my basement, I can keep my current house?
  15. Okay, I want to keep the guards organized, so that's why this is here. People can apply to become guards here, we will also have public notices that involve security ( like when we finish the borders, make the prison, etc) and citizens can ask about guard-related things here. (( I would make an app format, but to damn tired to do so. 4:00 AM ))
  16. Brian gave you a death threat? Was it serious? Becuase I can't take an 80 year old halfling seriously when he said he is going to kill you. Let's not forget he is an old friend of Hiebi, we won't just cut his tounge out and throw him in a cell, I'd like to know more about this.
  17. Since I am head of guard in Holm, I feel it is my duty to warn you about how we will react to crimes. I will be giving out a list of crimes in the near future, but this is about what HAPPENS when we catch you doing them. 1. If the crime is petty, and committed by a minor, (below 20 years of age) it is a fine. (amount depends on circumstance, and what mood I am in.) 2. If the crime is petty or moderate crime, committed by a adult, they either pay a fine and do jail time, (jail time and amount of minas depends on circumstances, and my mood.) or if they cannot pay the fine, they will lose a piece of their body that is ironic ( like a pickpocket having his/her hand chopped off.) and then they will do jail time. 3. If the crime is major, committed by any age, will have all of their wealth taken for Holm's government, and their property taken. they will then do jail time, and be publicly executed via Redstone-chair or Head-Hammer. ( time in jail depends on how major, and if I am in the mood for an execution.) NOTE: Family of the criminal MUST attend. We do not take any crap in Holm, and the purpose of this tough system is so you will think twice before you commit a crime. ~Hannibal Grimes~ Head-of-Guard
  18. MC name: friar7 RP name: Hannibal Grimes Gender: Male Job/stats: Hannibal is the law-man of overholm. Axes: 98 Archery: 39 Citizenship: Overholm Small description: Hannibal is a young human with a passion for community, logic, and peace. He was appointed as law enforcement by lord Hiebi, he has no raceism towards dwarves or any other races.
  19. Lol, for whatever reason, since barely ANYONE was online recently, the wardens "raided" our fort, AKA: walked in and claimed it since no-one was there to fight them. And I looked up the rules and they broke them, so if you hear we were taken over by the wardens, that's all B-S. just keepin you all informed :P ~Mork Yohom, WR Guard-Captain
  20. Also, if seventh, triloq, or Burke arn't online, contact me! I'm MORK, the guard captain! I'm usually on around.... 6:00 eastern time? I hop I'm right. Just gimme a PM!
  21. Hey, Burke, edit this, I'm the new guard captain since heril died
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