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The 5'th Friar~

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Status Updates posted by The 5'th Friar~

  1. Whut's dat 'bout monkey being yo' sweetheart? :P ( ._. )

  2. Hi Friend. What 'tis up?

  3. HI NIKIAS! Long time no see indeed.~ How have chu been, old friend?

  4. Sorry you're MA was denied.~ I think you could get it on the next try, 'cause you were mainly denied because of color's. xD

  5. I noticed, will do. :P

  6. Not playing LoTC makes you want to eat Puppies. That is... interesting. Tell me more about these temptations.~

  7. I need the skin itself, not just a pic.

  8. Alright, request away. :D

  9. Congrats on getting your VA, Aeran.

  10. I am your first person to comment on your profile! TEE-HEEEE!


  12. Alright, tis understandable.

  13. Somthing suspicous has arose! It says the server is online, yet I cannot connect!

  14. Aodran, are you still in the Ravens? Just wondering. o_o

  15. Hai Ogedi, you should let me be the Overseer! >:D

  16. Emberhard, tell me the new locks for the doors and chests. ._.

  17. So you have -29 dislikes because of your currancy Idea? o_O Sounds... *****. Your awesome. :D

  18. Relgard! Why do you have such a bad reputation?

    Your the best there is, man! :D

  19. I wanna be part of the Application Team so bad!

    I want to help people get on the server, and to make them happy to enjoy the great RP experience of this server!

  20. Triloq. We all miss you. Skyrim is epic, and all, but you cant play it forever, come on the bloody server! :D

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