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Aedan The Bard

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Posts posted by Aedan The Bard

  1. We just want to have fun rping. We dont care if people dont like us. I think lots of those people were just like "Finally! I hate the filthy snelves!". But in all honesty, we have interesting possibilities, and I want to explore those and see how great we can exploit them too. And we think we can provide the kind of rp that is the out of place elf. We are setting us up to be, lore wise, elves that dont fit in, elves that are kinda not elves. We don't very much like nature, we have industry, we are as tall as humans, we have the shortest ears!


    I can bet at least 60% of the people who voted for them staying in Thales did it without hate.


    Seriously. Stop making these feedback threads and GO BACK TO ROLE-PLAYING.

    So far, the only Snow Elf I've seen role-playing like no one's business and actually enjoyed interacting with has been Cupcwakez, and that's been because she's not over here doing posts nor writing comments about their culture nor implied sub-race. She's out there role-playing the culture. Want to fix things? Start RPing and stop giving a **** about the forums.


    If you want to have fun then go out there and have it! No one is stopping you! Making threads like this one only shows that you do care for what people think and request them to tell you! You're contradicting yourself!


    Stop being "master race" and having civil wars that revolve around OOC nonsense. That's what we Adunians are for!

  2. Renaming items, restriction to commands (including plugins), and anything that gives you an advantage over others or any form of game content that is being restricted has to go from VIP perks. In fact, there can't be donation perks, other than cosmetic stuff.


    The idea is that people will now donate only if they find the server worthy of their money. That is a good thing, because it makes the server's staff (any server, mind you) work harder on improving the experience, otherwise they don't get money and the server eventually dies.

  3. Drakkar sat by a lonely stream, holding his sword in his hands with satisfaction and respect. The blade's runes glowed a bloody shade of red as its master ran his fingers tenderly over its back. 

    "Soon," he whispered soothingly to the blade with an eerie air about him.
    "You shall feast on the souls of worthy foes, not the blood of base-court vermin..." he smiles grimly.
    "Besides..." he adds, "A war against dishonorable esceors is not worth fighting," he says with unnerving peace. "They are not worthy of dying in battle," he mutters as he sheathes Dyrnwyn, "They are unworthy of meeting the edge of our blades..."

  4. One of the greatest role-players I've had the pleasure of meeting.
    Not only is Chimlet all about immersive and hardcore role-play, but he is also the coolest guy in the Adunian playerbase. He's chill; rarely, if ever, gets angry, and when he does he stays calm. He's incredibly respectful and always maintains a neutral perspective, capable of solving situations without getting stressed nor mad at anyone.
    He is not just an option; he is the option.


  5. Hell, also build making sense. Add foundations, don't build a wall in the middle of the ocean because, naturally, the waves will bring it down. Build making logical sense. Terraform nicely if you need to. Push the mountain back a little, dig a nice zig-zagging river and make sure it looks natural. People forget they can also alter the landscape, keeping it beautiful, so their buildings fit in it, and instead they force their structures onto the map :P

  6. Somewhere in Thales, Aedan Meadowbloom stands next to his wife and only purpose in life, offering her all the support and comfort he can in his mortal existence. Unable to help, unable to heal what was broken, guilt consumes him like a freezing wind around his heart as he refuses to let his being rest until the day Arial can smile again. "It is all my fault..." he whispered at his grave.


    It was fun while it lasted. Congratulations, Good bloody Job; GG.

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