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Aedan The Bard

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Status Updates posted by Aedan The Bard

  1. It's a unique experience to play this with one of Dublin's orchestras as a special guest with some friends :D

    1. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      I play transverse flute by the way

  2. I felt like enjoying myself, so I made some Earl Gray with honey and Half&Half creamer....Why don't we have this stuff included in the server Lore?.. *Drinks Earl Gray, enjoys the sweet and soft flavour, yet with a strong taste of Black Tea*

  3. I'll make sure to upgrade the map and then I'll tell ya all u need to know :D

  4. ...Renon for example), so, yeah.

  5. Reply to Criswelvania status:

    Maybe u can join us?. Since I finished Criswelvania many times, I decided to rp as The Rachen (Drakul's agent) and Drakul himself, as well as the boss battles and what non. I'm upgrading the map to give it more sense for a multiplayer party Botar, me, Silent and Hindy with quests, characters and the likes, taking some of them from Castlevania games (Re...

  6. I hate Minecraft Forge... By the way, upgrading Criswelvania Adventuremap with my own puzzle style... Just made a Massive cave undergrownd, the size of Old Laurelin, more or less

    1. Rilath


      I love Criswelvania<33

    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Maybe u can join us?. Since I finished Criswelvania many times, I decided to rp as The Rachen (Drakul's agent) and Drakul himself, as well as the boss battles and what non. I'm upgrading the map to give it more sense for a multiplayer party, with quests, characters and the likes, taking some of them from Castlevania games (Renon for example). So, yeah :P

  7. Botar, I'm reading your content and googling your identity >:D

  8. Dat badass-godlike-baws-epic-glorious-magnificent-incredible-powerful-mindblowing Rp

    1. V0idsoldier


      ya totes mang

  9. Aaaaaand it just started snowing D:

  10. Just noticed something. Aedan (my character) tends to Own anyone who attempts to make him feel like crap, or simply harm him in a psychological way. Reminds me of myself in real life...

  11. BenjaminKayEight has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?


  12. Just noticed something. Aedan (my character) tends to Own anyone who attempts to make him feel like crap, or simply harm him in a psychological way. Reminds me of myself in real life...

  13. Where have ya been mate?


  15. Today I felt like doing something unusual. I went into a pub I don't like with a banana hat and a satchel filled up with bananas...and yelled at people like in this video:

    ...I had to leave once they said they would call the police
    1. Shuness


      .. did you make them eat glass?

    2. Aedan The Bard

    1. RenownedWolfman


      I am not happy about this.

    2. EmeraldStag



    3. 154684321654951


      Late 2013, online, aliens.

  17. Ur Forum avatar is scary D:

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