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The 5'th Friar~

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Everything posted by The 5'th Friar~

  1. My character is too. ;-; **** gon' go doown.

  2. I probably would. If I knew what tinychat was. x_x

  3. Whut's dat 'bout monkey being yo' sweetheart? :P ( ._. )

  4. Hi Friend. What 'tis up?

  5. HI NIKIAS! Long time no see indeed.~ How have chu been, old friend?

  6. Sorry you're MA was denied.~ I think you could get it on the next try, 'cause you were mainly denied because of color's. xD

  7. I noticed, will do. :P

  8. Not playing LoTC makes you want to eat Puppies. That is... interesting. Tell me more about these temptations.~

  9. I need the skin itself, not just a pic.

  10. Alright, request away. :D

  11. Congrats on getting your VA, Aeran.

  12. I am your first person to comment on your profile! TEE-HEEEE!


  14. Alright, tis understandable.

  15. MC Name:friar5 Weekly Availability: Agh I'm not in the mood to do this... <_< But you know when I'm usually on... yeah... Timezone: eastern Standard time. Have an Accepted VA?: Nope. If you do not, do you understand that you may only work as a quartermaster or guard?: Yes. IC Name:Athura Are you willing to live at a tower, or other designated place?:I am willing, although I would not prefer to do so, as I am Steward Of Bowshire. How good are you at combat?, explain past experiences: I haven't much experience with a blade, but, I guess I'm not bad. I had to kill my brother, though, when he tried to kill me. What trade skills do you consider yourself good at ((Skills and levels))?:Well, whenever I have real need for fighting, it seems as if the World slows down and something overpowers me, and leads me to victory most times.. ((lvl 100 swords)) I am not strong, but I am fast, and good in a fist fight. ((Wrestling 67)) Do you have any attachments to any specific group or person?: I don't really have... attachments... to people, but yes, to the Town of Bowshire. Are you willing to work outside the law?:If need be, I suppose.. I would try to avoid that, though. What other guilds or groups have you worked for in the past? I have no former experience in Guilds or Groups. Tell us about yourself: Well, I grew up mainly in Holm, even though I haven't met many people there, so then, I mainly grew up travelling around, I haven't really lived that long to write a nice long story. Well, I am inventing an instrument, and I am learning to become a Doctor. I always love to help people, and try to avoid violent situations. Why do you want to join the Spectres?: I want to unify Asulon as best I can, and my friends are in the guild also. I would feel like a sore thumb if I wasn't in it. So,I mainly just want to help.
  16. Somthing suspicous has arose! It says the server is online, yet I cannot connect!

  17. Aodran, are you still in the Ravens? Just wondering. o_o

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