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Status Replies posted by Kragnak

  1. Anybody got any suggestions on how I can de-update so I can for once play again on this AMAZING server?

    1. Kragnak


      Thanks for the help guys! I'm so pumped to see the huge updates.. Skyrim kept me off for so long..

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Updated magic post

  3. You know what dissapoints me of the ban appeals. That people dont realy know how to deal with something called DIPLOMACY... :(

  4. The people at the hospital kicked me out saying only imdeiate family members today and saying I was only his friend. I then persisted to tell them I was his brother, he told them that, and so did our parents. e then all got kicked out for "failure to comply" which is total B.S. cause all hey would have needed to do is look it up. This is crap.

    1. Kragnak


      thats terrible.. what kind of fascist hospital are you at..?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. So I kinda got yelled at a bit for using a soulstone to get out of a pit. Opinions on whether it's legal or not? Acoording to Ever, there's people who vouch for both sides.

    1. Kragnak


      If you can't get out, SS seems legit, as long as you weren't being RP'ed whilst i nthe pit

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. This is great. My brother gets to spend Christmas in a hospital unless we manage to get him to the top of the transplant list in a week. I have decided I am not going to leave the room at all. If he can't have a good Christmas then I won't.

  7. This is great. My brother gets to spend Christmas in a hospital unless we manage to get him to the top of the transplant list in a week. I have decided I am not going to leave the room at all. If he can't have a good Christmas then I won't.

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