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Everything posted by BannanaToYou

  1. ((Sirbubbley if you get accepted on your Va, we will be happy to review your DB application.)) ((Tip: Remember to spell everything correctly and in the right order. You may have a tiny issue with pressing the keys correctly. (Jsut) Remember to type it correctly (Just), That is all))
  2. ((5 whole days out of 7.... someone gets out a lot))
  3. ((We haven't gotten a person apply in ages... lol))
  4. ((Jexdane, you in the lesser council?))
  5. (( CometKing123 your making us highly confused lol.))
  6. ((If you are talking about a guild app, re-make one. If you are talking about a Villain App, re-make one, a good one with consistent character development.))
  7. ((Was on a Nation Build server, built a huge airship, with Nazi flags drooping over both sides, I took some pics.))
  8. ((I voted for Renetus and Salvus, but I'd rather raid salvus, I had this big ass RP yesterday where I fooled Enor into thinking Renetus is going to attack in like a MC month lol, we shoud attack Salvus over Renetus because Renetus has a much bigger army, Salvus has a small army and no defense what so ever.)) ((I'd much more prefer to raid a base when we know we have our own base, I'd start doing this once we have our base))
  9. ((Put a pole up? I would like to raid Salvus or Renetus, preferably Salvus.))
  10. ((Sorry Jexdane, I was excited your coming back.))
  11. ((HOLY **** YAY SO HAPPY OMG DB GOT OUR BROS BACK, NOW WE HAVE FUN TIME WITH SLAUGHTER SPREES)) ((A naked girl is the first today, we executed her lol))
  12. ((I would like to learn one spell, that would be, thy fireballs of Vaquxine and Native. I'd love to learn it, teach us the spells, O' Holy Regaki!))
  13. ((Raptor's Teacher: Find out about Create a fact file on this famous dude. Raptor: 10 minutes of LotC wont hurt right?)) ((Sorry to see you leave Arbrek, never could hold that meeting.))
  14. ((Seraph, you can't be told yet, but this money seriously, really, matters towards the guild. Were talking serious here, I would happily do it, but I have school from 7am to around 4pm where I get home))
  15. ((Hahah we'll see who's higher.... hehehehe. lol))
  16. ((I'd have to say this isn't fair lol, everyone must have taken my contracts :( I want the contact :) )) ((Amd whoever said this is ripping skyrim should just back down and leave the area.))
  17. ((Dude what is this? Pm me some extra information as I have no idea what this is, and you posted the link on my profile so))
  18. ((*Picks the letter up and immiediatly lights a cigar with it. lol ima coming maybe))
  19. VisualJaw I know, I just don't want anyone getting a warning strike for advertisement, I like your town and would like to support it also.
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