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Aedan The Bard

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Posts posted by Aedan The Bard

  1. Regarding the RP and PvP graphs, I had recently mentioned a small idea about finding a "neutral" point for RP and PvP Default. In essence, I mentioned it would be a lot better if RP were default for groups smaller than 4 people, and PvP were considered or enforced for groups larger than said number. However, note I'm talking about the initial group. The players who join should roll with whatever is taking place.
    I also mentioned how in combat RP, people should learn to take turns. There's a system that I read about in a different server which, although seemingly complex, was quite simple and helpful to avoid the headaches brought by the spam of emotes.

    The basic idea is that each player has an "Action". For each action taken against them, they're are allowed to "Defend". When all players involved have had an action, It starts again. That is called a "Round". This is repeated until there is a winner.
    New players must join at the end of a round with their respective emote.

  2. I declare none of you met the original Pumpkin Lord, Aedan, who received said title from the Pumpkin God (Pumpkineer) and Goddess (Pumpkiness) in Aegis, after the great Pumpkin Rebellion of Laurelin. A dwarf named Rigrud put a pumpkin on his head and gathered followers, which lead to a battle against the Cactus God, and the creation of the "No Hoods, Masks or Pumpkins" law of Malinor.

  3. What Firespirit said.
    The racism and elitism has become part of the high elves now, it's hard to accept that but it's the current reality. However, I would be happy if it's kept to the high elves who want to be like that, and not enforced on all of them like it's part of their genes. I've seen it's being enforced on other elves, too, reaching the point where a wood elf refused to talk to my Adunian character because of his bloodline. Personally, I just feel it should be enforced as ideals, because some, if not all, new players are treating it like a genetic trait that is there just because they're high elves. Don't do propaganda of it to other races, just keep it you yourselves and I'm sure people will be less mad.
    Other than that, I love the fanciness.

  4. Shorsand is one of the most eccentric, creative and complex role-players I've met in lord of the craft. He can go from very humorous to very sad, and then take an unexpected turn and become mysterious when he roleplays. I'm sure he'd be a great addition to the E-Team, because someone like him is really needed from what I've seen.

  5. If you remove raids, war will have a more meaningful impact. If you keep raids, why will people war? What can they do with war that they cannot do with raids (that they like)? If you maintain a balance (like that tempting 1 week cooldown for raids), you keep everyone happy. If players start complaining that the restrictions should be removed, add more or ignore them. It's not an option, and they're not precisely being positive for the server on the long-run.

    Sincerely, all I've seen is players bitching that the raids are too restricted, and the staff being abused (yes, there is such thing) because they don't want to seem like they don't care about the community because, then, a lot of players will ***** at them and claim they're abusing their power and not listening to the playerbase. However, they wouldn't be doing wrong by not listening to those who keep asking for less and less restrictions. They would be doing their job and moderating, since that part of the community can't seem to moderate themselves. You don't go around asking "Hey, want me to moderate this?". You do it. If we went around asking or complying with everyone who asks for less laws and less rules, or less restrictions, they would end up having their way and everything would go to hell.


    Moderators were chosen because the players and the staff trust them to do their job, as well as the Admins. If they add restrictions, it's for a reason. You don't argue with the law enforcement team unless it's obvious their laws are unfair. The restrictions were not unfair.

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